Chapter 17 - Worries

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Enjoy lovelies, this story has gotten over a thousand reads which is absolutely amazing thank you!!! :) x

Chapter 17 – Worries

Zayn’s P.O.V

I could feel Max stirring a little in my arms as she mumbled a few words. I decided as much as I want to look after her and care for her by myself, I’m going to call Edward he should be the one here looking after Max. She loves him and he loves her. They’re happy with each other and as long as she’s happy I should be happy. Happy, happy, happy.

I take out my phone and dial Edward’s number after three rings he answers.

“Hey Zayn, uh what’s going on?”

“Um well I came to check up on Max and she kind of had some hallucinations and I think you should come over to look after her.”

“Thank you for calling Zayn. I’ll be over in just a bit. Is she okay?”

“Yeah for now, she’s sleeping but stirring a little.”

“Okay see you soon I guess Zayn.”

“See ya.” I hang up the phone and move Max’s head off my lap and place it on a pillow.

The doorbell went off and I went to answer it. That was pretty quick.

“Hi Edwar- ah you aren’t Edward. How can I help you?” I ask there was a lady probably 40s to 50s.

“Does Maxine Fletcher live here?” She asks.

“Um who’s asking?” I say furrowing my eyebrows.

“You look awfully familiar.” The lady says trying to avoid my question.

“Look don’t avoid my questions.”

“You avoided mine.”

“Well I can’t tell you anything until I know who you are.”

“My name is Jennifer Fletcher, Max’s mom.” My eyes went wide for a second but quickly recovered. She is not coming in here.

“Oh Max’s mum I’ll be sure to let her know you stopped by when she comes back.”

“Look kid, Let me in and let me talk to my daughter.”

“You can’t that is trespassing don’t make me call the police.” I close the door locking it behind me.

“I DON’T BLOODY CARE ABOUT THE POLICE I WANT TO SEE MY DAUGHTER!!” She slams her hands on the door I jump in shock. I decide to look out the peephole and notice she starts to leave when screaming starts to go off. She turns around and looks at the door but leaves. I run to Max to comfort her as she cries and was awaken from her nightmare.

“Shhh its okay Max its okay.” I say rubbing her back with my hand.

“I didn’t think they would come back Zayn, the memories the nightmares I thought they were gone forever but they’re still there and now they are coming back to haunt me once again.” She sobbed.

She’s had this happen to her before? I had no idea...

“Edward’s coming over Max, he’ll be able to take care of you.” She just nods her head.

“That’ll be him now.” I say as I hear knocking at the door.

I place Max’s head back on the pillow and kiss her forehead as she lays there, eyes wide open empty.

I jog to the door and twist the door handle opening the door seeing the blonde guy that loves Max just as much as I did standing there looking as worried as anything.

“Is she okay?” He says frantically stepping inside the house.

“I don’t know Edward.” I whisper to him.

“There’s something I need to say.” I start and he looks at me eager to see what I have to say.

“Her mum knows where she lives. She came round before; you need to make sure that she doesn’t come in at all okay if she comes back call the police. Make sure you look through the peep hole every time someone knocks at the door okay?” I whisper to him his eyes were wide open with shock.

“Okay Zayn, does she know that her mum was here?” He whispered back.

“No and I think it would be best if she didn’t.” He nods.

“She’s in the living room.” I nod my head in that direction and he follow me to her. She looks so helpless laying there. I just wish there was something I could do. Edward goes to her side whispering to her I couldn’t make out what he was saying so I just stood there awkwardly.

“Thanks Zayn I can take it from here.”

“Alright bye Edward Seeya Max you won’t get hurt by her again we promise you.” I say on behalf of the guys and Rose.

 I do a small wave and walk out of the house and into my car driving back in my apartment. I know it was the right thing to do to call Edward but my heart was falling apart that it wasn’t me with her.

Harry’s P.O.V

“Rose I uh, I had no idea.” I didn’t quite know what to say. I was angry, sad and shocked all rolled into one. I can’t believe something like this happened to her, she’s so sweet, kind and full of happiness yet deep inside she was holding such a secret.

“It’s okay Harry really.” She smiles sadly and I just hold her close to me as she lets out all the tears she must have been holding in for so long.

“It’s okay now, now it is okay because you’re with me and nothing like that will happen again I promise.” I say caressing her back and kiss her head. She nods here head in my chest and continues crying.

“Thank you Harry, I was so scared you were going to run away or think I was a piece of trash that belongs in the dumpster.” She said looking at me through watery eyes.

“I would never do that to you Rose. You’re too important to me.” I give her a small peck, treating her delicately like a flower one wrong move and her petals could fall. She smiled at the simplicity and cuddled into me.

“You’re still perfect Rose.” I whisper. “You will always be perfect to me.”

We just layed here silently but in comfort looking up at the clouds we were content but as it got darker we knew that we couldn’t stay here forever. We packed our stuff and headed back home we went to Rose’s place first to check up on Max.

The worry that had disappeared has now returned when we see Max lying in Edward’s arms with a tear stained face, clutching onto him for dear life, an emptiness in her hazel eyes.

“Max are you okay? What’s wrong? You look worse!” Rose said running to her side.

“They’re back, they’re haunting me, they’re tormenting me. Laughing at me as I suffer.” She spoke without blinking; this got me really worried never have I heard Max talk like this.

“What’s back Max?” Rose asks almost scared to know what Max was talking about.

“The nightmares, the memories the scars have risen from deep within me and have arrived at the surface once again.” Edward had tears in his eyes he would have been hearing this all day trying to stay strong for her but the pain she’s going through he could feel in every word she spoke as they leaked with depth and an emotion no one would want to feel.

“Oh poor baby.” Rose says caringly as tears ran down her cheeks. Poor girl has cried enough today and I’m sure Max has as well. Rose wraps her arms around Max so tightly afraid to let her go I kneel down behind Rose placing my hands on her arms.

“I have to go now, look after her.” I kiss her on the cheek and wipe away the twinkling droplets of salt water that was falling from her eye.

“Max I hope you’ll be okay.” I say standing up waving good bye to them. I wonder if Zayn knows what’s going on with Max he would be worrying so much. That’s all that anyone seems to do these days, worry.

Hate Your Heart // zayn malikWhere stories live. Discover now