4: Family

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4: Family

*Frank’s P.O.V.*

I lived for these moments, where I could just lay my head on Gerard’s chest, hearing his heart beat like a soothing drum under my ear. I loved the feel of his soft skin against my cheek, my body pressed against his and entwined around him with our legs tangled and fingers running patterns over my our exposed skin. It was something we now appreciated to do together, with Mikey being here we spent more time with him in a way of catching up and making moments last whilst Gerard could still see. But now that he had moved out, we had found ourselves lonelier and bored on our own, it was like there was something missing in our home.

“I think we should have a baby.” I mumble on his chest kissing into the bend of his neck.

“Well I’m sorry to tell you this but I don’t think we have the right equipment for that love, I mean we sure as hell won’t make a baby doing what we just did.” he smiles down at me lazily with a cheeky smirk on his face which makes me move so that I can watch his face. The way his eyelids flutter on every breath like he’s on the brink of falling asleep but they open just enough for me to see those beautiful honey eyes.

“Forget I said anything.” I sigh, regretting even mentioning it now.

“I didn’t mean it like that, I just mean it like do you really think we could look after a kid?” he soothes me bringing his hand up to stroke my hair. I guess he’s right, I mean as much as I love the idea of having children of my own, having flesh and blood looking back at me I had to accept it would never happen naturally. I doubt we could handle the crying and screaming, the days of diapers and baby puke… I just wasn’t maternal enough to put myself through that.

“Probably not, can’t we just skip to the teenage part and get a kid in their twenties?”

With a small chuckle Gerard rolls us so we are on our sides, his hand to my cheek as he lifts my head up. “Don’t be sad about it Love, we can get a pet or something… what if we get a hamster?” he suggests and I know where this is going.

“No, we want a real pet- something to love and to hug and to love us back.” I tell him blankly as I see his eyes shift to the closet in our room.

“But I already have a princess cage that would be so perfect for the hamster I was going to buy!” he whines like a child which I can’t help but roll my eyes at.

“And don’t say spider either.” Gerard had always wanted a spider as a pet, I didn’t get the fascination, whenever there was a spider around he begged me to get rid of it so why get one in a cage to look at all day. “What about a scorpion?” I suggest instead, that I could do, after all I did like them, the first time I held a scorpion I was only 5 years old at a walk through zoo in the park; coupled with my zodiac sign I had always admired them.

“Why would I want a scorpion when I have one right here.” He purrs into my ear, and licks at my neck over the scorpion tattoo there, with a soft moan and giggle I move closer.

“Eww stop Gee, you don’t know where my neck has been.” With a small giggle I squirm as his teeth nip at the skin.

“I know exactly where your neck has been.” He chuckles and for a moment I am lost in my thoughts of what we were doing almost half an hour ago fog my mind, the way he liked to kiss every part of me but most of all my neck. He was my little vampire, in that sense, if he asked me to I would totally let him suck my blood.

“What about a dog?” I gasp out as I am pulled under Gee, his hands moving to my wrists where he brings them up above my head holding them there leaving me vulnerable in a way that I didn’t mind.

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