Face Your Fears (Pt.3)

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Dream looks at the clock on his desk waiting for it to turn 10, when everyone would be asleep ruling out their nightmares. Then he could listen to the CD that was in his folder, he could find out why he was here. The number flashed at him 9:59, he knew Bad would come into the room and check. Every night Bad checked to make sure everyone was asleep and following their rules.

He jumps up as soon as 10 flashes bright and hears everyone's doors close at the same time. Bad must have decided not to check today, probably happy with having no nightmares. Dream clicks play on his machine looking at the screen as it comes to life. He sees the art teacher, his mom, and his hand moves to grab his bedsheets.

"They allowed me one video, one video for the special kid. Your probably never going to see this but that's their plan, their plan to make sure you don't know your special. If you do see this then you have either stolen your file, good job, or are reading this before you are eliminated. Luckily they never watch the cds, their terrified that they'll hear something they don't like.

Now you probably wonder why you're here? Me and your father were both born with the ability to see beyond. My mother hid that she could see color, and they didn't eliminate her until they found out. Me and your father had housing unites right next to each other, and instantly became friends. We always made fun of the other kids that they couldn't see colors, and that they didn't feel what we were. You are the only child in the entire community who was conceived in private. Me and your father had learned the value of touch, and how it could make you really feel. People in this community can't feel, they experience, but they don't feel. Injections take those away from you, and I pray you haven't had that taken away. Oh wait, pray you probably don't know, praying was apart of a religion that use to exist before. Not important right now dear.

I have a task for you, an important one. If you go back to housing unit 8639 there's a bag underneath a glued down pile of rocks. It will hold an injection and believe me dear you will feel everything you've been missing. For the first time in your entire life you will feel.

Now listen to me very carefully, you have a gift. You have the gift to give, the gift to make other people see what you see. You can only give it once though, so be careful or else you might regret it. This will seem foreign, but you have to touch your Labiums (lips) with theirs. An action like that will make them feel again, you both will feel.

I'm running out of time, do what I say and be careful! I love you son."

The screen goes black and Dream is left speechless. Love? The word no one uses because it's lost all meaning. The word that causes so much pain and agony, and she felt that for him? Was it an insult or a sweet gesture? She said it so sweetly, she said it with a look of.....something. Dream gets up going over to his door and opening it. He needed something, that same feeling he felt weeks before he was feeling again. Dream goes to George's door opening it and seeing the older asleep. He smiles going over to the bed and shaking him gently, "George." George stirs from his sleep looking up at Dream with a soft smile. "I'm not going to question why you are out of your bed."

He sits up rubbing his eyes, "what brings you to my room Clay?" Dream looks at George getting lost, he knew who he wanted to share this with. "George I'm leaving," he says and George looks at him like he's crazy. "Wait your leaving? Why, where are you heading to?" Dream looks down George immediately knowing the gesture. "I have gone through almost a hundred different ways to tell you one little thing. You won't understand, you won't be able to know what I'm talking about. George, I watched the CD, I watched the CD in my folder and my mother told me she loved me." George tilts his head in confusion and Dream looks back at him.

"Love was explained to us George, we were told love was an ache. Love caused pain and Love left nothing but vulnerability. I thought this was true but then it clicked George, it clicked that Love may be nasty at times but there's a reason it sounds so nice.  The reason is because it's more than pain, it makes you feel good. Do you understand at all?" George shakes his head trying to understand but it didn't make any sense.

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