Chapter 1 - Life As Max Knows It

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A/N IT’S FINALLY HERE GAHHH EXCITED!!!! ENJOY!!! ( I know emma roberts natural hair colour is brown but just pretend yeah? cool :P)

~Ash xx

Chapter 1 – Life As Max Knows It

A drop in the ocean

A change in the weather

I was praying that you and me might end up together

It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert

But I'm holding you closer than most 'cause you are my heaven

I slowly open my eyes and awaken as my alarm goes off ‘A Drop In The Ocean’ by Ron Pope. I love this song it’s so gorgeous.

I jump out of bed and walk over to my wardrobe I whip out black skinny jeans with rips on them and a baggy black and white tie dye shirt. I go to the bathroom and start up the shower I put my clothes down on the bathroom sink and strip down to my birthday suit and hop in the shower.  I wash my hair with my vanilla scented shampoo and conditioned it with my strawberry scented conditioner. I loved the smell; to me it smelt like lollies. I shut off the hot water and wrap the towel around me. I plug in my hair dryer and blow-dry my hair. When I’m done I change into my clothes. I put my dyed black hair up in a high pony tail and chuck on a mismatch of bracelets to cover up my scars on my wrists. I waltz down the stairs and make blueberry pancakes. I finish up my plate of them and leave some left over ones for Rose.

Rose Wilson is my roomy. She is absolutely beautiful inside and out. She has blue eyes that sort of change to her mood, long blonde hair, a few freckles that most people don’t notice and a smile that is huge she looks so gorgeous, model material really. Rose and I decided to move in with each other after the month transition at Uni. We got to know each other and trusted each other enough to move in. Honestly Rose is my only friend; she’s my best friend now. Funny though because she is pretty much the opposite of me she socializes, she’s fun loving, not afraid, has a lot of friends, positive, happy (like a lot) and sometimes she’s really hypo. She’s at Uni to study music and teaching, those are her core subjects. But she also has to study English and Math as well.

I’m studying photography and journalism as well as teaching, music, Math and English just in case I don’t get a job at a paper or as a photographer. I have hazel, sometimes grey eyes and black (usually blonde) thick wavy hair that ends at my chest. I don’t really like to socialize with people as it takes me a while to trust others except Rose (but she came to me first), my kind of fun is at home writing articles for the paper at Uni, taking pictures and playing guitar. I play guitar for Rose’s YouTube videos sometimes if I can learn the song in time or if I already know it. Rose is a really good singer. Just saying.

I walk up the stairs and knock on Rose’s door loudly with both my hands continuously until she opens the door and I nearly punch her in the face.

“Good Morning Sunshine! Time to get ready, there are pancakes downstairs.” I say trying to be as cheery as I can.

“Blueberry?” She asks.

“Duh they’re my favourite! Hahaha” She grins at me and collects a pair of high waisted shorts and a floral singlet top as she makes her way to the bathroom. I walk into my room and find my guitar. I quickly tune it by ear and start strumming the cords to The City Ed Sheeran. I sing along quietly, no one has ever heard me sing except my Nan I sung to her when she was sick in hospital before she passed away, she was the first and last person I sung in front of and I’d like to keep it that way. Once I heard the shower shut off I stopped singing but kept playing guitar and going into a song I made up myself called “Drift Away” I continued playing singing the lyrics in my head until I heard the bathroom door open and close. I finish the song and put my guitar away. I put on my black leather Chuck Taylor Converse shoes and get up going into the bathroom.

I brush my teeth then put on my makeup. Concealer and foundation then black eye liner and mascara. I go back into my room and pick up my book bag that was packed the night before with notepads, pens, pencils, books, purse and sheet music. I pick up my guitar case that held my guitar as well and walked downstairs of the flat to see Rose with her stuff ready to go. I grab an apple from the fruit bowl and placed in my bag. I did a head movement telling Rose it’s time to go. I picked up my keys and we walked outside locking the door after us and getting into the car I put my guitar and book bag in the back and went to the driver’s seat as Rose climbed into the passenger seat. I started up the engine and we drove off to Uni.

“Have you been practicing?” Rose asked. You see for music we had to make up our own songs, since I was the songwriter Rose paired with me. Rose was an amazing singer she can adapt to any song. It’s so easy when I write songs for her. While I play and give her the lyrics she knows how they exactly go without me having to sing it for her which is a bonus for me.

“Of course! Who do you think will be the special guest at the big concert? I hope it’s Ed Sheeran!” I say. We have to perform our best songs at a huge concert heaps of people go like thousands! That’s probably because of the special guest though...

“OMG I HOPE IT’S ONE DIRECTION!! I mean they are back home again so they might perform at the concert omg omg sjfhofboagfo that would be amazing!” I stiffened at her words.

“Aww come on Max you can’t hate them you have no reason to!”

“I don’t hate them I hate one of them and I have my reasons.” I mumbled.

“What?” She questioned.

“Nothing, don’t worry.” I gave her a reassuring fake smile. I’m really good at these.

“If you say so.”

What if One Direction was there than I’d have to see him again... Don’t be silly Max!! They’re the most popular boy band in the world the Uni would never be able to get them to perform they are too big!

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