The Power of The Gods

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Oscar was bewildered by what he is seeing. One of the true hearted and strongest of the gods Artemis was standing before him, giving a warm smile.
"My apologies for taking a while. It has been quite some time since I last visited this land. I noticed you had been coming to my shrine for a while, asking for a god? Am I correct?" Artemis begins to look around while waiting for his answer. Oscar is baffled a god has finally come. And a powerful one at that.
"W-well. I have lost all hope in this world. My father has neglected me ever since I was born, and my mother never sees the accomplishments I do and only thinks of me as some lazy, weak, child. I am nearing the age of 8 and already the faith in my family has died out. No one in our town believes I am worth anything, or can defend myself. I have no one else to turn to but you."
Oscar's eyes begin to water up again. He clenched his fist and grits his teeth.
"No matter what I do... I will never be viewed more than a stepping stone or an insect. Nobody thinks I could be strong. I have been mistreated and looked down upon nearly all my life. Give me guidance please! Save me from my home!"
As Oscar pleads out, Artemis stands with her eyes wide as she listens to his troubles and what he has done with his life. They spend time talking to each other until it becomes dark.
"Welp. I will have to think about your life and contemplate whether or not I may do anything for you. I wish I could help now, but you must be patient a bit longer. I will discuss with you a plan if I am able to help you." Artemis speaks quickly as she begins to fade away.
"I'll try my hardest to be stronger. Until next we meet."
"Until next we meet..." Artemis then fades completely as Oscar returns home, dreading what is about to come. When he makes it back to his house, he sees his father standing on the porch with what looks to be a leather strap.
"You finally shown up? Your mother wanted that wood split and you disappear the whole day? You will learn to obey her while I'm not here. Come here!" Oscars father straitened the strap and awaits Oscar impatiently.
"B-but I was robbed of my money and can't afford to f-" Oscar was cut short when his father hit him across the face with the strap. As he fell back, he manages to catch himself before he hit his head on the ground.
"You are a disgrace to this family and it's name! Get up and go to your bed since that's all your good for... taking up space." Oscar picked himself up and heard a voice in his head.
"Be strong and keep your determination for strength. We will meet again once you lay in bed." Oscar kept his head down as he walked past his father and it stayed down until he made it to his room. It was rather small and simple. A dresser drawer, a bed, a nailed shut window, and a small teddy bear that he kept at his bedside. He laid on his bed with the light off, waiting for Artemis to say something or appear, but she did not show. Eventually he grew tired and had fallen asleep. Suddenly in his dream, Artemis took form and smiled towards Oscar.
"I have some good news for you. I have taken care of those boys that had robbed you, and I have thought about helping you. I will agree to help and give you a gift that you may like. I cannot give it to you currently, for you will not be able to use it without killing you self, from the force. You must prove your worthiness and holiness, through your determination and sheer will. As you age, I will be there. As you grow, I will be there. As the day comes... I will be there."
Artemis looks at Oscar with a serious tone on her face and he can tell the work ahead will be a struggle.
"I am willing to do what I must for this gift you shall give me. May I ask what the gift shall be?"
"It is a gift to save you from the abuse, pain, sorrow, and sickness of this world. This gift will be more powerful once I bestow it upon you. I am giving you something that only can be held once you are fit in my eyes. I shall someday give to you... a piece of myself."
"What?! A piece of yourself? What does that mean? How will it work? How can it help m-" Artemis cuts him off.
"Shhhh. You will know all in good time. As the days progress... as you grow more independent... your questions shall be met. I must leave for now. Have a lovely sleep."
Oscar is filled with even more questions as Artemis begins to fade.
"W-wait! There is still so much I don't know! Please!" Oscar suddenly wakes up and it is morning. He slowly gets out of bed and looks out his window towards the forest...

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