Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I had jumped from place to place for the last few days, from coffee shop to coffee shop day and night, but finally I had made the choice to meet the guy advertising for a live in assistant. I had freshened myself up as much as I could and now sat nervously at a table sipping a large creamy coffee as I stare at the table engraved in a variety of names and phallic drawings wondering if it was to make their mark on something in life or if it was something of a tradition. A time ago I used to embed my name in anything and everything, I guess everyone wants their moment in the world to become a part of it for as long as they can, it’s their own story. A simple ‘LOLA LOVES SAM’ could be the marking of the beginning of a relationship, years later they would return when they were married and sit at the same table, after that their children would visit and their children’s children would do the same.

“Excuse me, is it Frank?” I snap my head up to the weary voice above my head, my khaki eyes meet honey coloured ones trapped behind black rimmed glasses.

“Yes, pleased to meet you, Michael right?” I ask as I stand and shake his hand before he’s seated.

“It’s Mikey. So I hear you’ve just graduated college.” He says sipping at his dark black coffee that I hadn’t noticed he’d ordered himself.

“Yeah, I just got my degree in caring and assistance. It’s part medical, part social science so I can administer medicines whilst giving the correct care.” I inform him just like I had practised time and time again so that my nerves didn’t show, usually I’d bite my nail and cross my leg over my knee and shake my foot to a rhythm only in my head.

“Well the position I’m looking for isn’t for me, it’s my brother. He’s pretty introvert and stays mainly in his room like all artists do. He needs a mother more than anything, someone to cook and clean for him now that he can’t do it himself, other than that you’ll have free time.” He explains and I nod along. It doesn’t sound like what I’d been trained to do the past few years but it was the only job offer I saw coming my way.

“Is there anything else I should know about?” I ask with a raise brow as he tries to avoid my eyes for a moment making me think he’s hiding something. Surely he would save money on a house keeper or something.

He composes himself before leaning forward a little and releasing a sigh. “Listen, I’ve never done this interview thing before, as far as I can tell you’re a great guy who’s worked too hard to just throw it all away.” His eyes flicker to my tattooed wrists slightly exposed by my jacket along with a sliver of razed raw flesh. “It might be best if you come see him for yourself, as far as I’m concerned you have the job if you want it.”

And at that moment I let out all the air in my lungs and a trace of a smile graces my lips. I did want it. For some reason more than I could ever think of, I wanted it. It’s an excuse just to hold on a little longer.

“Wow, I u-hh, thank you.” I stumble out and catch his extended hand in mine giving it an awkward shake and internally cringe at my cold hands.

“I think you and Gerard will get on like a house on fire.” He smiles as he stands beckoning me to join him as we leave.

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