Chapter 24

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*A/N: Just a filler chapter as I'm trying to sort out most of my stories- I have 2 chaps of that tattoo guy left and I'm starting a new sequel to an old book and writing this one.... Enjoy and until next time... -Love, MFK xx

Chapter 24

5 weeks later

*Gerard's P.O.V*

It's the day. The day I have the surgery that will change my life. And I have never been so scared.

Questions keep spiralling in my head, over and over again. like what if it doesn't work? what if Frank has to go? what if he won't want me anymore? Am I just a fake?

My life had become one big pity party since losing my sight, I hated it but it gave me some form of any excuse to become introverted and non existent. But once I see again, if I see again, will people think I'm a fake? that I took an easy way out when there are others out there who need it the most. Like those who will never see their children or see the love of their life. I just hope that Leonardo DiCaprio hasn't lost his looks.

Things like this never existed for me before, I never believed this opportunity would ever exist.I thought it only happened in cheesey teen books or fairy tales. You know the ones where the guy gets their sight back and they live happoly ever after?

I don't believe in it. Which makes me even more nervous over mincing myself.

I hear the door of the hospital room open and slight panting wheeze from a young chest.

"I'm sorry Gee, they only had hot chocolate working in the machine so I went down the block. But I crashed into a door on the way back up throwing hot coffee all over myself as well as the doctor telling me you can't eat or drink anyway!"

I smile softly and wave my hand. "It's okay, I'm just glad you're occupied doing something, I know how impatient you are." It's true, I had sent him on a wild goose chase so he wouldn't be so anxious, if he had come back with coffee I would have made a fuss for him to do something else.

"What are you thinking?" He asks as he settles onto the edge of the bed, his soft finger tips running over my forehead.

"About how unreal this all is. How I'm so scared that I am close to bolting from this room." I shrug, I didn't see the needle when they put it into my arm, I felt it ten times worse making the experience all the better. No I was just waiting for the beep to tell me they'd administer t sedative. The beep that would trigger my last moments of being in a haze of darkness, red and swirls. It was what I was now used to. Most of the time I could see black or grey, others would be red as if I had closed my eyes and looked to the light, and the patterns would be when my blood pulsed under my lids and pressure built up. I would hair be seeing in full HD after this. What if I didn't like what I saw?

"Don't be scared. I'm here now. You have me. I just needed you to throw me the lifesaver." I feel his smirk against my temple as he kissed it and I instantly relax as I turn into him so my face is now pressed into his chest taking in the smell of cherries and lilies.

"Like Titanic?" I chuckle playfully.

"There was room on that fire place! He could have lay on top of her, lay next to her, took turns! He didn't need to die!" He exclaims passionately making me burst out into a fit of giggles..

"Don't worry, if we ever drown, I'll let you lay on top of me."

I sigh as I hear the beep sound. Here it goes. The last thing I feel is content as a warm hand clutches my own. Frankie.

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