Up Until I Break

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Up Until I Break:
-Dream is constantly working no matter what and it gives him no time to help himself. With no time means no regression, and he's on the edge.

💫People Included💫

This is about age regression, don't like don't read. 😁

He's had so much to do.

Calling for his merch, searching through different colors and sizes, fixing all the little miss prints. Making sure the events being held were going smoothly and that everyone could be there. Editing 2 hour videos to fit into 40 some minutes. Keeping up his happy online persona all while receiving mass amounts of hate. Not to mention the new song he was working on which everyone was so excited for. He had so much to do and so little time. Always making sure everything was planned while battling his ADHD which didn't want to get anything done. It all was stressful.

There were no breaks, and even after eating dinner with his 2 best friends in the world he'd have to go right back to doing something.

Now staring inside the filled pretty pink box he so badly wants to reach inside. Scratch the itch in the back of his brain that's begging. He had the smallest amount of time but it would be possible. He could take out a coloring book, dive into comfy clothes and let himself slip for even a few minutes. Go back into that soft, comforting world that he'd made for himself. One where nothing mattered but the soft fur of his teddy bear and the cartoons he'd play on his tv. And he almost does it until he gets a call from of course Mr. Beast wanting to hold another event.

Slipping would have to wait.

Which would be lovely but slipping never came. He kept working, letting himself bottle it up to the point he felt on edge. Screaming at his two roommates even when they did nothing wrong. Pushing that little voice in his head so far back he wanted to cry. His pink glitter box was pushed back into his closet and the clothes began to pile on it. The itch had gotten stronger, tears now constantly hiding behind his eyes. He'd skip out on fun, relieving streams to instead work. Checking merch upon merch, going after every little thing.

But he'd gotten desperate once again, needed to find himself any form of comfort. So in the wee hour of 4 am he'd gotten up, grabbing his little pink box once again. Pulling it past dirty clothes, diving inside going past familiar cotton and fur to instead get to one of his many bottles. He'd never admit this but God did it feel nice to just have one before bed. With his body filling with slight shame he takes the bottle out and heads for the door. Looking out to make sure no one is outside. Giving a relieved sigh when he sees no one is, going out the door. He walks to the kitchen, sitting the bottle down on the counter. Grabbing some milk out from the fridge and the sugar, closing it. He can't help but get excited to finally regress even a little.

"Clay? Why are you awake?" Dream looks with fear in that direction, stuffing the bottle into his hoodie pocket. George just shrugs going to the fridge pulling out a water. Dream feels himself tearing up again, wanting so badly to just let go. He'd been waiting for this for weeks and he was so close. He finds himself having to turn away from George's line of vision because the tears start to fall. His body forcing his little self out to cope with the lost time. Its horrible because now he's so sensitive, and he just wants to go to bed. "Clay are you okay?" Dream shakes his head, trying to once again force his body out. It hurts beyond belief because he's crying out to be taken care of. "'m fine, wan bed."

George doesnt really know how to react because in all honesty you don't expect your best friend to suddenly act like a child. Especially your 6'3, football built, cocky friend. George knew he had been stressed recently if the yelling was anything to go off. "Huh?" Dream tries so hard to force himself out but he's putting damage on his little self and he knows he needs to stop. He doesn't even know what to say, too hyperfocused on the fact he has a bottle in his pocket. "Do you need a hug?" Dream nods slightly and George sits his water down, going over to him.

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