Run Like a Coward

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Oscar made his way toward the city with B3AST following behind. Together, they ran towards town and jumped across rooftops. Oscar pulled out his phone and played the police radio while he scoped out multiple areas. After waiting for a moment, the radio picked up a crime. "We got a confirmed B and E. 10-64 on Chamber street, southeast side." Oscar spun around and rushed toward the location. Before Oscar arrived, he whistled for Ohm and waited for the cops to show up. 3 cars pulled up as another radio call picked up. "Situation downtown changed from a breaking and entering, go a hostage situation. I repeat, hostages in the buidling." Oscar hopped down beside a cop, scaring him. "Jesus! Oh, damn it Oscar. You are gonna kill me before an actual bad guy does." Oscar chuckled as B3AST dropped beside Oscar. "How goes my favorite cop, Carlos? This is B3AST by the way. Depending on the situation, it will be helping us today." "It looks like you, but... better looking." "Oh 'haha'. Anyway, sounds like this became a hostage sorta deal." Carlos walked up beside his captain and stood guard. "Yup. So far, we saw two hostages, but there could be more. Same thing with hostage takers. We only saw one, but their could always be more." Oscar nodded as he looked into the building with careful eyes. "Hmm. Keep your head on strait, Carlos. This should be a piece of cake." Carlos' captain turned around and an barked order. "Hey. Quit talking and get serious. Cooper. Survey the south side of the building. I'll stay on East side, and Oscar. Try not to fuck this up. We need focus." "Yeah, I got it. Last time ain't gonna happen again. I won't slip up." Oscar jumped to the roof as Ohm made it to the scene. B3AST stood with the cops as Oscar headed around the roof to look for an open window on the second floor. To his luck, there was one to a little boys bedroom. He made his way in, and slowly left the room to check everywhere upstairs. He cautiously entered the parents room to see a little girl hiding under the bed. She crawled backwards to hide further. "Psst. Little girl. Are you injured? I'm here to save you and your family." She moved forward to peek again. "My name is Oscar. I'm a hero. Please, we have to hurry." Cautiously, she grabbed his hand and walked her to the window where Carlos was waiting. Oscar dropped her out the window and into Carlos' arms. Doing so made the girl shriek, resulting in someone inside noticing him upstairs. Oscar heard muffled talking about someone checking upstairs. Quickly, he made his way into a bathroom and pressed himself against the ceiling by crawling up the doorframe. The creaking of the floorboards as someone made their way, room to room made Ohm nuzzle into Oscar's shoulder. There was a sudden thud, crash and running. "DONT MOVE!" The criminal yelled out to someone and the running stopped almost immediately. "You little shit. Get down there with the rest of em!" He could hear a little boy crying as he gets gragged downstairs. Oscar hopped down and walked to the stairway. At the bottom stood the criminal with his back turned. He crept forward and grabbed him by the throat and held onto his gun. "Make any noise and I blow your brains out. Just walk upstairs..." Oscar dragged the criminal upstairs and into a separate room. "Now, listen to me. I can break every bone in your body, kill you right here, or let you live with minimal injuries. What are you gonna choose?" The criminal began sweating as they wereput on their knees. "Uhmm. Which one gets me out of here safely?" Oscar reared his hand back. "Closest you're gonna get is minimal injuries." Oscar knocked him out by chopping at his neck and proceeded to head downstairs. He made sure to let Ohm glide him down so the stairs won't creak. In the kitchen stood a guard with 2 hostages. A mother and father. In the living room hid another guard with 2 hostages. A little boy and an older looking man. Assumed big brother or uncle. With the kid crying, maybe he can sneak up easier. Oscar rounded the corner and hid behind a couch in the corner of the living room. The guard was peeking out of a window, focusing on finding any cops. "Hey, Jamie. You almost done over there?" The guard in the kitchen yelled to the unconscious criminal now upstairs. Oscar slowly and carefully made his way across the room toward the guard at the window. Just before he could make it, one of the hostages yelled out. "Hey, behind you!" The suspected big brother was a criminal who was pretending to be a hostage. He quickly rose to his feet as the guard turned around and begun firing at Oscar. He lept back and hid behind the couch to wait for footsteps to approach him. Before they could fire at him again, Oscar kicked the couch into the closest guard and lept toward the criminal that acted like a hostage. Oscar heard a gun click, turned on spot and jumped toward the countertop that separated the kitchen and the living room. The guard in the kitchen tried to shoot the hostages, resulting in Ohm flying Oscar over the countertop and tackling him to the floor. Bullets fired into the ceiling as the guard was knocked over. Oscar stood up, grabbed him by the shirt, and threw him at the other two criminals. Oscar jumped back over the countertop and paralyzed 2 of the hostage takers by punching them in the lower back. As Oscar walked up to the last criminal left, he summoned his pistol and pointed it at the man. "Don't move." The criminal got up and made a sprint toward the door. "Damn..." Oscar threw away his pistol and chased after the man. Just as he got the door open, Oscar shoulder checked him outside, where tens of cops aimed their guns. "That's all of them. Two parents. A daughter and son. How did I do?" The captain of the police squad walked up to Oscar. "Decent time, but a bit reckless. Go for their guns first. The less damage everyone causes, the better. Now get out of here before the journalists get here." Oscar nodded in agreement as he walked away. B3AST chased him down and shoved Oscar out of the way. As Oscar hit the ground, the building, and everyone near it exploded. "CARLOS! Fuck, fuck!" All the lives Oscar just saved. The lives of every officer that responded to the call. All snuffed out in only a few seconds. Oscar stared ahead in shock. Not knowing how to react, B3AST grabbed him and began running from the building. Two more explosions went off in the neighbors houses. Nearly an entire city block was now rubble and