Chapter 19 - Wake Up

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It's a short chappie but I hope you enjoy :)

Chapter 19 - Wake Up

Zayn’s P.O.V

“Max! MAX?” I yelled into the phone there was no beeping to signal she had hung up nothing but dead pure silence and that was scariest thing of all. I hung up quickly dialling for an ambulance whilst grabbing my jacket and car keys and racing out the door of my house.

“Hello yeah I need an ambulance.” I said quickly interrupting the female voice that spoke through the phone. I gave her the address of Max’s house.

“You need to hurry I think she might be dead!” I screamed into the phone how the hell are these people so calm? During all this I had made my way to Max’s house in my car. I jumped out noticing the front door was left open and a bloody hand print was smeared on the door frame. I walked in careful not to touch anything and ran to the living area to find Max on the floor unconscious.

“Max wake up please.” I say clicking my fingers beside her ear and shaking her gently. I quickly checked her pulse on her neck it was there but faint. I placed my hand in front of her nose and felt a slight brush of air. She’s still alive, there’s still hope. Where the hell is the ambulance!! I got up and ran to her medicine cabinet hoping to see a first aid kit. Not finding one I take my chequered shirt off which hung loosely over the top of another shirt and wrap it around the wound trying to stop anymore blood coming out putting pressure on the wound.

“Come on Max, fight please you can fight just for a little bit until the ambulance arrive please they’ll fix it up I promise please just stay and fight Max, I love you too. Please just stay with me.” I could feel her pulse getting weaker and the tears falling from my eyes.

“For fuck’s sake where is the bloody ambulance they should be here by now!!” Several minutes later the ambulance arrived and they were pulling her into the back of the ambulance and when I was about to hop in one of the paramedics stopped me.

“Are you family?” He asked. I shake my head as tears fell down like rainfall.

“Then I’m sorry you can’t ride with her.”

“Please sir I love her.” I pleaded him he looked in my eyes and I knew he wanted to let me on.

“Sorry I can’t.” He shook his head biting his lip and got back in the ambulance truck as it drove away the police arrived guessing the ambulance had called them as I was about to get in my car to go to the hospital a police officer stopped me to ask a few questions.

“Do you have any idea what may have happened?” The police officer asks. I shake my head in distress.

“What time did you get here?”

“I don’t know, all I know is she called me and told me she thought she was dying so I rushed here as quickly as possible, and if you don’t mind I would love to go and see the girl I’m hopelessly in love with at the hospital.”

“Please sir can I just ask one more question?” I nod my head biting my lip to stop myself from saying a sarcastic comment how he just did.

“Do you have any idea who could have done this?”

“No, I honestly can’t think of anyone Ma-” I stopped midway brain clicking fists clenching at my sides.

“Max’s mum, she’s in town and she had a history of abusing her.” He nods his head and writes it down.

“Now I’m going to have to say that you’re a suspect until we clear it up.”

“You think I’m suspect?” I say surprisingly.

“Just until we prove of your phone call with her.”

“Why don’t you just wait until she gets better for her to tell you?” I ask. He suddenly grew less serious and had a sad look on his face.

“There’s a chance that she won’t.”

“Of course she will, she’s strong. She’ll make it through.” I say angrily.

“Of course I’m sorry sir.” He smiled sadly and walked away.


It’s been three days now with Max in a coma. The others are here so is Max’s fathers; Rose, Edward and I haven’t left her side once. She hasn’t woken up yet and she’s been announced in a coma. The doctors have yet to say anything else like if she’s healing or not. She better be healing. Come on Max you need to stay strong think about everything good in your life now.

“I’m going to do a coffee run anyone want any?” Liam announces.

“Yes please I’ll come with you.” Steve (Max’s step dad) says and they walk out.

Silence. It’s dead silent in here a part from the noisy machines. That’s all I seem to be hearing, beeping and vibrating and static. It’s hard sitting here by her side I don’t get to hold her hand. Edward and Rose are occupying the both. How I want to have the connection of our hands skin on skin. Liam and Steve come back in with coffees. As everyone left one by one. Steve and Luke would usually stay later but they have to work in the morning.

It’s one o’clock in the morning and I haven’t moved. I’ve stayed sitting here in the same sitting position every part of my body going numb.

“I’m going to go home. I have classes for Uni tomorrow really early as much as I would love to skip them to stay here, I can’t.” Edward says red eyed with huge black bags underneath.

“I’m the same I’ll see you later Zayn.” Rose said. I worry about her the most I think.

I’m left here by myself and for the first time in three days I get off my seat and sit in the seat right beside her grabbing her hand and I look at her face up close a sickly pale colour of skin with black around her eyes almost like she’s leaving us. I stroke her cheek and I break down holding her and with both of my mine up to my mouth, tears falling from my eyes like droplets of rain.

“Max, they say that when people are in comas they can hear you speak to them so I suppose that is what I’ll do. I love you and you’ve said to me that you love me although we both probably meant different meanings of the phrase. Please stay strong please come back to us.”

Hate Your Heart // zayn malikWhere stories live. Discover now