Chapter 13 - A Whole Lot Of Things

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Oh my god guys I'm such a bad updater!! I'm so sorry about not updating for ages!! I have no excuses I'm just lazy! I was busy a few nights but is still no excuse to update for that long!! Okay hope this is enough, I really want to update regularly but I'm just a lazy person! God help me! Anyways here it is!!!

Chapter 13 – A Whole Lot Of Things

Max’s P.O.V

“A duo?” He asked surprised.

“Uh yeah.”

“Max! What have you gotten me into.” She harshly whispered to me as she held a fake smile.

“Come on, I know you want this.”

She sighs nodding her head in agreement and speaks up.

“Uh yeah a duo! I mean only if you want Simon obviously.” She spoke nervously.

He sat still with his game face on and folds his hands underneath his chin. I held Rose’s hands Simon is very intimidating.

“Rose show me what you’ve got.” He finally speaks. Her eyes go wide and she nervously stands up. I can tell she’s scrambling through her brain to try and think of what song to sing. She thinks of something and smiles she taps her foot as words start to gracefully come from her mouth.

“Well you only need the light when it's burning low

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow

Only know you love her when you let her go

Only know you've been high when you're feeling low

Only hate the road when you're missing home

Only know you love her when you let her go

And you let her go”

She sounded beautiful as always, I looked over at Simon to look at his facial expression he had a straight face but if you looked closely you could see the corner of his lip twitching upwards like he was trying not to smile.

“Oh Simon you loved her just smile!” I say happily. He starts laughing at me.

“I did, girls sing together for me.” He smiles like a normal human being.

I stand up next to Rose and whisper to her.

“What should we sing?” I ask.

“Um The A Team, we’ll harmonise you go up an octave yeah?”

“Alright.” We smiled at each other and began singing.

“And they say

She's in the Class A Team

Stuck in her daydream

Been this way since eighteen

But lately her face seems

Slowly sinking, wasting

Crumbling like pastries

And they scream

The worst things in life come free to us

Cause we're just under the upper hand

And go mad for a couple grams

And she don't want to go outside tonight

And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland

Or sells love to another man

It's too cold outside

For angels to fly

Angels to fly”

Once we finished the chorus we smiled happy at what we have accomplished.

“Wow girls I definitely see it, okay I should have the contracts ready by next week for the both of you, come down then I’ll get my assistant to give you a time.” He smiles genuinely and we jump up and hug each other.

“Oh my god I can’t believe this!!!” Rose says as we walk to the car.

“This is my dream and I get to do it with my best friend!!” She says excitedly.

I give her a big smile and we head on back home.


“Rose act really sad like we didn’t get a contract.” I tell her, she nods and we walk inside the house trying to act all sad.

“What did you guys do?” Harry asked as all the boys nodded along eager to know what happened.

“We asked Simon if we could be a duet thing.” I said sadly.

“And he declined?” Niall said.

“Well that’s just ridiculous!! Both of you are so amazing why the hell would he say no that is just mind boggling I’m going to call him right now!!” Louis says. As he gets his phone out.

“No need for that Louis.” Rose says as we both start to giggle.

“BECAUSE HE’S ORGANISING A CONTRACT FOR US!!!” We both scream and laugh.

They all cheered for us.

“How about we have a party tonight!” Ed says cheering we all yelled yes and hugged each other.


There was loud music and a few drinks it was only us though as I really don’t like the big parties. We just danced and acted like idiots. I didn’t drink a lot but Harry, Louis and Niall were waisted along with Zayn and Edward being tipsy. We had a lot of fun that night everyone had gone home except Zayn. I wasn’t really sure why I guess he just didn’t feel like going home.

“Max I like rabbits.” He spoke as he stumbled over to me. W were outside by ourselves while Rose had gone to bed.

“Okay Zayn how many drinks have you had?” I questioned him.

“Only 9” He put his fingers up to tell me how many as well except he only put seven fingers up.

“Okay come sit down over here.” I told him and helped him over to the outside couches and layed him down as I sat with him.

We both looked up at the stars when Zayn spoke.

“The other night I was thinking eh.” He spoke sounding really childish.

“I was looking at the stars and I was like stars are pretty right?”

“Yes Zayn, they are very pretty.” I laughed at how childish he sounded.

“And I was like oh wow stars are very pretty just like you Max.” He said looking at me with a very innocent smile. Even though it was a drunk comment I couldn’t help the blush creeping up on my cheeks.

“Okay Zayn I think it’s time to get you home I think Zayn.” I spoke.

“I don’t wanna go home can’t I just stay here, it’ll be easier!”

“Fine, I’ll get you a bed set up.” I helped him get inside to the guest bedroom and helped him take his shoes off. I looked away as he undressed himself and helped him into the bed. I grabbed him some extra blankets as the guest room is always the coldest. I also grabbed him a towel so he can have a shower in the morning.

“I’ll see you in the morning Zayn.”

“But what about my good night hug!” He complains cheekily.

I roll my eyes at him and walk over to the side of the bed he was on. I bend over and give him a hug. “Good night Zayn.” I whispered.

He kissed my forehead and said softly.

“I love you Max... Good night.” He quickly drifted off to sleep as my heart pounded.

“Zayn I just don’t know anymore.”

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