Fight through Hell

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Today was a good day. Or it was until Zane had ruined it. Oscar was going to miss his son's birth and its Zane's fault. Oscar ran towards him, hoping to wrap his hands around his neck after what he did. Oscar lept forward just before a new land appeared in front of him. Oscar was already halfway through by the time he realized. Oscar quickly got to his feet but he was too late. The portal had closed and he had been stranded in an unfamiliar location. Oscar scolded himself for being blinded by rage, but now he needed to focus on where he was and how to get back to his dimension. Oscar got his bearings and appeared to be in some sort of building. But it was larger than a normal sized person. The ceiling was 15 feet tall. It was at that moment that Oscar heard a voice come from behind him.
"Oscar, is that you?" He turned to see a fox standing behind him who seemed to be a young adult with a body type that made him look like he had a pillow stuffed in his shirt. "Geez, you look rough. You should get some rest." The fox gave Oscar a concerned look which didn't sit right with him. Oscar was going to ask the fox where he was when he noticed something familiar. This fox contained the same fur patterns and texture that Zuko from his universe had, he just looked like a chubby child compared to the swuave magician he was used to. Since this Zuko and Oscar's Zuko both probably have Eleanor, it wouldn't be a far stretch to assume this dimensions version is against him too. Zuko tilted his head lightly and lifted his hand up. With blinding speed, Oscar punched Zuko in the stomach and sent him flying through several walls before the 9th wall halted his momentum. Oscar turned away and looked around for an exit when he heard some movements from behind. Oscar stared with confusion written on his face when he saw Zuko getting up. He looked down at his fist and though to himself, did he not hit him hard enough? It wasn't full force but Oscar has shattered bones with a punch weaker than that.

"Man, you could have warned me if you wanted to have a sparring match. Could have also waited until we went outside instead of being in here. Do you have any idea how mad the owner is gonna be?" Zuko had spoke in a tone that didn't sound mad. How could this guy get hit and think it was friendly, was he really this stupid? Oscar quickly ran forward and hit Zuko harder, sending him flying backwards. Oscar caught up to Zuko and slammed him into the ground. He couldn't possibly survive that. Oscar turned around and started jogging away before he heard zuko get up yet again. He turned to see Zuko approaching in quite a fast manner. Before Oscar realized, a fireball was hurtling strait for his face. He dodged to the left just quick enough for the flames to only singe the corner of his cheek. Before Oscar could recover, he felt himself get hit in the stomach which knocked him back through a few walls before flying out in an open field. Oscar slowly picked himself off the ground and looked around to see a white fox with red accents staring at him. His emotions were hard to read and his intentions unclear. Oscar believed less and less that this is a Zuko as he watched 9 limbs flare out from behind his back. He saw that Zuko had multiple tails stretching out. As soon as the tails seemed to fully reach their max length, Oscar saw 9 small blue fireballs form and thrown forward at light speeds. Oscar jumped over one, slapped one away mid air, ducked and moved to the left of one, and rolled in between two. The last four collided with one another, forming ball too lard to dodge. Oscar put his arms in a cross infront of him and leaned into the blast. The force caused him to slide back a few feet. With rage fueling his fire, Oscar quickly charged Zuko and threw a flurry of punches and kicks that Zuko managed to dodge and block, to Oscars surprise. Oscar built up a large punch with his right arm and thrust it forward. Zuko caught the same idea and threw his own punch. As both fists collided into each other, a large shockwave of pure force burst out, sounding as if an explosion had just gone off. Oscar and Zuko we both about to fall backwards when Oscar grabbed Zuko's left arm, and Zuko grabbed his left arm. As they both regained their balance, Zuko began to speak. "You know, at first I thought you just had a bad day, but now I know you're not the Oscar I know. If you want to return to your own dimension, attacking someone is NOT a way to ask for help!" Zuko was trying to show that even though he looked like a god, he was still the same stupid kid Oscar saw previously. Believing there was no way he could get out of this, Oscar broke free and threw another punch at Zuko. He easily dodged and coated his right fist in a blue flame and counterattacked. The punch connected to Oscar's left cheek and suddenly he felt an intense pain flow throughout his body. He saw Zuko slowly shift back to the fox that he first met. Oscar didn't fully know what Zuko had done, but he went to throw another punch at Zuko before his entire body stopped in its tracks. Oscar heard a voice in his head as he dropped to his knees.

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