Chapter 64.

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You're full of it and you say that

To fuck with my head but

You know that I got a thick skull

It'll be the death of me, oh, I don't listen."

Song: Payback - Bad Child.

A/N: My bad this did end up actually a week buuuuuuut it's long as hell, so enjoy nearly 8k spicy words of why I'm going to hell. I'll be waiting there for all of you, I missed you.



It's been half an hour since Harry left with Sophie and Jacob.

We all got caught up talking and saying our goodbyes before they left, and I tried to hide my amusement over how tense Harry was.

He'll be home any minute.

I am very much not naked.

I may have even put on a sweater over my dress. I was tempted to throw on some stockings and boots, maybe even a scarf just to really get on his nerves.

Instead of being nervous about him getting home, I'm dying to see his reaction and I suppose that's the main difference with me these days.

Ludo is in his room, and Harry wasn't kidding when he said he was exhausted, he walked straight over to his giant bed in there and essentially flopped onto it and barely gave me a second glance when I left the room.

Some days he even scratches at the door to go in there and I won't see him for hours, but I suppose that's what happens when you have the entire room set up like a doggy Disneyland.

I decided to put some music on, and instead of continuing with the vodka on the coffee table I got myself some water. I don't want to get drunk, the giggly state I'm in is enough.

Things feel like they've shifted a lot since our trip away, and I'm not entirely sure if most of those changes are simply with me.

I do feel so different though, I suppose after the year I've had I couldn't expect to be the same person coming out the other side.

Everything with my father really seemed to be my tipping point and the final straw for me.

I'm sitting on the arm of the couch, scrolling aimlessly through my phone waiting until I hear the familiar sound of the front door opening, then closing as Harry locks it behind him.

My stomach flutters at the same time I hear his footsteps coming up the hall towards the living room, but I don't look up and continue fiddling around on my phone.

The footsteps stop a few feet from me, and I have to stop from smiling to myself.


I glance up from my phone, with my gaze landing on Harry's unimpressed stare, before he's looking around the living room momentarily.

The only light is our lamp next to the couch, and it gives the room a dim glow.

I would've lit candles, but Harry still isn't overly fond of decorative candles since the one time he tried to buy one that ended up smelling like an old woman's handbag.

"Did you have a nice drive?" I ask, sounding far too sweet as I place my phone on the coffee table and ignoring the look in his eyes as he stares back at me; placing my phone on the coffee table.

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