the answer (female reader)

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"What were you thinking?" Kaylee's strident scream echoed across the Russell Tower's living room in New York. Through the big windows, one can see the city's shimmering lights, which create a magnificent contrast to the black night sky, but Kaylee pays little attention to this. Instead, shes fixated on the y/h/c-haired woman standing in front of them.

Y/n, or rather Y/n Y/l/n, has an uneasy, insecure demeanor. Throughout their time together, the brunette has perceived her as confident and strong. However, it's possible it was only a small part of their involvement. Kaylee recognizes at this point that the lady she saw as a friend and possibly more was someone she had never met before.

"You have to understand what I'm saying, Kaylee." You try to defend yourself by saying, "It was my request. All I had to do was perform my job. Like you, for example."

"So this was all just a job for you?" Kaylee's voice trembles as she screams angrily. Slowly, the elegantly dressed woman approaches Danielle's assistant, and their demeanor releases profound anguish in the manager, because Kaylee doesn't want to lose you, even if the agent has lied to them.

The ex-assistant, who is standing next to the brunette, places both of her hands on Kay's shoulders, "No way, since the first time we met, there was something between us." Kaylee has difficulties swallowing the lump in their throat since, she has feelings for Danielle, their heart starts racing as you step into the room, and she always repulses Danielle when she tries to get physical with them, because their focus is on you, not Russell.

"I never enjoyed lying to you, but if I had told you, it would have jeopardized my disguise. After all, you are quite close to Russell."

"But I would never betray you," Kaylee's pain is hard to miss in their voice, and the betrayal sits deep in their bones.

"I know, but if I revealed my true identity to someone, Kay, I'd be fired." Between the fronts, she appears to be disorganized. On the one hand, she feels terrible for deceiving her friend, and on the other, she is relieved that the job is over. Is she, however, truly ready to leave?

"I'm sorry, Kaylee, but I have to leave. Russell will betray me, and a new task awaits me." "You have the option to leave and work here. I could persuade Danielle that I still require your services as my assistant and that she should leave you alone." In their opinion, she proposes with plain hopelessness.

When you shake your head and say "No," it feels like someone is stabbing a frigid knife into Kay's heart. "This is the only job I have. I'd done so many bad things in my life until I was convinced and persuaded to do something good. I need to correct the mistakes I did when I was younger, and I don't believe working for a firm that manufactures weapons is the best way to do it."

Kaylee's eyes become watery "The business has evolved. Everything has changed, and you can now do positive things as well."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to do it." Your voice is rife with anguish. Tears begin to stream down their face as she hears those words. Their tears are fought back by the cold, strong agent. You gently wipe Kaylee's tears away with your thumb and place your mouth to Kaylee Bryant's lips.

The kiss is brief, but it is the most intimate the two of them have ever experienced. In strong contrast to Danielle's. When they kiss, she is quick, while you are sweet and attentive at the same time.

Unfortunately, they drift apart too quickly when Danielle's voice reverberates from another room. When Kaylee observes that your body stiffens instantly, she flinches. Her eyes tremble with fear.

"I really need to get out of here right now," she says quietly as her gaze wanders across the room. "Please remain." Kaylee responds one last time, absolutely despondent.

When the agent closes the lift, the heels of your black high heels click on the hardwood floor. Her y/h/c curls fluff a little with each step. One of her fingers locates the automated lift button, which causes the doors to separate. She walks slowly into the room and presses the button to return to the bottom floor.

The young woman's face was lit by the white light of the crystal life, while the New York Skyline enthroned behind her. Before the doors close again, Kaylee takes one more look at the lovely lady, making sure she doesn't miss the solitary tear that has fallen from their brown eyes and down her cheek.

"Hey, what's going on, Kay?" their lover says as the doors close. She encircles Kay with her arms and rubs her moist body against Kaylee. She can't provide them comfort today because of their heat. She would instead pushing her away from them. In fact, their affections for her haven't vanished, but their feelings for you are currently stronger.

"Nothing." She responds quickly. "I'm fine." "Stop lying to me." She lets Kay go. "Is it as a result of her? As a result of this betrayal." Talking to her about the woman who had just broken them provides them the rest they need.

"Don't talk about her when you have no idea who she is." "Did she tell you the truth?" She comes out as untrustworthy and uncaring. Russell squints her eyes when she doesn't respond, "Do you love her?" Again she doesn't answer, but deep inside of them, she knows the answer.

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