Chapter 104

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Aunt Katie was overwhelmed, but in the best way possible. We didn't tell her everything, but we told her the important things. She was eager to meet my little brother, and just as eager to see me walk down the aisle.

The beginning of June came, as did the day for our wedding. June 7th was a warm and sunny day. The turnout was larger than we expected. The archway sat at the top of the hill, overlooking the green forest landscape. Everything was decorated with lavender colored lilies upon Nadine's demand.

Bayne and I met at the bright altar. I turned back to see all of my loved ones. Nadine held Sebastian, while my dad held Melody. They remained quiet and peaceful the whole ceremony. Next to them was my Aunt Katie. Jaxson and Romulus held hands in the row behind them. Sirius sat behind him with a stare of jealousy in his eyes. Even Marcus came out for the wedding.

Soft piano music played until the ceremony began. All eyes were on us.

Bayne reached for my hand. I felt the sudden urge to apologize for my sweatiness, but his emerald eyes captivated me like they always did. The hot sun watched our declaration of love, as did the blue sky.

"Welcome everyone. We are gathered here today to share the love of Bayne Greene, and Erin Tesla. Two of my best friends, and the greatest heroes I have ever known." Raven stood at the altar with us.

"Erin, would you please recite your vows." Raven said.

I dug for the crumbled piece of paper in my suit jacket.

"Bayne Greene. The hot headed guardian that no one dared to look at the wrong way. Bayne Greene. The most gorgeous man alive...Yeah. That was my first impression of you. To be honest, I was even a little scared of you. But you were there for me. You helped me when no one would even consider it. You believed in me when no one else had. You've given me the courage and the love for a beautiful life here. And it wouldn't be possible without you. None of this would. So what I'm saying. Thank you for saving me, and loving me every moment after and forever."

"Bayne, and you." Raven said. I saw a tear catch her eye.

Bayne pulled out a paper from his jacket, before fumbling with his jacket.

"Erin Tesla. I can't believe we've made it this far. Between evil curses, crazy witches, and almost beheadings, we've survived. And I have a feeling this isn't the end of our crazy adventures. Maybe we'll get a few months of peace, but the madness never stops here. I don't know if it ever will. But, if you'll allow it, I want you there for it all. I want to love you. I want to save you until the end of our time here. Maybe it makes me soft, but I don't care. I will always love you and save you." Bayne let out a tear. He wasn't the only one. I felt my eyes began to wet. In the distant audience I began to hear sniffles.

"That was beautiful, both of you. Now, please exchange rings."

We slid each other's matching silver band's onto our fingers.

"To have and to hold."

"To love and to cherish."

"Mr. and Mr. Greene-Tesla, I pronounce you both wed! You may kiss!"

Everyone stood up and cheered. They tossed flower pedals into the air as Bayne and I kissed in front of them. Our paper vows fell from our hands and the summer breeze claimed them. We pulled away, everyone was on their feet. I dropped down to pick up our vows we had written, but Bayne's piece of paper was empty.

"Great. Can we start drinking now?" Sirius shouted from the pack. He popped a bottle of champagne and launched it everywhere. Everyone gathered at the bottom of the hills to begin the party. We had a large party tent outside for all the essentials by the lake. Everyone made their way down there. My aunt hugged me.

"I'm so proud of you, Erin." She said.

"Even though I dropped out my first semester of college and ran off to live in Canada?"

"Everyone's path is different. It seems like you've found yours." She said with a smile.

"Now, I need to go find that little brother of yours! I think he owes me a dance." She said, joining the others down the hill.

Everyone danced and ate, then we were ready for cake time. Our family surrounded us as we cut the three layer cake. It was covered in sage green and lavender lilies for frosting. Two groomsmen stood at the top of it. One was blonde, and the other had dark hair. The two figured men were holding hands.

Bayne playfully smashed a large cake chunk in my face, causing an all out war between us. Soon, everyone joined in. Even little Melody shoved her fists in and tossed chunks of cake around. Nadine managed to slap some right up my nose. I'll never know how she aimed it so well.

The drinks started pouring and we're passed around. Everyone was in a joyous mood. My father was happier with Katie in his life, as was I. I knew he would be.

Raven confided in me that the C.C.C. wasn't the most ideal, but she planned on making big changes from the inside. I was glad for her, and I valued the time we had together much more.
Nadine parted my father on the dance floor and approached me.

"Lots of tears today." She said, extending her arm to dance.

"With a perfect day like today, it's hard not to."

"I'm so grateful for meeting you."She swayed on the ground, I copied her motions
"None of this would have happened if it wasn't for you."

"You came up to me at that party, remember? You found me."

She smiled as we danced.

Nadine and my father were still two of the happiest people I had ever known. Their life together was going to be grand. Despite their love being unconventional, they were happy. And happiness was all that mattered in the lodge.

I cleaned off the cake and headed up the hill where the wedding commenced. The sun was in the early stages of setting. The party continued down below.

Bayne was sitting up there. His jacket was gone, no surprise there. His hair was no longer slicked back. He sat on the hill's cliffs, overlooking the forests.

"Hey, you get all cleaned up?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah. Melody managed to get some right in my eye."

"Yeah, she has wicked aim." I sat down next to him.

"It's beautiful out." He said, staring into the sun in its early setting stages. The sun reflected a gold filter on the land.

"Yeah, it sure is."

"Your aunt is here, what are we going to do when the moon comes out?" Bayne asked.

"Well, having friends in the C.C.C. allows you to get away with some things. The moon won't be out, don't worry." I told him.

I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I can't believe it. We're finally married."

"I know. It feels too good to be true."

"But it is true. Everything turned out alright."

"It's much more than alright." I held his hand.

"Well, now what?" I asked him.

"What do you mean?" He said.

"No Bree. No vengeful werewolves. No curses. What are we going to do with all this time?"

"Well, we do have a pretty epic honeymoon planned. After that, I'm sure things will be peaceful for a bit.."

"But nothing stays quiet for very long around here. Why? Are you afraid you'll get bored of it here?"

"No, not at all. I'm fond of quiet. And we've had enough noise for a lifetime."

Our family and friends happy cheers could be heard all the way down the hill. My heart felt like all the pieces of the puzzle were finally complete.

I love you, Erin.

I love you more, Bayne.

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