Chapter 12.

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"Thank you for making me
Feel like I'm guilty
Making it easy to murder your sweet memory

Before I go tell me
Were you ever who you claimed yourself to be?

Either way I must say goodbye.
You're dead to me."


Jimmy does not look happy.

Both Andy and I looked to the direction  of his voice, seeing Jimmy stride towards us with confident bouncing steps and a smile.

That smile however, looked anything but happy. It looked manic.

Jimmy points at Andy with an excited grin as he gets closer "You missed your daddy didn't you? That's what all this is about."

I take a step away from Andy as his body stiffens, while he glares at Jimmy and as soon as Jimmy reaches us; he's taking my hand and pulling me to stand next to him.

"I have nothing to say to you" Andy sneers through his teeth, keeping his voice low "I'm here to talk to Abby. This is between the three of us, it has nothing to do with you."

Jimmy snorts, slinging his arm around my shoulder and gestures his chin towards me "Go on then. If you've got something to say go right ahead."

Then Jimmy leans forward, raising his brows "But make sure it's worth it. Because you're fuckin dead for touchin' my little peach. I'm starting to think you're just suicidal at this point mate."

"You won't do anything here" Andy dares, gesturing to the people around us "You're crazy not stupid. Too many witnesses."

Did Andy just accidently give Jimmy a compliment? Ha.

Jimmy points an animated finger at Andy "Smartest thing I've heard you say - but there's only one problem."

"And what's that?" Andy asks, folding his arms over his chest.

I didn't think Andy could get more infuriating. But this knew egotistical attitude he has, is more frustrating than when he recoiled away from confrontation.

"Doing stupid things is fuckin' fun when you're crazy" Jimmy grins.

Andy's expression falters momentarily but then he composes himself "You'd really do that in front of Abby's mother? Prove to her you're exactly the people she thinks you are?"

My mother is just watching the whole interaction  with a gob smacked expression, turned around in her chair and looking at Jimmy as if he's the antiChrist standing in front of her.

"What difference would it make?" I pipe up, staring Andy down "After all the lies you've fed her she's going to think that regardless. I dont think it matters what Jimmy does at this point and you have yourself to thank for that."

"Look at you makin points Peaches, atta girl" Jimmy praises, giving my shoulders a proud squeeze.

Jimmy's attention is then focused on my mother as he gives her a once over and she goes rigid with his eyes on her.

He then focuses his gaze back to Andy who looks like he's only growing more irritated; that look I remember so well is starting to wash over his face again.

"You stealin' my moves are ya? Bangin mothers? Couldn't keep Abby so you're tryna get back into the cunt she came out of?"

"How dare you!" My mother squawks in offence, holding her hand to her chest.

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