Chapter 26.

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"I couldn't love you any better
I love you just the way you are"


"No peeking"

"I would never."

Harry can't see, because he's sitting on the couch with his hands pressed against his face but I'm giving him a look like he's so full of shit right now.

I'm going to give him his birthday presents.

I honestly debated about even wearing the lingerie I bought after he spat the dummy a few days ago but, holding grudges never solves anything and we've moved past it. He's very lucky I don't have a petty or spiteful bone in my body; well unless it's towards two certain people I really don't want to think about right now.

I also didn't spend the better part of $800 on this bloody set for it to gather dust.

I swear if he rips it, he'll be one year older today and two balls less.

I'm saving that for last though, for now I have his actual wrapped presents to open and I'm praying he likes them. He's still so hard to buy for. It's not like I can buy him something he can't afford himself, and sure he wears expensive clothes occasionally but for the most part he doesn't give a shit about materialistic things.

Or maybe they lack meaning for him, simply because he has the money to have most things he could want; so the notion of it has lost its lustre or importance to him. I'm not sure. I didn't know him before he had the money he has now from his father's inheritance and his club.

I set the three wrapped presents on the coffee table in front of him, and move to sit next to him; adjusting the black silk robe I've put on to hide what's underneath. 

He was like a nagging cat whining for food when I said I was going to change when we got home after dinner, simply because I made him wait in the living room and cover his eyes. I decided not to try and cook again, so we went to grab dinner at the bar we go to for family night instead.

He's been exceptionally, clingy since the zoo today. I don't mean it in a negative way at all, he's just been stuck to me like velcro since.

All of the words I never thought I'd use to describe Harry when I first met him, are all he has been since that butterfly house.

Sweet. Soft. Gentle. Carefree. Happy. Innocent. Lighthearted.

He's just been in an exceptionally good mood. He's just been a big squishy kid all day, all the way into the evening.

Normally his sweet behaviour is a ruse that would lead up to me getting fucked until I forget what year it is, but today it's simply been because he's really just felt like it.

Feels kinda odd, but also beautiful to watch.

"Okay, you can look" I finally tell him, watching his hands drop faster than I can blink but his eyes immediately get caught by the black smooth material clinging to my skin; raking his gaze over it before bringing it up to my face.

The black pupils in eyes eyes expand inside the green, a slow pleased form of excitement tugging his mouth up at the corner to flash his dimple.

"Got a surprise for me under there baby?" his voice is a confusing mix of coy hope, yet low and lustful when he lets his eyes take in another once over and shifts closer so his thigh brushed against my own.

I'm anxious to see what he thinks of his gifts, I just want him to unwrap them already so I can then deal with the crippling nerves of letting him see me strapped up like a hoe ham in red ribbon and mesh.

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