Chapter 12

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*A/N: So there should be more frequent updates as I have put That Tattoo Guy on hold- if you like this story I suggest you read The Tattoo Guy (if you haven't already)... also I'm just going to let you know from now on I should be updating more but it does depend a little on comments, votes and reads etc. only because I don't want to rush to write a chapter and end up uploading it all and people get bored of it quicker... so enjoy this chapter as there are a few mixed moment in it and it's a Gerard POV!

Chapter 12

*Gerard’s P.O.V*

“Sorry about earlier.” I say to fill the silence in the car. After Dr. Pearson interrupting us in the middle of a moment… did we have a moment?... He put eye drops to seal up my eyes and they were back to their grey dull state.

He doesn’t answer, I can feel his tension spiking from his body like a protective shield, and he had raised the wall just like I had the night he waved his hand in front of my face. At least now I didn’t have to worry about my sunglasses anymore, even if I needed them for the light sensitivity I already know Frank is as repulsed as I am about my disgusting features.

He lets out a sigh before I feel the car stop. “You have no idea how worried I’ve been the past few weeks, you have no clue how it makes me feel every time I saw you stumble into something or to see the bruises you’ve caused yourself. You could have seriously hurt yourself Gerard.” Oh crap he didn’t call me Gee… he must be pissed. “You’re my responsibility do you understand? I know you well enough that you don’t need me like I thought but what if it had gotten so bad and you fell down the stairs one day whilst I was grocery shopping? It’s gonna take a while for me to trust you again.” and that was the cut to the balls, he didn’t trust me, he was seriously angry and I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know he cared that much. Of course he cares you idiot! You wouldn’t have been about to kiss if he didn’t care for you.

“I didn’t realize you felt that way.” I say softly.

“Yeah? Well I guess you don’t realize a lot of things. Let’s just get inside I’ve had enough of this conversation for today.” He sums up and I hear the door click open and slam shut. I flinch at the sound, my poor car! She had been neglected for so long, I forgot how beautiful I was to hear her purr once again. I hear and feel to door onto on my side and I grab at Franks elbow as he guides me out the passenger seat before we trek up the steps and into the house without a word said between us.

We both slump into the couch awkwardly and I can’t help myself when I blurt out the only thing I could think of to win back Frank’s trust. “Will you cut my hair for me, Frankie?”

The question hangs in the air for a moment before I feel a shift in weight on the couch and a light touch combing through my too long hair. “Are you sure?” he asks and I blush a little at the attention I’m getting.

“I want you to do it. Chop it all off.” I tell him and he moves off the couch pulling me with him.

“Let’s go upstairs, it’ll clean up better.” He tells me as he drags me up the few steps before the upper floor. I hated stairs the most, it was like walking up the leaning tower of Pisa blindfolded, you got dizzy really quick and with one uneven step you could come crashing down again.

In the minutes that pass I feel myself pushed onto a chair in the middle of the bathroom, the light draft of Frank moving around me, he tells me to take my clothes off so I don’t get hair everywhere and I blush when he hands me my batman pajamas to go over my boxer briefs.

He stands behind me after wetting my hair so it will cut better, I feel him run his fingers through it over and over again as if he will miss it as much as I will. But as all creative people do- we change things on a regular basis- it keeps us grounded. “Are you really sure?” he asks again as he lifts up the first lock of hair from the top of my head poised between the two scissor blades.

“I trust you.” I say softly. Snip. Snip. Snip.

 I feel him work around me, fingers and metal from every angle it’s like he’s one big blur. It isn’t until I feel him settle on my lap, legs either side of me and front pressed to my own that I realize he’s almost as naked as I am. His warmth encases me and I can’t stop myself at the shiver that runs down my spine as he leans in closer so he can cut at my fringe, his hand pressed to my forehead so he can see what he’s working with, and light coffee scented breath fanning across my face. “Hold still.” He chastises me and I stop my nervous twitching. He finishes up and blows once more across my face, then bends forward so he can whisper in my ear. “I hope you are as excited as Little Gee is about your new do.”

At that moment I see my situation; horny, introvert blind guy pitches a tent over erotic haircut. I am so screwed.

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