The Truth

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Oscar turned to face Tippy and Zane. Both looked upset at him, and he cant really blame them either. Slowly, he took off his jacket and tied the sleeves around his neck. "I was going to tell you Zane. I just didn't find a time." Zane got in the car and turned on the engine. "C'mon Tippy. We are gonna go look at something." Tippy hopped in the car and they drove towards the house. Oscar ran to the house and entered quickly. Zuko and Nexus were talking at the kitchen table when Oscar barged in. Zuko took a sip of tea while Nexus questions him. "You okay? Why did you get here in such a hurry?" "Complications with Tippy and Zane. They are gonna be here soon, and I need to talk to them." Zuko took another sip before interrupting. "Ah. so its time the group learned the truth about you." Oscar turned around and immediately marched toward the table. "How do you already know? Who talked to you?" "You forget, dear boy... I have seen all the events of your life in a simple, strait timeline. Every thought I speak out, every action I take... It's with careful planning to ensure that I do not change the timeline. You once told me that you can change the future that I saw many years ago... You still haven't changed a thing..." Oscar looked down at himself. "Eleanor... she showed you my memories but she hasn't bothered to tell me how to change what's gonna happen?" "When you turn on the group? It is wise for her not to tell you..." Nexus looked shocked and looked at Oscar. "Wait... You're gonna turn against us?" Oscar sighed. "I'm trying to change that future. I don't want to be against you guys, but there is many things that you don't understand about the mayor, or what I have been doing for the last 7 years." Tippy and Zane walked in the front door and Oscar moved to confront them. "Guys. Please-" Tippy moved him to the side and dragged his arm for him to follow her. "I don't wanna hear it... I wanna see it." Tippy, dragged Oscar downstairs while everyone followed. She moved him to the testing room and made him get in. "I swear, Oscar. You better try this time." "But I have. Let me just explain." Zane interrupted and pressed start with the highest difficulty on. "No. Your doing this."
Holograms appeared before Oscar. He only dodged and occasionally hit them backwards when more than one tried to rush him. Tippy got on the microphone. "You aren't trying." "Yes I am! These are hard hitters." Zane got on and read off stats. "You are hitting at a force of seventeen thousand Newtons. That's less than half of yesterday's. Actually TRY!" "I am!" Nexus hopped on the mic. "Oscar. if you want us to trust you, then your gonna have to try harder than that." Oscar grew visibly angry. "FINE! You all wanna see why I hold myself back?!" He ripped off his jacket and began ripping through the holograms. Oscar was brutal when handling every fighter. Larger and larger holographic people came into the arena, until it changed into monsters and beasts. Oscar dropped on all fours and demolished them even more violently than the first enemies. Afterwards, room had changed into a speed course. There was a large track on the shape of a figure 8 in the middle of the room. Oscar hopped on the track and waited for the bell. The instant the bell begun to make noise, Oscar was already on the run. In nearly an instant, Oscar had completed the large course in 3 laps. Lastly the room changed to withstand a pressure test. It immediately started off with 20g's of force downward and slowly started increasing force. Oscar stood with an angry look on his face all the way to 35g's. Oscar still remained standing until it hit 41g's where he dropped on a knee and the floor cracked.
Zane read off the stats to everyone in the room. Force is sixty-two thousand pounds PSI. Speed is three thousand one hundred miles an hour... and resistance to gravity is fourty-one G's. That's a lot different from yesterday's test..." Oscar spoke up in the background. "See? I hate these tests..." Zuko looked around the room and lastly at Oscar. "He is rather, terrifying." "No! No, that's exactly why I don't like putting all my power into anything! It's not fun having people I care for be afraid!" Tippy left to go upstairs. Oscar followed her to their bedroom. Her and Oscar sat down on their bed as she begun to cry. "What happened to us being a team, Oscar? We would have helped you take down any caves or whatever you are fighting alone." "Tippy... I just don't want to see you hurt. It worries me what might happen to you. To our kid..." "Oscar, im not a kid anymore! We are both adults with out own responsibilities. I can handle myself. But you can't even help me get a car until I had to drag you out of the house. You ignore your job as a father to go fight people... I just want you to be there when I want you." Oscar bit his tongue to prevent himself from crying too. "If that's what you want then that's what i'll do. I'll stay with you and be a father, and drop the resistance missions if it will make you trust me again." "I'm not asking you to stop doing what your doing. Just make sure you don't leave us behind. Okay? If you can do that, then I will always be here. I'll support you, no matter what." Oscar leaned in and gave Tippy a hug. "I promise..."

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