Chapter 25.

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"There's magic in this memory
Like the shadows that dance up on the silver screen
And years from now, when I look back
Still under your spell somehow

You're the sweetest thing, I ever did see."


July 1st.

 No pressure.

This is only the first time he's celebrated his birthday, ever. No big deal. This is fine.

No pressure.

I've been slowly planning and organising everything for today, hoping that Harry would actually want to do something on his birthday and thankfully he agreed, so now here's hoping it all goes smoothly; and that he actually likes it.

I'm simutaneously excited and completely fucking nauseous.

Don't fuck this up Abby.

I woke up well before Harry, and set to my first task.

Making breakfast.

Unfortunately Harry's alarm clock this morning was the smoke alarm going off in the kitchen when I'd attempted to make bacon, eggs and pancakes.

Don't ask me how you set bacon on fire, I'm still figuring out how I did it; honestly it's almost impressive.

See! This is why I don't cook, and if I do, I only stick to the very select few things I learnt how to make when I was with Andy. If only he knew I would secretly order take out and put it on plates to make it look like I cooked it half the time.

Harry had stumbled out to the kitchen half asleep, hair all over the place with his sweatpants hanging off his hips; he rubbed at his eyes, wincing at the shriek of the smoke alarm and Ludo barking at the high pitched noise.

The sight he found in front of him was me standing on top of the kitchen counter, frantically waving a dish towel at the smoke alarm to get it stop; covered in flour from trying to make pancakes from scratch, smoke steaming from the frying pan and Ludo wearing a birthday hat.

When the screeching finally stopped, I blew out a heavy frustrated huff dropping my hands at my side then my eyes finally land on Harry, seeing him standing there leant against the door frame with a wide grin plastered on his face; looking from me to the kitchen that looks like a bomb exploded in it and Ludo licking up eggs off the floor that I'd dropped.

"What's all this?" he asked, his eyes lit up to match the amused look on his face.

I gave him a sheepish smile. Gesturing to the plate of black pancakes on the bench across from him.

"Uhm... Happy Birthday?"

Okay, so maybe the morning wasn't the best start. But at least it will be memorable, at least we can look back on it and say ''Hey remember that time I nearly burnt the house for your birthday?"

He was so sweet about it though, he offered to eat the pancakes. But I told him not to unless he wanted this birthday to be his last.

Hopefully the rest of the day goes better.

I think one of the cutest things I've seen from Harry, was watching him try to get dressed for the day. He pestered me to tell him what we were doing but I kept repeating that it was a surprise.

He looked anxious getting dressed, and stood there for fifteen minutes holding up different options and asking which one was better. I could tell he was trying to get hints about where we were going but I simply told him to wear whatever he was comfortable in.

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