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There was a sound that called her in a very rare place she did not recognized. Slowly, Amanda opened her eyes and she narrowed them because there was a bright light coming through the window. Amanda was not ready to wake up that morning but she had to. She had an appointment with her friend, Olivia, at 8 o'clock with her friends at a coffee shop and a co-working space in her town.

Amanda got up and sat on the edge of her bed. She looked through her desk and stared at her photograph with her mom. She remembered when she took that photo she went to Niagara water fall so that she could fulfil her mom's wish. She could see how the rush of the waterfall and she could see how big her mom's smile on that photo. She suddenly thought that she might visit her this weekend since she had resigned her job and she had more time.

"Mom." Just as she thought about her mom, she called to Amanda's phone. She immediately picked it up.

"Mom!" Amanda never felt this happy before when her mom called. At the other side of the line, her mom gave a big smile when she heard Amanda's voice that excited.

"Oh, you are in such a good mood."

"Yeah, I think I do. Especially, you called."

"Well then, that was good. How's your morning? Have you had breakfast?"

"I haven't. I have just got up from my sleep. It's good to be called."

"Well then. Perhaps, you should come and visit me sometimes. It's been a long time since the last time we talk."

"I will, soon. I got to go. Thanks for calling, Mom. I have something to do this morning. See you!"


Amanda hanged up the phone and went to the kitchen. She decided to make a cup of tea because she would drink coffee with Olivia and her friends. She thought it might be good if she did not drink two cups of coffee in a row. She remembered that yesterday she did groceries shopping because she planned to make Bahn mi. A sandwhich dish from Vietnam. She forgot and she woke up late this morning so she decided to make it as dinner tonight.

She looked through her cupboard and opened the doors one by one. She noticed that she still had some cereal. She enjoyed her breakfast and sat on her table. She sighed and smiled. She had no idea she felt really peaceful this morning. 

"Today, at 8. We are waiting for you." Said Olivia on her messages. Amanda nodded and replied 'ok' to Olivia. 


Amanda had no idea that she finally arrived as the first person than others. She had not seen Olivia. She looked around and no one she recognized was there. She decided to order the coffee shop. 

"Oh wow, carrot cake!" She mumbled as she scanned the coffee shop cake's display. It's been a long time since the last time she ate it. The best carrot cake was from her mom's.

"One carrot cake and a cup of latte."

"Do you want an ice latte or a hot one?"

"A hot one please." Amanda replied with a smile. It was a bit awkward when she visited a new coffee shop. She usually talks about other things because she knows who is behind the counter.

But this guy who was becoming a cashier was cute.

"Excuse me... Hello..." Amanda woke up from her daydreaming. The cashier called her and she said "Sorry!"

"It's okay miss. I just want to tell you about the payment." The guy smiled and there was a bit sparkle inside Amanda's stomach.

"Thank you!"

"Amanda!" At the same time, Olivia came with two women behind. Amanda believed they were her friends from the organization.


Both Amanda and Olivia shared hug. They smiled to each other and to Olivia's friends. Olivia told Amanda to move the seat because she had reserved the place before. Amanda was left alone to wait Olivia and her friends ordered some cups of coffee.

"How long have you been here?"

"Not long ago. I am fine." They both smiled. Olivia pulled out her notebooks and some brochures and documents. Amanda looked at them. Olivia's friends were talking to each other about the topic Amanda did not understand.

"So, let's start our meeting shall we?" Olivia smiled and it was followed by Amanda's. They talked about the organization, the plan, the company who give the funding for their organization. But Amanda seemed to think about anything else. Inside her mind, she was daydreaming about her life, her mom, and... about Greg.

"Hi, yeah? What's up?" Amanda woke up from her daydreaming and she actually was asked by Olivia.

"Are you okay?" Olivia asked concernedly to Amanda

"Yeah sure, I am fine. What happened?"

"Ah. I am a bit afraid of your face now. See, we were talking about a place we might visit next week. Do you agree?"

"Oh yeah. Totally fine. It was just please not this week because I would like to visit my mom."

"Hmm. Great then. We are going to this place next week." Olivia smiled and so did Amanda. They both talked about their life and Olivia and her friends finally asked permission to Amanda to leave.

"I'll see you next week!" They all left the coffee house and left Amanda in a big question.

"What place did I have to visit next week?" Amanda narrowed her eyes and shrugged. She went to the counter and ordered another cup of coffee.


"Hi! Mom!" Amanda had arrived at her Mom's house. It was a long journey. It takes three hours by train from her flat. 

"Hi, Amanda." Her mom kissed Amanda's cheeks. They both smiled. Her mom cried a bit. 

They both entered the house and Amanda still could smell the house' vibes. She smiled while her eyes were being closed.

"I want to get change first. I'll see you soon." Amanda went to her bedroom and when she entered it, the condition was still the same for the time she left.

She dressed up quickly because she could not wait to talk to her mom. She just took a quick bath and changed her clothes into the pyjamas. She had no idea. It was 4 p.m and she just wanted to wear it.

"Been long time." Her mom exclaimed and it was followed by Amanda's nod.

"I know! Wow! Cookies and cream cake. My favorite." 

They both sat down at the dining room. Her mom cooked Amanda's favorite food. They enjoyed the food in silence. 

"I miss your dad." 

"Mom." Amanda suddenly finished her meal. She lost her appetite every time her mom started talking about her dad. Amanda also lost her mood.

"Honey... I wanted to talk to you... I know that you are really upset about your father. But..."

"But what? He left you. He left you nothing. You had to work. I was a 5-year-old girl with a big dream and you helped me achieve it. You managed all the money. You were here alone Mom."

"I know... But..."

"But what?" 

They both stayed in silent. Her mom was a bit afraid of telling the truth. Yet she thought it was a good time because Amanda had grown up enough. 

"He left us because a reason he kept himself. It was such a dangerous decision."

"Why? He left us then he left us. He's gone. Why do you still say a good thing about him?"

"Because he is an agent Amanda and he... is still alive."

12 Chapters of LifeWhere stories live. Discover now