The Road To Recovery

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      Oscar wakes to the sound of a small creature. It almost sounds like a whistle... As he shifts his body, he screams in pain, but all the bark shrapnel is no longer present. It is now pitch black in the woods. There is a blueish white light behind a few trees. Oscar manages to get on his hands and knees to crawl around to find the light. As he approaches, the sound gets louder, but only in the right direction?
After what felt like forever, he reached the light and it was a see through specter-like wisp. It looks to be crying, holding its stomach.
"Oh? You must be hungry, huh? I'll try to find something for you buddy..." Oscar looked around for a bug or something to give to the wisp. A few moments later, he finds it again, and gives it a small handful of grubs. The wisp observed it for a moment before flying through the pile and the bugs had disappeared. It eats using its body by traveling through the small creatures. The wisp had whistled happily and flew in Oscars ear. He fell backwards with his hands outstretched, trying to stop it from going inside. Everything became white... Suddenly, images began flashing throughout his mind... //// "The way I die... I'm surrounded by what I thought were my enemies... But you will be better."/"This is how it ends. Who woulda thought this is how a legend dies." A husky is on its knees standing in the way of six giant creatures... /The husky appears to be a few thousand feet in the sky, falling. "Zuko, Zane, and Tippy. This is where you die. Or I do..." Three people flash past.../ "This... Is where I STAND!" The husky is in a blue jacket, standing in front of an angry behemoth of a creature.../ "Stay with me. I don't wanna lose you, please. Please!" The same tall husky sat in front of what appeared to be an older version of Oscars own mother... //// He fell back and nearly started panicking as the wisp left his ear. All of a sudden, sounds and sensation began filling his left ear. Oscar went to touch it, only to find the tip missing, but be completely healed.
"Wha-... What are you?"Oscar sat in bewilderment as the wisp didn't reply, but made a small swish sound across the grass. "Ah geez. It's dark. Do you know how I can get back to my  house?" Oscar stared at the wisp, but it only stared back... "Yeah. Figured. Considering we just met, I kinda doubted you knew. Well, I guess I'll be on my way." As Oscar got up, he heard a few joints pop and crack as he stood up strait. How long has he been sleeping there? Although his legs and arm were still injured, he treaded on to look for his home. After about an hour goes by, the world seems to be a bit brighter. It's likely about to be sunrise... When Oscar made it back home, he searched his house for bandages and rubbing alcohol. He only found the alcohol, so he would likely have to go to town in his condition. When he poured the liquid on his legs and arm, Oscar had to stifle his voice, so he wouldn't wake his father or mother.
"Shit shit shit shit shit shit sHIT! OW FFFuckin..." Oscar looked up to see the wisp bumping against a small window outside of the bathroom. "Oh, now what?" Just as Oscar opened it, the wisp landed on his leg and began trying to phase into it. "If you were going to heal my legs and arm, why didn't you do it when we were in the woods? That reminds me. Your gonna have to hide when I go to town. I need to talk to you. I don't know what exactly you are, or what you did in my head, but I saw some things and I need answers." After a moment, his legs were greatly healed, but were scarred. The wisp grew tired and rested in the tub. Oscar went to his room and grabbed what little cash he had left after getting the axe and nearly made it out the back door before hearing a gasp behind him. He turned around to see his mother in shock of what she is seeing before her.
"Where... Where did you go? Who did this?" Oscar scoffed
"Not that you'd believe me... I'll be fine."
"No. Your father was out looking for you and when he couldn't, he was... Violent. He is still sleeping, but you need to show him what you look like." She seems actually worried.
"Why? So he can be mean to me again? He is gonna want answers and will try to hurt me for being gone all this time"
"Oscar... Please. He isn't the same when you left. I-" She was interrupted as Oscar put a hand up.
"I've stopped caring. I'm getting older and soon I won't need you. I won't need dad. You never see how hard I work. He is ashamed of who I am. Most people in the town are disrespectful to me as well. I don't fit in here..." Oscar leaves and doesn't even bother shutting the door. He storms off on his way to town. When Oscar makes it into town, he walks up to the glass in his father's work place. He isn't here. "Oh yeah. He is at home still. It's just after daybreak anyway." Oscar continues on and rounds a sharp corner. Just at the other side of it is a young Arctic fox who bumps into him. Almost automatically, Oscar spins on his heel mid fall and catches himself. Unfortunately, this fox landed on her butt instead of being as quick.
"Oh, are you ok? I hope I didn't hurt you." Oscar says worriedly as he jumps up to offer a hand to the girl. She gets up on her own without realizing he had his hand out.
"Yeah, I'm ok. It was my bad too, I wasn't watching where I was- oh! I'm sorry. I didn't see your hand. Thank you for the help though."
Oscar dropped his hand and admired her. She looked familiar. "So. May I ask your name?"
"Yes. It's Tippy. What's yours?" She says as she brushes herself off.
"It's osc-" eyes wide, he remembered why she is familiar... "Um. Oscar is the name." "Well Oscar... Would you care to help me with some chores? Since you feel sooooo bad!" She grins as she starts walking again. "I'll have to in a moment. I need to some errands myself. We could meet at the hardware shop, if that's fine." "Sure. I need some screws for stabilizing a support beam. See ya then Mr Oscar." Tippy smiles as she heads off into town.

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