Love Like Honey👑

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Love Like Honey:
             - George has dysphoria and his dad is no help, his friends are there to make everything okay. Especially Dream.


💫People Included💫
          -Jack Manifold

"Strong man!"

George laughs as he gets to his door waving a goodbye at Wilbur and Jack, exhausted even though he hadn't done much. He gets inside mood dampening as he thinks about how the video would come out. He was usually very confident, never doubting how he looked or was perceived. But there was something about going to a gym and being the weakest one there that affected him. It was a joke that Jack wasn't that strong, yeah he was skinny but he did actual exercises. George didn't know what to do, and in all reality it was entirely a blur. He let himself fade into that online persona, and allowed his crazier side to come out. Ignored that the whole lifting thing made him entirely uncomfortable. On top of that the large mirrors made him realize just how unmanly he is, how small his body was. He didn't have much muscle, from lack of eating and constant gaming. Wilbur eased him the entire time, made him more comfortable as he made jokes. He just worried he'd look so stupid, compared to the others who actually did stuff.

"Give me my gummy worms you bitch ass hoe, I'll fuck you up!" George ignores his thoughts giving a smile when he sees Sapnap standing on his tippy toes, Dream holding the bag of gummy worms up high. "You ate my sour patch kids so I'm stealing the gummy worms, just go get something else." George sighs kicking off his shoes, content as the two yell at each other about gummy worms, it soothes his mind completely. Going over to the couch picking up one of the numerous bags of candy, relaxing into the cushions. "Ya know what, fine. Gummy worms are yours," Dream says laying them on the top of the shelves with a grin. Sapnap rolls his eyes pushing the blonde before grabbing a chair, Dream going over to where George is. "How was it at the gym?" George smiles the all around unpleasant feeling invading him again, "fun. Jack got punched by Josh and got a bloody nose, that was hilarious." Dream smiling in return noticing that George seemed off, "is something wrong?"

George doesn't know how to describe the feelings he's having but they aren't pleasant. "I'm just having a lot of dysphoria, I mean I just think my head is too small. That's not all but," George stops there not wanting to scare his friend but that chest stabbing feeling returns. He'd had the medical transitions and of course that took away most of the dysphoria, but he still thought about the small stuff. "It's okay, you can tell me." George can see Sapnap stop what he was doing, listening. "I've had all the surgeries I can, and I've been on testosterone for 4 years now. But there's things I know are more feminine, like I can't grow much facial hair, my eyebrows are thin, my hands are smaller, my feet are smaller, and I just feel so disgusting. Cause like what are the people on the outside seeing, no one's ever called me a girl but what if that's what they're seeing? Also today made me realize that I'm not muscular and I want to bulk up but I can't, I don't feel at home in my body." He sighs looking down, ashamed of himself.

"I've never seen you as a girl, you're a man dude. Plain and simple, anyone says otherwise then fuck them." George looks up smiling at Sapnaps words, "thank you Nick. And I know you guys are biological men but have you ever had that feeling of wanting a big dick?" It's not the most bizarre thing he's said and Dream nods, "I'm already pretty gifted but I bet Nick has. He's not working with much over there." Sapnap flips him off, the mood lifting a little. "Shut up, I am a whopping 6 inches, and I don't know about you Mr. Enderman but that's pretty big when you see it." George laughs, Sapnap coming over to sit in a chair beside him. "In all seriousness I wouldn't worry, you're hot and on top of that there's nothing about you that screams girl. You're a boy and just because you're trans doesn't mean we'll think differently about you, you know that. Alright I'm stopping before I say you're brave." George laughs remembering telling the others that he felt uncomfortable when people called him brave. He wasn't brave he just was living his life how he wanted it. "I have a question though, when you had the surgery how big is your pickle? Did you get to choose? I have so many questions, now that I'm in person I feel like I can ask you."

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