Eight long years

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Zuko let the girls know about Zane leaving and turned on the news. Of course, it was covering the recent attack of a titan and god against the group. Tippy was curled up on the couch, hugging a pillow while sniffling behind it. Nexus was making some tea to cheer her up, while Zuko sat beside her and kept Leif company. Together, they would all have to figure out how to work without Oscar. Which means taking all his calls and jobs. Within 3 hours, the police radio had asked for Oscar too many times than they could handle. The group all separated, working different jobs at a time, whether it be stopping fires from spreading, dealing with a heist and car chase, or helping people cross the street or carry some luggage for a bit. Anytime a citizen needed help, they would answer for Oscar. A week went by with this system in effect. Finally, Nexus created a simple landline that anyone in Dallo could call, and would ring on everyone's phone. A month passes with this new landline and it works well enough that the group doesn't have to suffer as much. While the group covers for Oscar and his absence, Zane has been busy in his dimension.

Zane is working at his bench, tinkering with his watch. He began talking to himself. "When people enter a different dimension, the version of themselves no longer exist. Do they just die, or dissappear for as long as the new version of them is in their dimension? I doubt that death would occur for me, but that must always be a possibility. Then again, Oscar has traveled dimensions and his counterparts were fine. It must be that they dissapear. Just because I haven't found my version from Oscar's dimension, doesn't mean he isn't dead. Although, I need to emit a pulse that radios in on certain people. Like Oscar, Tippy, Nexus, and Luna. Zuko can take care of himself throughout different dimensions, and June doesn't exist in alot of other ones." A series of blue sparks blasted out of the watch, as he prodded the back of it with a metal pointer. Zane grabbed the watch, cooled it down and reapplied the back cover. As he put it on, blips appeared one pistol, one sword hilt, one book, and one nut and bolt. He turned and opened a portal. As he walked through a new blip appeared. A cresent moon. Zane opened a new portal to Oscar's dimension and walked through. He arrived in a hometown. It seemed well built and had a friendly community. Zane followed the blip to a cozy cafe. He held his breath as he opened the door and walked in. The smell of coffee filled his lungs as he took in the view. It was a family business with faces he hasent seen in a long time. The king and queen of his dimension were now famous Cafe shop owners. King Harold and Queen Lillian. He approached them and spoke in a wavering, yet passionate voice. "Are you Harold?" A large fox in an apron turns around and gives a stranger their coffee. "This is him." "You aren't going to believe me, but I was once your son in another dimension. My name is Zane Winterfield and I used to be married to your daughter. She passed away in an unfortunate series of events. You were king of an entire population, with your own guards." Harold stared at Zane like he was crazy in the head. "You were my son, but married my daughter?" "I was adopted. Trust me, it was a difficult thing to understand so just look up for a second." Zane opened a portal on the ceiling to his old laboratory. Everyone in the Cafe stopped and stared at Zane in silence. "If you could look up, you will see where I used to work and the surrounding area is your castle. Luna used to help and support me when you would disapprove of anything I had done." You weren't a very good person in this dimension. But I would like to start over in this one. I only wish to see my wife again." Harold looked over to Lillian who seemed baffled at what just happened in a matter of minutes. Zane poured his heart out to them, and they had to figure out what to do. Lillian called for Luna. As she came to the front room, Zanes heart skipped a beat as he saw her. Just as beautiful as he remembered, which hurt even more, knowing that it's not really her. "Excuse me, Luna? You wouldn't happen to know a man named Zane, would you?" She nodded her head before noticing the hole in the ceiling. "Woooah. What is that?" Zane stood up strait and glanced through the portal. "First, I need to know last time you talked to Zane." "It was just a few days ago. I think he has a crush on me though." Zane nodded and whispered to himself. "Its because he does." He raised his voice to explain hole in the roof. "It's a portal to my dimension. If your parents consent, and even want to come along, I can show you what you used to live like here. It's not every day that you see hyper-intelligent beings, capable of multi-level dimension hopping and reality warping." Curious to see what the life as a king held, Harold agreed. Lillian didn't want to leave the shop, so she refused. Luna wanted to see what the new dimension held for her, and agreed. Zane led Harold and Luna outside where he opened a portal on the wall of their Cafe and walked through. He turned back around to see them nervous about it. "You can trust me. The instant you want to come back home, I will let you go back. I'm not here to make you do anying." After a little affirmation, they both step through and immediately feel the difference in gravity, atmosphere, and temperature. "Wow! That is shocking!" Harold was left baffled at the science behind the portal. Zane led them down a hall to the dining hall. "That's nothing. Just follow me and see your castle." Zane, overjoyed with seeing his wife again, leads them around the castle and lastly his old Lab. While Luna looks around what's left of it, Harold sits back with Zane to talk. "So, you are from another dimension where you married, and had a child with my daughter?" Zane kept an eye on Luna while answering. "Yes. Her name is June, and she's all that keeps me going since my Luna passed." "So, what happened to her?" Zane dropped his head a little and thought. "Ya know... It's a long story. The events that brought me here should be told someplace else. By the way, I have a request for you. Would you allow me to show June to Luna? Let her see the kid she may have in her life?" Harold stood up strait and puffed out his chest. "Well, I'm not going to let someone I met twenty minutes ago take my little girl." "With all do respect, I'm nothing like how I was when I lost Luna. I can manipulate the world around me with just so much as my thoughts being wired to this watch." Zane showed off the watch by ripping out a piece of the floor, turning it into a wooden block, an iron triangle, and a dirt sphere before putting it back and turning it into marble. "Not to mention I have actual powers with fire and ice, winning challenges and tournoments to be a master swordfighter across multiple dimensions. I'm not going to lose Luna again. I only ask for ten minutes." Harold let out a sigh. "Fine. Ten minutes... then bring her right back." "With my life as my promise." Zane opened a portal back to the Cafe and led Harold through. "Timer starts now." Zane closed the portal, turned to Luna and opened another portal to his home. "Time to go home. You get to meet someone very special in my life. Our daughter, from this dimension." He led Luna through a portal, and in the distance could be heard "Daddy!"

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