Chapter 23.

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"So hit me like a man, and love me like a woman
Buried inside, look me in the eyes, I want it
One will give you hell, one will give you heaven
Hit me like a man, love me like a woman
Love me like a woman"

I wrote most of this drunk.



I've come to learn that is the feeling I get with Harry.

I came across it trying to figure out what the hell I was feeling in situations like the one I'm in right now.


A thrilling shiver. A pleasurable fright.

It's an inexplicable feeling, that I can't replicate in any moments other than these ones with him. The tingle rippling over my skin at the same time that pang of fear jolts up my spine.

It's an orgasm for your skin, erupting on your whole body and it happens just from the dark edge to his smooth voice or the sensation of his hand around my jaw.

The promise that I have no idea what he's going to do, or what he could do.

I guess I'm about to find out though.

My breath has accelerated in tune with my hammering pulse, my chest heaving as I stare at those eyes pinning me against the wall harder than his hand is.

"I'll give you a head start darling" he says, darting his eyes over my face, before he takes a step back and slips his hand from my jaw and let's it trail down my throat to my chest before his arm drops by my side.

I force my words out, with my voice filled with a tremble from the amount of adrenaline firing through my body.

"Wait - you seriously want me to run?"

I thought he was just being dramatic.

Harrys hands go to his belt, his expert fingers slipping the leather from the buckle with his movements confident and slow, taunting.

"Figured I'd give you the chance" he states, with the cool and calm tone to his voice only sounding more threatening, "Because when I catch you, I'm going to show you what I've been holding back on with you."

I swallow, sucking in a breath as he tugs his belt through the loops and holds it in a tight fist folded in half by his side.

"Holding back?"

He reaches out, grasping my wrist and tugging me forward away from the wall; and then moves to circle around me in slow predatory steps, inspecting me with lazy eyes.

"Mhmm" he hums, reaching up to twirl a strand of the end of my hair between his fingers as he walks behind me and stands still. He moves so his chest his nearly touching my shoulders and the intimidating energy radiating off him is making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

"I never wanted to scare you away, been gentle with you" his voice lowers, and my body jolts when I feel him slip the cool leather of his belt between my legs and drags it up my inner thigh.

"But you're a big bad girl these days, aren't you Abby? Hm? You can take what I wanna do to you, can't you? Yes or No. Answer me."

Gentle? The last 10 months is what he considers gentle?

"YY-yes" I stammer, almost light headed from the atmosphere in the room.

At least I think I can.

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