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*A/N: This is the end guys. Please do comment, vote and share, and read the authors note at the end of the chapter- Thank you xxx

Epilogue- 1 year later

Frank's P.O.V

I dust the snow off of my shoulders as the warmth of home surrounds me, my thick heavy grey coat is now damp in patches and as I hang it up I feel a light tug to my jeans.

"Hey Sweet-pea." I crouch and pick up the excited little dog, she had grown heavier but it didn't matter to me, even with little patches of grey in her fur she was still a baby to me. "Where's your daddy huh?" I croon as I walk around our small home, the once dull dark walls were now covered in memories and art.

It didn't take long for the walls to be filled, once we found each other again we decided to poster the place in photos from every event, every road trip and every opportunity that we could. There is one of me and him with Mikey when he graduated college, one frame was filled with pictures collaged together from every gallery we had been to where Gee had featured some of his work, the day we had gone to the beach, the day we had gotten Sweet-pea and a couple are still left blank. I like the blank ones the most. They mean a future, a hope of continuing the present.

"Do you ever think at how many strangers are in our photos?" I ask running my fingers around one of the frames, a picture inside of us taken restaurant, people litter the background in all forms of ways. I look up expectantly at Gerard who has managed to make it out of that stuffy art studio for the first time in days, he stands propped against the frame and just raises his eyebrow. "Like we could have accidentally captured a moment in their lives when their dreams come true, or something terrible happens to them or something. And how many peoples photo albums we are in? Like we could have been a part of the best day of some strangers' life and never knew it." I sigh and let him pull me to his chest after I put Sweet-pea down, he kisses my forehead and looks down at me, at that moment I know he is the only person I want my picture taken with.

"How was work?" he asks as I nuzzle into his warm chest, my cheeks were still ice cold, and just being close to him after a long day made me happy.

"Tiring, but Mister Palfrey was great company, he came in for his last round of radiotherapy and we spent the whole recovery time talking about music. Did you know he used to play in the same band as my dad?" I move away from him so that I can take off the nurse's uniform I have to wear at work, underneath leaving me to wear the long sleeved shirt to cover my tattoos. In the three months I was away from Gerard I had found an amazing job being a support nurse in a local hospice, it was amazing because there were so many people there for so many different reasons- they were like family.

I sit on the couch with a yawn and a stretch. "How was your day?" I ask as I see the biggest smile spread across his face.

"It was amazing, I have some news to tell you, please don't panic." He says calmly but I can tell he is torn between dancing on the spot and throwing up with nervousness.

"Don't tell me you are pregnant." I say with a straight voice and face but it isn't long before I burst out laughing at his shocked expression turn into an eye roll. "I'm being serious now, come on Gee tell your baby daddy what's up?" I chuckle as he almost tackles me with tickles until I plead to be serious.

"I had a call today from my old high school, they want me to come back to teach art to the advanced classes." He says and I still.

This was something I had never thought he had wanted, it was never really an option before, we had lived happily from selling art and sketches here and there as well as my work at the hospice. It was big news and the smile on Gerard face made me squeal and pin him to the couch so I am sat on his lap.

"Congratulations Mister Way." I whisper as I press my lips on his, his bitten away lips are slightly rough against mine and as we deepen the kiss it becomes more desperate so I pull away to look into his widening and shrinking pupils, they keep trying to focus but I know it might not be any use, at least they stayed a beautiful coffee colour with caramel highlights but the fog over his cornea stopped him from seeing the best of things.

"It's Sir to you." He murmurs as I press my face to his neck, smelling the oaky scent, the bitter coffee and sweet cinnamon only Gerard possessed. His hand comes up to soothe down my fairly short and tamed brown hair that had been ruffled by our kiss, his own hair was now short and dark with the hint of lighter brown. We had loved every moment we got to see each other, we only knew that one day will be the last day that Gerard would see me, and so we tried to do it all whilst we could still enjoy every moment together with wide eyes.

Every day Gerard was beginning to see less and less, the doctors had said that the surgery wasn't permanent, that it didn't work and until it was certain he was blind- they couldn't allow that it was a fail. We didn't see it as a fail, we saw it as an opportunity to extend our love as like I had told him that night I came home; you don't need eyes to see into a person's soul, you don't need eyes to find yourself in someone's heart, loving each other was enough.
The art of love, the art of life, the art of passion- we didn't need eyes, we all live life blind to what we can't see or feel or know, no one does.

Because our art is what we make it and in this life: we are all blind artists.

*A/N: so this is the last part of The Blind Artist. I just wanted to thank every single reader, every single comment and vote that this story had as I really appreciate every single one of you. through this story I received so many messages in my inbox telling me how much they loved the story and couldn't wait for the next update, without the amamzing feedback I get from you all there would never be a story.
I know this may not have ended the way you had hoped, but it isn't the end yet, the story isn't over- there may not be a sequel but there are going to be oneshots based on a few themes in the epilogue and they will all be posted in this story, I rewrote the epilogue so that I could do the one shots because I am in a bit of senile of it being over to be honest, I didn't want it to end as much as some of you guys so I tried to leave it open but at the same time close it for those who don't read on .
I really do hope you enjoyed this story, I do hope you share this and keep it going even after it's finished as the readers of The Tattoo Guy have done. I plan on writing some new Frerard pieces that I started back when I used to write on TheBlackParade forum and am eager to start again although I may have to take some time out at a later date as some of you may know :)
anyway once again I do really really thank you all for sticking with me through this and I really do look forward to hearing more from you in the one shots and later work.
Thank you all for reading! Thank you all for taking time to comment and to vote! I really can't thank you enough so I shall leave it at that and once again hope to hear from you all soon! xxx

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