Poetry (Pt.4)

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Alright um this one's kinda steamy so, slight NSFW warning.

"So tell me more about this boy, I've seen him before but I don't know much about him."

George smiles going to sit in one of the chairs, "his name is Clay Johnson." His mother already stops him there, sitting down in her rocker. "Oh is it the Johnson's that run the Jay Johnson's inc., or is it the ones that are part of the staff at your school?" George is surprised she knows as much as she does, but then again it made sense. Ever since they had moved here she made it her sole purpose to fit in. Listening and making friends with every person she saw. "The Jay Johnson Inc. one." His mother looks like she's about to keel over, "hold on to that boy and never let go. Oh my god! You're set for life, his father is insanely rich because of his father. I knew automatically he had to be rich based off his car. He even looks like his father now that I think about it." George can't help but laugh at her rambling, "yeah they do look alike. When I went over to his house his dad was just leaving."

"You went over to his house?" George just realised what he said, a nervous laughter bubbling in his chest. His mom doesn't look pleased, "yesterday, remember how I mentioned I was staying at a friends? Nothing happened, I promise." Which was the truth in a way but at the same time nothing really happened. I mean again that was a lie too. "You're lucky I know you're a good kid," she says taking a sip and motions for him to continue talking.

He clears his throat wondering what he could say, "he plays football. He's a bit of a troublemaker but he's smart, just doesn't want to put it to use." His mom makes a noise, laughing. "Well as you know I went to high school here with were I stayed with a family. That's why we moved here anyways, and oh his father was just like that. In high school he was so popular always hanging around these little preppy girls. Drove a real fast car and it was kinda funny because one time his friends raced and he wrecked that little fancy car but got a new one the next day. Oh I remember how taken he was by Olivia, I think that'd be Clays mom." George really wants to know more because Dream had been so closed off about it.

"What do you know about her?" His mom sits down her drink, a little worry filling her eyes. "Well I remember they started dating Junior year or at least I think, they might have been dating before I came. She was really smart and had a certain aura about her that made you feel lesser, but she was sweet. The principle had put them together because he needed to be tutored, and that's where it started. He'd follow her around despite everyone looking at him, and God she liked him too. Well after High school I moved back to England but I heard from friends that she was having a baby. But she couldn't handle his work or his willingness to flirt with other women so she just left. I can't imagine how young Clay was when this all happened, but I know it was a messy breakup."

George nods feeling bad, it all sounded like them. It sounded like how they got together and despite the pregnancy, George hoped the rest of the future didn't play out like that. "I think I'm gonna go to bed," he says and she gives him a little nod grabbing the remote. He gets up, going over to the stairs, going up them with some guilt. He hadn't done anything wrong and he felt guilty. Rushing into his room he grabs his phone and dials Dreams number. He answers fairly quickly.


"I feel like we just saw eachother."

"I know, do you want to come back over?"


"My mom's going to bed soon and I don't know, I just want to be held and hold your hand."

"Awe that's the cutest thing I've heard all day."

"Is that a yes?"

"I'll turn back around."

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