Just Homies 👑(Pt.1)

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Just Homies
·George discovers his feelings for Dream and handles them the only way he knows how to, by saying 'No Homo'.

💫People Included💫

It was a stream like any other, Dream was wheezing, Bbh was screaming about muffins, and Sapnap was triggered.

Something was different with George though, he didn't laugh as much and intensified his Tsundere personality. Maybe he woke up on the wrong side of the bed, or maybe his cat scratched him. Bbh didn't really notice, focusing more on his beloved fish, and Sapnap just wanted to kill more cows. Dream did notice though, making him worry slightly. He knew George was the type to let things bottle up until it became too much.

So instead of putting the spotlight on George and making him uncomfortable, he just played everything off as normal. George on the other hand was losing his shit.

His stomach was doing backflips, and his heart was racing a mile a minute. He knew it was stupid, but him and Dream liked to laugh about their ship and watch stupid fan videos. He found himself watching one and it just had to include his little I love you confession to Dream. It was suppose to be a funny joke but he was so scared, it didn't feel right to say I love you. Not to Dream, it made his heart clench in fear and his hands sweaty.

He didn't know what it meant, but he knew it was something definitely not bro friendly. So when he remembered they had to stream tonight he wished he would just get sick or something. "Dream say 'I love you George'," bbh says reading the chat, "okay I love you George."

George puts his head in his hands totally not needing this right now. "Yeeees finally, now George say 'I love you Dream'." George swallows hard looking up at his computer screen and his livestreams chat. Unlike usual he had turned off face cam, and people were freaking out. George brings his hands back down to his mouse and keyboard, and makes his character crouch. "Disgusting, no." George rolls his eyes moving his character to collect wood and can hear Dream let out a wheezy laugh.

"Whyyyy you say it off camera all the time though, doesn't he dream?" George goes quiet keeping his character still in favor of staring at his grey walls in confusion. "I don't know, what do you think Snapmap," Sapnap pulls out his diamond sword and goes towards Dreams house. "I will burn your house if you call me Snapmap one more time."

George ignores the two instead zoning out, his hands leaving his keyboard. Dream dropped the subject so quick, that he must have noticed how tense he was. He screwed everything up and now Dream probably hated him. He probably thought, that George hated him. He's gonna lose all his friends, and die all alone.

"Right George?" George snaps out of his little trance and looks at the screen again. "What?" Dream let's out another wheeze and is confused when his chat is freaking out about something Dream had said. "I said, plane tickets are expensive right George?" George nods raising his eyebrow in confusion, "yeah and?" Sapnap screams about dying from a skeleton but George ignores it in favor of listening to Dream.

"But plane tickets to England are even more expensive, cause it's far from America." George nods frowning, wondering if Dream was going to cancel his flight for next year. They had agreed Dream would come after the Corona had died down and would spend three whole days together. Just gaming and hopefully cuddling on the couch.

"Are you gonna cancel our plans?" Bbh gasps into his Mic shocked he wasn't invited, "you Muffins were gonna meet up and not tell me!" "George why do you think I'm not on stream, and just called you instead of playing Minecraft." George went into shock mode looking down at his phone and hears his doorbell ring. "Also you know how you gave me your address for when I come over, well you may want to answer your door."

"You flew to England and didn't tell anyone!" Dream wheezes and Sapnap and Bbh argue about how they weren't there as well. "Okay I think I have to end the stream, uh I'll see you all next time. Okay bye, bye bad bye Sapnap." Before anyone can say anything George ends his stream and disconnects his Mic. "Are you actually here?" The doorbell rings again and Dreams voice fills the room, "I feel like there's someone at your door." Dream hangs up and George stands up his head immediately spinning, from lack of standing.

He rushes out the room checking himself in the mirror in a very straight way. Combing his hair and making sure he doesn't look like a mess. He goes to the door taking a deep breath as his hand hesitates on the handle. His heart was in his ears and opening this door felt like he was signing his death contract.

He opens it against all odds, now realising he was going to finally see what Dream looked like. He looks up at the younger male and is surprised by the male infront of him.

This was Dream.

This was so muffin cheesy.

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