Chapter 4 - I Could Never Hate You

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Hey guys i just got home from camping and im updating amazing isn’t it? I couldn’t update fri or sat turns out i was still camping those days... you’ll still have another update this Thursday hopefully otherwise i’ll change it to every Monday i update. I GOT TO WATCH KISS YOU AND IT IS SOOOOOOOOOOO FUNNY!!! I THOUGHT THE BOYS HAD MATURED A BIT THEN BANG KISS YOU COMES OUT AND IM LIKE YAYYYY THANK GOD!!!! HAHAAH! Anyways this may be really short as i typed it on my ipod L

Harry’s CuppyCake xx

Chapter 4 - I Could Never Hate You

Rose's P.O.V

Where is she? We have to practice! The concert's a month away there is no time to waste!!

I'm in the music department and its been half an hour of me practising by myself we have to perform four songs for the concert and I'm having trouble without Max playing here. I can only adapt to her guitar playing for some reason. She is just that good I guess. I'm so worried she usually isn't late like this she loves music no matter how much she says its just a backup I know she can't live without it and I know she wants it to be more than just a backup even if she doesn't admit it to herself she plays whenever she gets to music is something precious to her and she never wants to loose it. She tries to hide it but she's not very good at that. She hides a lot of stuff I wish I knew what it was maybe I could help her if she told me. I've never asked because I don't want to pressure her. I know she'll tell me when she's ready. But I can't really say anything because I have my own secrets that I don't want to share. Don't get me wrong I trust her completely I just don't want to worry her she seems to already have a lot on her plate.

I've tried calling her but she doesn't pick up, either she doesn't want to speak to me or her phone is on silent.

"Mr Martin I'm sorry I guess we'll just have a rehearsal later. Do you think we could come back after hours?" I ask Mr Martin was by far the coolest teacher he'll help you with anything and let you practically do anything!

"Sure Rose do you want me to come as well to see how you two are going?"

"If you want I don't really care" I shrug.

"I'll see you later then" Mr Martin says and leaves to his office. I pick my bag and pack away all my stuff and head out to the newspaper offices maybe Max was there typing furiously away at an unfinished article.

I knock on the door and let myself in only to see a few students typing and to see Edward on the editors desk maybe he knows where she is? After all he is Max's crush she might not tell me everything but the way she talks about him and everything kind of gives it away.

Hate Your Heart // zayn malikWhere stories live. Discover now