Chapter 42.

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"Just kill me a little bit
Tighten your grip 'round my neck
Show me the after life
Like drowning in paradise
It feels like real love."


A/N: This is a double update, read chapter 41 first if you haven't already.

All aboard. Enjoy the ride.


Yep, okay

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Yep, okay. She's still very angry. Got it.

I'm momentarily stunned with how to react. I've had Aby be aggressive before, well, aggressive for her but not like this. And I'm unsure whether I want to smile, or pick her up and throw her on the bed so I can fuck her brains out.

"That's your first and only warning," she adds, not wavering her eyes from mine.

It sends my pulse hammering when she applies more pressure; gripping me hard enough this time to make me wince and the sound I make is a pathetic gasp that huffs out of me from adrenaline shooting every ounce of blood in my veins firing straight to my groin.

Her grip slips from her hold on my dick that's swelling in my pants at record speed, and moves both of her hands to my belt buckle to start to undo it.

I reach my own hands out to place them on her hips, but she shoots me glare that stops them before they can.

"Did I say you could touch me?"

I pull my hands back and hold them up in surrender, keeping my eyes focused on her face and raise my brows at her with a sly smile I know I'm pushing my luck with.

Abby narrows her eyes as she undoes my belt, and there's a darkness that's flared up in them that I've only had the pleasure of witnessing a rare few times.

I really am playing around with getting my dick ripped off if I keep testing her while she's like this.

I decide to stay quiet for now, even though I'm dying to taunt her. I'm intrigued over how this is going to play out, and what exactly she's planning on doing.

It's a strange dynamic I have with her when she's like this, because we both know I'm stronger than her, and a lot more dangerous -- I could have her pinned against the wall in a split second if I really wanted to. And yet, somehow that petite little mouse has the ability to have me on my knees with just a few words if she wanted.

I may have more physical dominance and power, but Abby, somehow, can mentally grab me by the throat and leave me helpless.

The anticipation is stirring in my belly and making the muscles in my abdomen twitch as Abby slips my belt through the loops of my pants.

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