5: Future

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5: Future

*Gerard's P.O.V*

Today was the day. The day that my comic book was officially able to buy in stores, I couldn't help but feel the spike of joy run through me after 10 years of hard work I was able to release a comic I was proud of. It was built around growing up, being different, defeating your demons and celebrating who you are- even in a world where gay marriage was accepted, alternative hair was in and tattoos and piercings didn't matter to people. But it still existed, the prejudice and hatred in the world couldn't be stopped in changing times and it never would, all we could do now was help give hope to those that need it. The only problem was that I was here alone, away from my home and in a city I didn't like or know, now partially sighted I felt lost without my good set of eyes.

"Gerard, a fan just sent this through the line, he was insistent you read it." A young man who worked at the store where I was signing snapped me out of my daze.

"Thank you." I muster a small smile and slip on my glasses, it didn't help much but I could read the large bold print of the envelope decorated in stars and my name.

Inside I pull out the thick pages and start to read.

"My Blind Artist,

Congratulations on this whole milestone in your life, I know you have had so much set you back in life and not let it get to you, so I wanted to let you know how proud I am of you being here- in this moment.

I realised long ago that you're the person I want to dive headfirst into life with. When I plan an adventure it is you I want holding the map. When I speculate about the future, I want to see you in every outlandish fantasy I plan for myself. You're the person I want to dance around the house with in my underwear with. You're the person who makes the whole world feel wide-open to me and I want to take advantage of that. I want to plunge into the future with you - because it looks bigger and brighter by your side than I ever could have imagined. I don't want to settle down with you. I want to take off with you - to far-away countries, foreign landscapes, gems and corners of the world that would only have looked half as amazing without you by my side. When you strap on a backpack and head to the airport, I want to be boarding that plane with you. You're the person I want to come home to and the person I want to escape with. I want you on every adventure I take for the rest of my life. I want to do everything on earth with you.
I don't want to be the person you always agree with. I want to be the person you challenge - to change, to grow, to expand in ways that wouldn't have ever occurred to me before I met you. I want heated debates at 3am. I want stark disagreements when I'm acting out of line. I want passionate arguments about the way we're living because your fire fuels mine and I never want that spark to die out. I want to be someone you aren't afraid to challenge because sometimes I need that extra push. And you can bet your ass that I'll push you right back.
I will never forget the way you looked when you told me you loved me for the first time. I will never forget the way you smell, the colour of the freckles in your eyes. I will always remember what makes your heart race, the moments of smaller magic that bang and clash against your ribcage when my head rests on your chest. I will immortalize you in my fingertips; I will never forget the way you make me feel. Something about you inspires me to be bigger, brighter, bolder than I ever knew that I could become. And I hope that I inspire you, too. That together we can encourage one another to grow into the fullest, strongest, fiercest versions of each other. That ten years from now we will be prouder than ever to be standing beside one another and that twenty years later we'll be even prouder still. Yes I am talking about 30 years! As I have already spent the best 12 years with you, and know there will be many years more- you aren't getting away from me yet.

The truth is I never fell in love with you all those years ago; I walked into love - surely, deliberately and without a backwards glance. I chose you from the first day I met you and I promise to keep choosing you. Through every fight, I'll choose you. Through every temptation, I'll choose you. Through every twist and bump in the road that threatens to tear us apart I will choose you with the ferocious certainty I've felt since the first time I ever laid eyes on you. I'm not worried about falling out of love with you Geebear, because I never fell in. Loving you was a waking, conscious choice and it's one that I'm going to keep making until the day my heart stops beating.

So know that I miss you, our dogs miss you and that I am proud of you.

Forever yours."

No sign off, no extra note, I am left stunned at the words in front of me. Even as I am told they are letting people through I clutch my hands around the note and take off my glasses, looking down at the space where a book is placed down by small hands. One with a heart on, another with a spider web. HALLOWEEN spread across the knuckles.

With wide eyes my head shoots up to see him. My Frankie.

"Mister Way, I am your biggest fan, please may I have an autograph and a picture?" He mocks in a childish voice, batting his eyelashes playfully, and I can't help but practically leap up from my chair so my lips are on his. Two weeks away from him, two weeks without my home, my heart, and now I felt complete. I couldn't believe he was here.

Pulling away I hear his breath hitch, just like it always did when I kissed him, it was breath-taking.

"You are too perfect." I whisper feeling happy, complete and shocked. "I can't believe you are here." I am so tempted to ask him to just whisk me away, taking me from all of this, but he catches my train of thought through slits in his eyes.

"You are going to sign my book, take a picture with me, and then you will do the same with all the other fans out there waiting to meet you; got it?" he places his hands against the lapels of my blazer to smarten them, and I pout till I see his 'serious face' which instantly makes me look like a puppy dog.

"Yes, dear." I smile whilst I say it and sign the comic without looking, and then I am sucked into the moment as he holds the camera in an amateur 'selfie' style and I know that this is the start of a future together. A future we have already begun, a future that gives me hope, a future whereI will fight for the beauty in which our hearts have felt, and though it will be difficult at times, like worthy things are, I will believe in him - I will believe in us. He is my forever.

The Blind Artist (Frerard MCR Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now