Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

*Frank's POV*

I clutch onto his frail hand, his eyes fluttering in a fight to stay awake. His hair a mop on his head and his smile a ghost over his lips.

"I don't want to say goodbye." I choke on my words, my free hand pushing his hair away from his face, away from those eyes so beautifully coloured in honey and cinnamon. 

"Don't say goodbye, it sounds as if I'll never see you again." He whispers, sluggishly that I have to lean in close to hear him.

I won't. Never.

I promise him with tears welling in my eyes, I kiss his head, his cheek, his nose and his lips. I feel the tear run a path down my cheek to join our lips and taste the salt mixed with love, anger and sadness.

It's then that I'm pulled away, I have to watch him be wheeled down the ward and behind the white sterile doors. It leaves me with this empty feeling, this cold isolated pressure building up inside me. There is a echoing silence filled with a telephone ringing, a machine beeping, keyboard tapping and in the distance a baby squealing. So now I wait.

With a sigh I take a seat in the almost empty waiting room, I dig out my notebook and pen, and I begin to tap at the page in an anxious rhythmn. It's blank. I tap, I doodle and I sigh as not a single word comes to my head.

I’m interrupted in my tapping by the feel of breath against my neck. “Excuse me.” I hear and I jump a little startled before I turn my eyes to meet the most intense marbled brown ones. I draw back a little, my breath caught in my throat in suprise and I see the girl’s wide rosy lips spread into a smile and her small nose wrinkle up with it. She’s pretty with raven locks that flick up and frame her face till it reaches her shoulders; no trace of make-up at her age is a rare sight and her pale skin is flush with a small blush on her cheeks. “My pen just ran out do you have one I could borrow?” she says gesturing to her crossword puzzle book as she leans across the seats.

Slightly embarrassed to be caught staring I look away to the black pen in my hand clutched tightly between my fingers and stutter my way through as I extend it to her. “Umm, urrh, sure, here.” I say nervously as I offer her the pen wishing her to just take it before my hands start sweating. I hated this, I hated talking, I hated confrontation and even this girl had me scared out of my converse.

"Who are you here for?" She asks moving back to settle in her seat, she crosses her legs and moves to face me in the seat. I look around as her voice fills the room, not realising how quiet it was, everyone is so absorbed in their problems they don't seem to be moving a single muscle.

"My boss... Friend... Boyfriend." I stutter awkwardly as I scratch at my neck looking away sheepishly.

"Cool, I'm here for my brother, he's having his appendix out." She cringes and rolls her eyes before looking down at her crossword again. "Appendix! Six down, eight letters!" She leaps out of her seat in glee. I had never seen Someone so passionate about puzzles before, her enthusiasm is infectious because for a second I smile.

"He's going to be okay you know?" I hear, making me turn my head back at the girl. She couldn't be any older that 15, her kindness comes with innocence and naivety, a type I lacked when I was her age.

"Who?" I ask suddenly lost for thought.

"Your boss, friend, boyfriend. He's going to be okay, if he knows it's you that's waiting for him then he'll be okay. The moment he sees you he'll be glad you stayed." And that puts me on edge. It makes me tense. He'll see me. And in seeing me he won't need me anymore. I'll be useless.

"Jamia?" I hear a nurse ask the girl who had me stunned. Jamia. That's a pretty name. "Your brother has been asking for you, he would like to see you now."

"That's me. I told you it's worth the wait. By mister." She hands me back the pen before skipping down the hall after the nurse.

I stare down at it. Like it weighs the weight of the world. And I know what I have to do.

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