fire. "Ohm, get everyone over here!" Oscar threw Ohm toward their house and merged with B3AST. The suit began to drain Oscars blood from his arm. B3AST sprinted back toward the explosions and looked around for any survivors. Flames begun to spread to other buildings as someone walked the streets this was no ordinary being. They were giant. The being spoke out with a booming voice. "I am Perses, looking for the one named Oscar. I seek revenge for the god Pollux. For the entire time I cannot see him, I shall partake in destroying this town." B3AST sprinted off the building and down the street, infront of Perses. It stood infront of him with its arms out and making an angry face. "Are you the one named Oscar?" Perses looked B3AST up and down as it nodded its head. "Hey, found him." Perses called another god to his location. A new god fell from the sky and landed on a building, collapsing it in the process. "I am Mania. Everyone SCREAM as madness runs through you!" Mania sent a black fog through the city that made people turn so far into insanity that they begun to end their lives in order to save themselves. B3AST ran through the fog, trying to find and save as many people as it could. Perses knocked over buildings, chasing B3AST through the city until the rest of the group could make it back. While Oscar tried to think up a way to stop them, only one came to mind. If he was going to stop this chaos before anything else happens, he would have to leave Dallo. His home for many years was being ripped from him again. Ohm flew back to Oscar, with the rest of the group behind him. B3AST grabbed Ohm and threw him back into the sky. If he breathed too much, Ohm would fall into madness. Zane, Zuko, Nexus, and Tippy ran towards Oscar. "Hey, what's going on? What can we do about this rampage?" Oscar began to panic. They were going to breath in the fog if he didn't do anything. B3AST wouldn't move to help them either. Oscar struggled to move as he had to watch them take in a breath. Zane immediately felt something wrong and created a mask over his face. The other three didn't seem effected at all. Zane took notice as well. "Hey, you guys know that this gas can kill you, right?" Zuko pulled out a book and began skimming through it. "The fog drives the consumer mentally insane. I am constantly regenerating, so any infected blood cells in my body die off and become remade. Therefore my body can create an imunity almost immediately. Tippy on the other hand is a mystery." Tippy thought for a moment before figuring it out. "Oh! Years ago, Oscar gave me a power of Artemis. He gave me something called Divine Will. I assume it's to prevent anything corrupting my thoughts and mind. The only thing the fog is doing is making me a bit dizzy." Nexus tapped her forehead. "My lungs aren't organic. I can breath without worry." B3AST nodded his head. In the background, Mania begun her attack. She began swiping and kicking at buildings at random while Perses found the group. "Ahh. Pollux said he may have some friends. If you get in the way, we will kill you too." Zane freed Oscar's head and stuck a breather to his face. "What's the gameplan here Oscar?" "You all go back home. I thought I needed you guys, but I figured out how to handle this. I'm going to run and let them chase me. I'll keep running until they wont ever be a problem anymore. I want you to take care of Leif, and Tippy. Lastly, there is a special request that I need you to accept... If I ever yell out to run, do it... That's it. Remember that one word, and that's all that will matter in the end of things." Tippy grabbed at Oscar's arm. "Oscar, you can't leave us. Don't leave me." Oscar turned to her and dropped to one knee. "Tippy. I'm only going to say it once, and quickly, so pay attention. We aren't going to win against these guys. I'm not strong enough to stop them, even WITH me at my best. The only option is running so they leave. Promise me you will wait for me to come back one day. We can get married. We can be happy together... finally settle down, yeah?" "Oscar, no..." "Promise." Tippy shook her head with tears in her eyes. "That's okay then, but I have to go." Oscar began running away as she wiped away the tears. "I promise, Oscar! I'll wait for you!" Oscar took off the mask as BEAST enveloped his head. It jumped for Perses and punched the god in the gut. As he took a few steps back, B3AST began jogging away. Perses and Mania began pursuing Oscar with malicious intent. Faster and faster they moved, which only drives B3AST to pick up speed. Dodging attacks, it lowered into a sprint. B3AST made it out of Dallo while both gods continued their chase. "Keep running, coward... When you get tired, we will string your veins against a clotheline!" B3AST retaliated by making a hush noise and fired its pistol at Perses. The group watched as the titan and god disappeared into the trees chasing Oscar. Zuko broke the silence and tried to lighten everyone's mood. "Don't worry everyone. He will be fine. I doubt Oscar has changed his future yet, and I know this isn't the last we have seen of him. We'll just have to wait." Tippy began crying as she dropped to her knees. Nexus patted her back and ushered her to her feet. "C'mon. Let's go home and wait for what James wants us to do about the city... Losing their strongest teammate, the group made their way back home, helping anyone along the way. Before Zane made it inside, he heard a whisper in the back of his head. "Oscar will kill June..." Zane spun his head around and looked for the source of noise. Zuko noticed Zanes strange movement. "Are you alright?" Zane scanned the area before opening a portal. "I need to check on something. Gonna do a supply run too." Before Zuko could speak, Zane walked in the portal and closed it right behind him. He now stood inside his house in his own dimension. In another room, a girl could be heard. "Daddy! You took forever!" Zane walked into a bedroom to see a little fennix girl on a bed. "Hey, Junebug! It's great to see you again. I'm here for the night, so don't you worry. Want anything to eat?" "I wanna go to where you've been to eat!" Zane picked up June and walked her around the house. "Sorry, but I can't do that. You don't exist in that dimension. You would probably turn into a rock if you went through." Zane wiggled his finger in June's face, making her giggle. "Well, when can I go?" "I'm almost done, June. I've nearly found her. I'm sure she would love to meet you..."

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