New Beginnings / The End.

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"Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run

There's still time to change the road you're on."

Song: Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin.


Part 1 of the Epilogues.

A/N: I wrote some of this baked worse than a burnt bake.



1.5 years later:

July 1st 2021.

(PSA: in Stall world there's no Rona.)


"I said, get the fuck out."

"C'mon, nothing about any of this seems strange to you? And none of you are willing to talk about it?"

I glare at the dipshit across the counter from me, clenching my hands into fists.

"What part of get the fuck out don't you understand? Hm?"

These idiots are really on a mission to shorten their lifespan.

They left us alone for a year, and now all of a sudden they're crawling out of the woodwork again.

"Mate listen, we're just looking for some answers. You don't find it a bit weird that your girlfriend now runs that shelter? After her boss was killed by David? That she also dated his stepson and also worked for his sister at the cafe?... Who was also killed by David? Your nightclub burning down? The basement he was found in, you owned. Abby's best friend is literally dating the guy from the bikie club that killed David and Andy."

He's standing there in a polo shirt and khakis, holding out a voice recorder acting like he's some kind of king shit investigator.

Reminds me of a cop.

Not a fan of those.

Or reporters.

Or people digging into my goddamn business.

"Look, you already know what happened. There's no more to the story. It's been all over the media for over a year. It's over. This is the last chance I'm giving you," I tell him, nodding towards the door I remember walking through so many times all those years ago, "fuck off."

He gives me an annoyed look, adjusting his glasses, "Fair enough, I'll just go ask Abby and see if she can tell me how she happened to end up with the son of David's best friend — along with the rest of it. Maybe she can explain to me about those VHS's you had of David and your father, we've heard rumours you had a lot of other tapes."

The guy goes to turn, and my eyes glance to the front door and front windows to make sure there's no one looking in the shop.

You know, I've worked really hard on my manners and people skills the last few years.

Working how I manage my anger, and approach situations.

My arm shoots over the counter as I lean over, grabbing the back of his shirt and ripping him back, turning him and slamming him down against the counter.

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