Chapter 90.

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"You got to lose to know how to win"

Song: Dream on - Aerosmith

(A/N: This seemed fitting considering it's Liv Tylers fathers band.)

PS. This chapter is long as fuck, and there's a few songs throughout it.






Getting to Sophies was a... mission.

It's 5pm and we'd been trying to leave our house since 4pm.

Well I'd been trying to leave.

Do you have any idea how hard it is trying to finish off a trifle with a grown man clung to your back?

Trying to steal kisses against your neck and touches anywhere he can?

It was like having a bloody horny criminal koala stuck to me.

Harry acted like he was trying to be affectionate or playful, but I know him. I've known him for a year and a half, if you don't include the time we met three years before that.

Ever since last night, when we finally had sex again, showered together, been so close with each other — all of it.

He's been... well like me last night actually, like he'd been zapped alive after months, and just learnt what sex was for the first time.

Harry's isn't pushing it, but desperate affection is how I'd describe it.

God help me if I wasn't an inch from tipping the trifle on his head if he whispered one more dirty thing in my ear, with that infuriating sweet smile afterwards.

My frustration was coming from the fact that it was affecting me, a lot.

You'd swear after all this time I'd be used to but, I'd still get those same damn butterflies.

The ones that fluttered in my stomach and flooded the rest of my body, like a thrill to every nerve ending I have.

When his hands would smooth down my sides as he watched what I was doing over my shoulder, letting his fingers graze against my thighs and inch a bit higher.

It gave me goosebumps when he'd mindlessly be rambling off more facts about the butterflies I bought him, and leave random kisses against my neck as he spoke.

Fifteen minutes is what it took us to even get out of the front door.

Harry stood near me, watching me as I put my shoes on, then adjusted my dress when I stood up and next thing I knew; I was against the door and he was kissing me.

The only reason I was complaining is because it was taking every shred of my willpower to actually stop, and not stay there with him.

There was this exhilarating excitement and tension between us, it felt familiar but brand new all at once.

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