Powerful Beginnings

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This story involves a young boy that goes by the name of Oscar. Oscar is a half dog half human. He is a rather skinny fellow who was taller than everyone else at his age. In this part of the story, Oscar was only 8 living in 3233. That is when it had all began...
"OSCAR! GET DOWN HERE NOW!" His mother yelled impatiently. "Why is the wood not chopped outside?"
Oscar jumped out of bed and started putting on clothes to get ready for the day, a grey shirt, a blue open jacket, and black pants.
"The head of the axe broke off so I was going to buy a new one today. We don't have the materials to fix it." He answered carefully, watching his tone.
"I don't like excuses boy! I want that wood split!"
"Yes momma... it'll be done by noon." With that, Oscar leaves the house to hurry towards the town. On his way around, he watches the buildings and finds his fathers place of work. As he looks in the window, he can barely see his father. His father looks up as Oscar knocks on the window and approaches him. He stares down at Oscar in disgust as he shuts the blinds. Poor Oscar leaves to find a local store. On his way, a group of 12 year olds find him. The Tiger hybrid trips Oscar but his reflexes were fast enough to catch himself from hitting the sidewalk, instead scraping his hands. Right as he was about to get up, a panda holds him down and a bunny checks his pockets. They find the money that would have been used for the axe and all stare at the money for a second. "Hey Oscar... when did you get so rich? We're ya not gonna share with us?" The rabbit asks, faking a sad face.
"Fuck off! That money is for something important!" Oscar tries to push himself up but the panda hits the back of his head and shoved it into the ground.
"No no no... no swearing allowed here, doggy. Let's stop that shall we?"
"You dam-" Oscar immediately had his face clamped shut as the tiger put a muzzle on his face. He then followed to hit the muzzle in order to scare Oscar.
"I said... no swearing... that money is ours, but you can have it back, if you can take anyone down. Let him up." The tiger takes a few steps back as the panda get off of Oscar. He jumped up and sprinted toward the tiger. As he threw a punch, the tiger easily dodged and hit Oscars leg, making it numb. Instead, Oscar weaves around to shoulder-check the bunny. As the bunny catches Oscar, he redirects his speed down causing him to fall face first. The bunny grabs him by the collar and pulls him to eye level.
"Listen mutt... you won't be able to take on anyone. Your just a weak, skinny, little-" Oscar cut him off with a head-but to the nose, but Oscar was protected by the muzzle. As the bunny took a few steps backwards Oscar took the money he dropped and sprinted in the opposite direction. Unfortunately the panda came out of nowhere to clothesline Oscar and take the money. As Oscar tried to recover, the bunny stomped on his chest. "I'll admit. That was half decent. Not enough to stop me though. Now you'll regret doing that. Have your way with him." He says looking over at the tiger. As the tiger approaches Oscar, the panda holds him down. The bunny walks away with the money as Oscar gets beaten down by the other two. They all run away together as he begins to get up. Beaten and defeated, young Oscar returns home with no axe.
"So you have no axe, no money, and no way of fixing the first axe? You really are a disappointment boy..." Oscars mother was fed up with him. So much so that she never noticed the marks on his face. Oscar stood there with a look of shock on his face. He had always been a hard worker and never complained, but it was never noticed.
"All you do is just be lazy. Can't even do something as simple as cut wood. Maybe your father can teach you how to be better." Oscar said nothing to his mother, walked into his house, grabbed his boots, and headed into the woods with tears welled up in his eyes. After a while of walking around, Oscar had made it to his destination. In a trail he made a few years ago, sat an open area with a shrine on it. Every time he felt sad, he would fall to his knees and pray that a God. Any God, would help him in his times of need. When no one came, he began to lose hope, but what was just one last try? He sat on his knees, put his hands on his lap, bowed his head and whispered into the wind.
"May there be any God that could save me from my home, this would be the time to do it... it has finally happened. I reached my lowest point and at such a young age. Someone please... give me the strength to continue on." Oscar finished his prayer with a lump in his throat and a sunken heart. He waited with his head down until the sun started to set. It had been at least 4 hours that Oscar had waited for a God. Just as he gave up and was returning home, he felt something tug on the back of his hoodie. When he turned, he was met with a big woman who has a bright aura around her. She was wielding a bow and had a squirrel on her right shoulder...

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