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Oscar crafted a makeshift survival tent in the woods so he could rest after the busy night he had. After a while, he managed to fall asleep, where he dreamt he was at home. \\\\ He was the first one using the testing arena while everyone else watched. By the end of the physical, Zane gave Oscar a pat on the back, and congratulated him. "Wow! First one in the arena and your stats are already crazy high! It seems that your top speed is barely capping seven-fifty miles an hour. Your punching force is a remarkable fourteen thousand one hundred Newtons. That's almost enough to crush a submarine!" \ Tippy sat on the edge of the roof next to Oscar as they watch a sunset. "Oscar. How are you holding up? Its been a while since we could just relax like this and catch up." Oscar sighed. "Its going. Slowly, but going. I'm starting to control my power. We should probably name it something besides power... My might. My anger?" Tippy chuckled slightly. "I think 'rage' could be a good name. Especially since you're so aggressive when you use it." She playfully bumped shoulders with him. "Rage... Hey Tippy. I know we are still kids, but. I've been thinking." "Oh no. Somebody stop him." They both laugh as Tippy gets up. "Oh, ha ha... I've been thinking about the future. And us. About what we will be in later time..." "I accept." "What?" Tippy helped Oscar up. "You were trying to ask me out?" "How did you know?" "We've known each other for years. I'd be a bad friend if I never paid any attention to you. Plus, I like you too." Oscar hugged Tippy tightly, before she gave him a little peck on the cheek. "I'm gonna turn in for the night." \ Oscar and the now pregnant Tippy were hunting for elk in the woods near the old village. Oscar had found a perfect shot on an elk through some bushes when Tippy let out a scream. Oscar spun around to see her fall backwards with an elk standing on its hind legs, about to crush her. Oscar dashed over and grabbed the elks front legs and shoved it backwards. The elk fell over and kicked in the air before getting back up to attack. Oscar walked slowly to the side, so Tippy would be out of the way. The elk charged forward with its antlers facing Oscar. He opened his arms, ready for the hit. As soon as the antlers pierced into Oscar's chest, he grabbed its head as he was shoved against a tree. Slowly, Oscar summoned his gun. He placed the barrel against its neck and pulled the trigger. As a loud bang echoed through the woods, the elk fell over. Oscar rushed back over to Tippy and knelt down next to her. "Are you alright Tippy? You hurt at all?" Tippy brushed herself off and reached her arms out for Oscar. "I'm fine, but that deer gave me quite the scare. Heh." She wrapped her arms around Oscar and he picked her up princess style. "Well, all that matters to me is that you're ok. And now we got some good eating for a bit." Oscar turned to look at the elk. "Clean shot on the neck and all. Venison sounds good tomorrow right Tip-" Oscar turned to look back at Tippy, but he was now holding Artemis. "Oscar..." Oscar's eyes widened as Artemis crumbled away in his arms. He looked around to see her shrine fall apart. \ Oscar was in a dark room of his old house. Pollux sat in a corner in the form of a frog. "Oscar... Time to die, Oscar." He walked forward and Oscar couldn't move. He looked down to see his feet had sunken under the floor. "You're nothing but a fraud... Some nobody kid who got lucky powers..." Oscar tried to put up his fists but weights were attached and chained to the ground. "You let her die Oscar. And you're gonna let him die too. You can't even protect your friends. Or your little lady..." Zane, Zuko, Nexus, Ohm, and Tippy rose in the center of the ring. One by one Pollux danced around and punched the group in the face. Their heads popped off with each punch, Appearing to be fakes. Only Tippy was left, and she was looking at Oscar with a form of realism in her eyes. Pollux walked behind her and turned back into his human form. He rested his hand on her stomach. "...Pop." Tippy suddenly curled over clutching her stomach. She groaned in pain and Oscar made out to yell, but sand poured from his his mouth every time he tried to speak. Tippy's torso began cracking and starting to swell. She tried to speak out with all her strength. "Osc-" There was no sound as Tippy exploded.\\\\ Oscar quickly sat up as he grabbed at his chest with his right hand and looked down as he made a fist with his left. He took a deep breath in... And breathe out... Breathe in, and he got out of his tent. Breathe out. "Stupid nightmares. Every fuckin night..." He looked around before kicking down his tent and walking into the village. From there, he found a historian and entered shop. "What are you doing here Oscar? You've been exiled for how long now?" The historian walked over and plops down behind his desk. A short, chubby looking bunny anthro. Oscar sits at a seat that was next to the desk. "Lets be real. I've saved this place so many times, that nobody really cares about getting me gone. Also, nobody's gonna stop me... Do me a favor. Read this." Oscar places an open data book with a map on it. The historian skims it over before rolling his eyes. "Wish I could help ya pal, but that language isn't nothing that I could read." "We got a decoder in this town?" "We do. Sorta new guy. Our mayor hired him cuz we got new books and artifacts that nobody could read. Two blocks up, take a left and you'll see the sign." Oscar got up and started walking down the street. "Hey, Oscar. Beat it man, we can't do this again." A police officer placed his hand on Oscar's left shoulder and tried to pull him backwards. Oscar kept walking. The officer grabbed onto the jacket and tried pulling. Oscar did a 180 and grabbed him by the collar. "Lay off the jacket. I'm not in the mood today..." Oscar let him go and walked away "try again some other time." The officer raised his hands and turned slowly. "Okay. Fine." Oscar walked into the translators office and sat down at a desk. After a few seconds he hit a bell on the desk a few times. An older yet fashionable bobcat anthro walked around a corner and sad down at her desk. "Ah. New customer. What can- oh. I was informed I cannot help you in any way from the mayor." "Well I got a place where my mayor actually listens to explanations..." "I must ask you to leave." "Not without some information." "I understand, but if you do not leave, I will call the law." Oscar stared into her eyes. "Well. I'm in a rush, so here is how I'm gonna play this... Persuasion.-" He laid a bag of coin on the desk to his left. "-Or intimidation..." He summoned his pistol and rested his right hand on the desk to his right. The bobcat glanced at the gun, then the coin, thinking for a moment. "Ya know... I've heard some good things about you lately. Maybe I'll take this risk with the mayor and help you out. Just this once." Oscar put away his pistol and placed the book down infront of her. She slowly read over the words and translated them on a piece of paper. After she was done, she returned to book back with the paper. "Some of those words had to be improvised. That language is very interesting because it was invented before English and-" Oscar put a hand infront of her face. "Hut ut ut. I don't need a story. I'm in a rush." Oscar grabbed what he needed and walked out the door, towards Dallo.

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