Chapter 17.

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"There's no sympathy for we don't know the cure
Cause what you've got, well it runs too pure
But you've lived and breathed more than any man I know
But you're not done, oh, at least, I hope"

A/N: I've missed you guys.

A/N: I've missed you guys

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Well, I suppose tonight could've been considered a traditional family outing.

Dinner and a show.

If the show were a WWF wrestling episode.

Thankfully the rest of the night was uneventful, aside from Jacobs complaints that he missed out on all the fun and Harry trying to stab Jimmy in the leg with his fork, while Steve was back to being unbothered and Sophie joined in with Jimmy on teasing Harry.

By the time Harry and I got home we were both tired, however Harry looked more haggard than I did. The long day and worries weighing on him were unmistakable in his eyes; even through his playful moments through the night I could still see them.

I wish all of this didn't weigh on him so heavily.

I know he wants to get rid of David, and now also has his sights firmly set on Andy. I just wish some days he'd give himself a break. It's exhausting to watch so I can only imagine how exhausting it feels for him.

I also feel kind of useless.

I don't know how to help, all I can really do is go to work and support him. Make conscious choices to not put myself in compromising positions to give him some semblance of mental security that I'm safe.

I'm starting to feel like a bit of a prisoner in my own life though, not being able to come and go as I please. Being chaperoned to and from work, never left alone unless it's at home.

It's a lot to have hanging over your head, the threat that there's someone out there trying to hurt you; hurt the people you love and you don't know where they are.

Add onto all of that, everything else that Harry deals with; within his own head and all of the big life shifts we've been trying to make and sometimes it's overwhelming when the reality hits you.


I'm also slowly being pushed into my new reality, the life he has that he worked so hard to keep me sheltered from the majority of the time I've known him.

Nights like tonight where Jimmy and Steve beating a group of men unconscious wasn't even worth batting an eyelash at.

It's easy to forget those sides of them most of the time, when all I see is usually a group of sweet, albeit unstable, but sweet teddy bears.

It's hard to wrap your head around seeing it exist in front of you, people so soft that could put a bullet in someone's head and get a happy meal afterwards.

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