The Boy In Detention👑

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The Boy In Detention:
          -Dream couldn't focus on his test, telling his teacher he hadn't taken his ADHD medicine that morning. Her only reply, "detention". Now he's walking his way down, knowing he'd skip and his mom would get him out of it. But instead is greeted by the quiet kid who was making bracelets. Maybe he could end up liking detention.

-People Included-

Also last sad one for awhile, I don't want to keep giving you guys the sad stuff.

      -past self harm
      -Suicide attempt

Beyond all the sad stuff this one really is quite sweet, and the angst is covered up by a lot of love. Beware weird turns too.

"It's not even my fault, she's such a bitch."

Dream says quietly to himself, kicking air as he opens the door to the detention room. He'd have 4 days of this, simply because he couldn't finish his test and 'blamed' his ADHD. Looking inside he sees 3 guys huddled up, talking about trucks and girls with big boobs. The teacher looks about asleep, reading a newspaper with his legs up on the desk. It was Mr. Dunnum though, and he'd wanted to leave this school for 4 years now. He takes a seat next to the door, looking around aimlessly, finding a brunette close to the desk.

His name was George, a quiet kid who had the worst social anxiety Dream had ever seen. They'd talked a few times, but they all weren't the best. The first time was Sophomore year, going to a party with his best friend Sapnap. The stupid and mildly drunk jock had said it was going to be the best party he'd been to in a long time. Dream knew what that meant when he'd got 2 girls to go into the boys bathroom, both seniors, and said that one of them were interested in Dream. It was only right he declined, and realized in general this whole thing wasn't worth it. He wasn't a party guy, and planned on leaving. When he'd gotten outside though, he'd met a drunken George who was crying. Dream had asked what was wrong and the older just shook his head and asked if he could take him home. They'd never talked before but he trusted the blonde, and so of course Dream said he would and helped him up. They'd been quiet besides for George telling Dream were he lived, and when he'd gotten out. He'd only said thanks before getting out the car and rushing out the door. That was only the first encounter.

The second one was when the teacher had called on George and he'd froze up, going pale as his fingers thumped his pencil against his desk. Then like clockwork he'd opened his mouth where no sound came out, cheeks turning a firey red. Some of the class laughed and it made him look around,  eyes filled with tears. The teacher asked again only making it worse and it became so quiet if a pencil dropped it'd be too loud. He'd stopped his pencil from thumping and looked down at the ground. Instead of leaving him alone when someone raised their hand to save the brunette, she said she wanted him to answer. Which led to someone saying to her 'he doesn't talk', and of course she didn't take that answer. Went on to say that if he couldn't answer the question then he shouldn't be in school, and that he couldn't have a spokes person for the rest of his life. He'd just gotten up and left, the teacher calling after him but he didn't stop. Dream found himself getting upset, no one deserved to be treated that way. The feeling to get up and make sure he was okay itched under his skin. Before he could make a rational decision he went to check on him. He was met with a crying George who wouldn't leave the bathroom until the bell rang. So he stayed with him outside the bathroom stall, telling him random facts and all the stupid things he'd done in school before. It allowed George to go to his next class with more ease and he'd thanked the younger. Before leaving once again without another word.

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