Wish I Were.....👑

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Wish I Were.....

-(basically Heather by Conan Gray) George is inlove with Dream, but Dream just can't see it.

💫People Included💫
-Heather (Dreams Girlfriend)


"Any plans for today?" George smiles looking up at the younger in interest. "I'm going to a movie with Heather, but that's it. She'll probably wanna get ice cream after, actually our date starts in an hour." Dream goes to his closet fishing out the best clothes he could. "Didn't you two start dating only a week ago?" Dream nods and throws a sweater at George, "that can't fit me anymore, you can have it."

George runs his fingers over the material with a sigh and looks back up at his longtime crush. "I thought we were going to watch Hamilton?" Dream shrugs pulling off his shirt to put on a nicer one. George swallows unnaturally, and looks away from Dream. "We can do it tomorrow, oh shit wait. We have that party to go to, nevermind." George nods and Dream grabs his phone, which was luckily charged from putting it on George's charger.

"How about we watch it next week?" George looks up disappointed, they never got to spend time with each other because of Heather. "There's still 3 days to this week, why can't we just do Saturday or Sunday?" Dream grabs his wallet off the dresser and rolls his eyes, "Friday's the party as you know. Saturday I have football practice, and Sunday I'm going with Heather to the mall. I'm jam packed Gogy, hang out with Darryl or Nick."

George sighs, smiling at the sweater in his lap that was deemed George's favorite as soon as Dream got it. They went to the mall, like bros do, and looked for new tops to wear for the start of school. George's mom gave him money and Dream paid for himself, as he currently had a steady career as a YouTuber and a few other small jobs. Dream was the only one George would clothes shop with, as it took longer to pick clothes because of coloring and certain fabrics. Dream never minded, always helping George with the colors and shooing away rough fabrics.

Another reason for George to fall madly in love with him.

They had gone into an Adidas store, and found a hoodie Dream adored. George also liked it, but wasn't into the plain white coloring like Dream was. Anyways, George liked the way it fit Dream. So he bought it, and wore it at least once a week to prove it was his favorite.

George would be lying if he said that memory didn't make his heart flutter. That was the only time Dream ever made a move on George, holding his hand when they were walking back to the car. George could remember it like it was 5 seconds ago, the way Dream rubbed his thumb over his knuckles and laced their fingers together. It was perfect, and perfectly ruined. As that was also the day Dream meant Heather, making Dream stop his anything but bro friendly movements.

"For ditching me I'm raiding your fridge." Dream laughs checking himself in the mirror and goes to his bedroom door. "You're so dumb, okay you can raid my fridge. If my mom asks what happened though, I'm blaming you." George stands up, putting the sweater on the bed and walks over to dream to hit his shoulder. "Your mom loves me she won't believe you," George challenges and Dream opens the door ready to prove this theory. "Alright then, let's see if this is true!"

George pushes Dream, laughing when he almost loses his balance and runs down the stairs. Dream follows quickly, grabbing George right as he makes it to the kitchen. George flushes red, looking as now he was pulled into Dreams chest, Dreams hands around his waist. "You cheated, mom George pushed me!" Dream let's go of George in favor of sitting on the counter to look at his mom. "Honey don't lie, George is too sweet for that." Dreams mouth drops open and George walks over with a shit eating grin. "I don't know why he lies so much, I was just walking and he pushed me."

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