Chapter 21

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*Just a little warning there is a possible sensitive subject mentioned in this chapter so read with caution*

Chapter 21

The following night I set up the living room in what I pictured to look romantic, of course I didn't know, but every placement and setting was just right in my head. I had placed the comforter on the floor and tried to light a few candles although coming away with a few burns. I had placed some ready made meals in the oven and had the ice cream ready in the freezer. All I needed was Frankie to come home.

Home. I loved that. This was our home. A feeling fluttered up in my chest at the thought, it was warming and made my hands shake in nervousness.

I sit waiting, breathing loudly and trying to calm myself down. I can do this. I can do this.

"Hey." I hear against my ear and I jump at the sound of the soft voice, the soft hum as he breathes in my hair and his arms wrap around my shoulders from behind. I don't know how I didn't notice him come in, especially jumping over the back of the couch to envelope me in his arms.

"Hey." I say back sharply on an intake of breath, I release it and smile resting my head back onto his shoulder as his perches on my own breathing into my neck and the soft prickles of his five o'clock shadow tickling my cheek.

"And what's this? Don't tell me you did all of this for me..." he says as he turns to sit next to me, since last night falling asleep together so close and content, we had been more in sync- it's like we had been together for fifty years... But you're not together Gee, not officially, and you won't be if you get that eye procedure.

Embarrassed I turn my head down to my lap, I twiddle my fingers and fiddle with a stray thread on my jeans. I had even dressed up in a black shirt with my black jeans, my hair was a mess and my feet were bare but I felt informal and stiff in the shirt.

"Hey... It's okay, I love it thank you," he lifts my chin and kisses my cheek as I blush. "I'll freshen up and why don't you get us some glasses?" He says and I nod.

Glasses. Yes, that I can do. Glasses. I huff as I guide myself into the kitchen, I stumble against the wall a little as the bright light of the kitchen burns against my eyes. I had forgotten my glasses in hopes to build confidence in showing off my eyes, I know Frank likes them but I was still shy, the plastic had began to rub the bridge of my nose as I was drawing earlier. Yes you heard me right, drawing, I had started off small with just some simple bird like shapes and hopefully I would build it up to more complex things.

By the time we are back on the comforter Frank had gotten our meals out of the oven and I had began to loosen up.

"Thank you for the macaroni, I haven't had it since I was a kid." He says as he places a hand on top of mine.

"Wait macaroni? Damn, I was supposed to give you soup." I mutter faking hurt and confusion jokingly. My cooking ability didn't reach any higher than that.

"Very funny, as first dates go this is by far the best." I'm not expecting it but I feel warm soft lips against my own leaving a slight taste of cherry lip balm behind.

"Hopefully it isn't the last." I surprise myself and I feel him nod in reply. "Oh no! I completely forgot to pour our drinks. Here let me do it, I want to surprise you." he giggles and I smile as I feel him fluttering around beside me.

I was now getting used to moving with sound, before I used to stare into open space but now I had someone to talk to on a daily basis I was begging to open up, tilting my head and moving as if I could see. It made me feel almost normal again. I didn't need my eyes where Frank was concerned, we were like clogs- we just fit together and made it work.

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