1: Confetti

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There are 6 of these one shots and this is the first! So please enjoy, vote, comment and share!

1: Confetti

We sit watching and waiting for this guy to stop talking, he just goes on and on about various things like applying ourselves, aspiring and striving to achieve in life. The usual bull they say at these type of events, the ones where you sit and pretend you are listening but all that matters is the reason for being there.

Like proud parents we watch with anticipation, trying to spot him through the crowd of grey within the graduating class. "Do you see him?" Gerard asks as he lets me lean over him and try get a better look for those round geeky glasses under the cap rim.

"No, you would think for a skinny, tall and geeky kid he would stick out amongst everyone here but they are all the same." I grumble, sure I felt mean but today Mikey graduated from medical school and amongst all the carbon copies of preppy rich kids he was all that mattered.

Gerard had brought Mikey up, their parents being so consumed with work and the loss of their father meant that he had to scrape together all the funding and money he could to make sure that Mikey followed his dreams. That he would become someone to inspire people, to be an everyday hero, and to make him proud.

"Adam Taylor, Claire Underwood," the man reads in order as we sit and watch each one come out to collect their diplomas.

"This is him." I say as I spot Mikey looking so grown up but nervous at the side of the stage as the girl before him gets her diploma gives an awkward bow and walks off stage with a blush.

"Michael Way." The Dean says and with a deep breath Mikey walks across the stage.

We practically beam with joy and pride as he shakes his hand, I snap a few photos and we feel like we have clapped and cheered our hearts out by the time he has taken his seat.

I feel Gerard reach his hand out to fold over mine as we see Mikey smile knowingly into the crowd where we had been assigned seating. This time we were here, I made sure no one had the long silence that I had and even though the seats were too far back for Gerard to see properly even with his glasses on, Mikey's smile stood out amongst the crowd.

"I can't believe he is so grown up." I hear a cracked and husky voice next to me, I turn to see tears brimming in my lovers eyes and he sniffles back the tears as we pull each other to our sides like glue.

When the ceremony is over a great roar of cheers fills the small auditorium and the room us filled with sparkle and light from every banner and streamer. I start to move to go but Gerard steers me to another seat were he tells me to wait for Mikey.

As I stand and observe the commotion around us I feel Gee's hand tighten and I turn to see the professor that had started it all. Professor Walker gives me a wide eyed grin as he comes over and shakes my hand; I shake it back eagerly, after all he is the one who gave me to job clipping and had helped me find the man I love.

"I'm so happy to see you here, Frank, I didn't expect to see you for another 20 years where your kids graduate." The professor chuckles a deep belly laugh that reminds me of Santa at the mall.

"Me too but actually I am here for my brother-in-law kinda. This is my partner Gerard, and Gee this is my ex medical care Professor Walker. If it wasn't for him we wouldn't have met." I snuggle into his side as they offer each other hands to shake and I roll my eyes. How very gentlemanly of them.

Even after the professor leaves we find ourselves still waiting for our honey eyed star to appear.

"To think I was here only 2 years ago, no one to clap for me, no one to say goodbye to. Yet I took the clipping and got the job that led me to you." I whisper with my head on his shoulders, my hand in his between us as we scan the room.

"Hey guys, thanks for making it." Mikey pops up behind us and we turn to embrace him. Gerard almost picks him up as he hugs his small body, it's as if he is clinging to him for whatever life he has left, it's a hug of love and of thank you for staying strong and being there for one another.

"We wouldn't have missed it for the world, we're here for you, you're our brother." I smile as I pat him a congratulations on his back to which he gives a small smile of gratitude.

"Congrats buddy." Gerard chokes up a little pulling him tight again to his chest until Mikey lets out a winded breath and a chuckle to his brother who looks away sheepishly with a small tear glazing his beautiful fading eye.

"So I've been thinking about moving back home, I mean back in with you guys, just for a couple of months." Mikey awkwardly scratches the back of his neck like he is scared of the answer, but the hope in his eyes only shows how much he looks up to his brother. How they were family and all they had, it was important to gain each other's approval.

"We'd like that, I'd love that. It's good to have you back." The look on Gee's face is one of pure adoration and warmth, his eyes are so deep in the way that I feel every emotion that runs through his mind, and our connection becomes stronger as his does with his brother.

"I just need to say goodbye to a couple more people, stay right here." Mikey rambles excitedly handing us his diploma scroll and his hat.

"Take your time." Gerard says as we watch him shrink back into the crowd. Once again we are lost in the swarm of 'thank you' and 'goodbye's around us, I had always hated things like this, the large crowd felt suffocating and the waiting felt like an eternity. I had never classed patience as something important, I had never thought that time really mattered until Gerard leans down to whisper a small story to pass the time.

"Our parents were the type of people to be first to anything and the first to leave. We never stayed for anything, we never spoke to anyone, we never enjoyed things because he were constantly rushing everywhere. We had to be early because our dad hated to be late, we would arrive and sit waiting on others for half an hour; if they hadn't arrived by the time we had gotten there our dad would flip out and curse at them, he would get nasty with his words until they arrived. And we would leave early, we had to beat the traffic, we had to beat the crowds. It used to really piss Mikey and I off, so when we got out, I promised him we would arrive on time and never early, we would stay until the very end because we used to live in the fear of deadlines and the rush of life; but waiting doesn't slow down life, it lets you live it."

As he finishes I give him a small smile, eyes on Mikey as the celebration begins to finish and people are now returning to their families instead of to each other anymore. He comes over looking around as people begin to go. "Let's not go just yet." He mumbles with a clear smile on his face, I could see how much this meant to him, I could see the way he knew Gerard would keep his promise and he cherished that.

"Hey, do you guys want a picture?" a guy with a camera comes over and a notebook.

"Sure." Mikey jumps in and writes down our address, we stand on either side of him as he makes sure everything is just right and with a small pat down we wait for the flash of the camera.

And as we all chuckle 'Cheese' something catches my eye. A white piece of confetti falls in front of us, long after the celebration, it's light and delicate as it flutters to the floor.

In that moment I'm glad it does, I'm glad its captured and that it's here, because that last strip of confetti shows that that it's not over, it's not the end, nothing is ever over... it's just a new beginning.

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