A Hero Among Chaos

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As Oscar made it into the forest he thought he heard a twig break and a lead crack. When he turned around, all he could see is the small illumination of the house he left. Oscar went to head back deeper into the woods but turned face to face with the frog again.
"You... You LITTLE SHIT!" The frog leaps at Oscar, yelling and cussing out him. "YOU THREW ME OFF A CLIFF! YOU'RE GONNA DIE FOR THAT!" As he makes a cutting strike toward Oscar, he blocks it and gets flown backward into a tree and falls over.
"W-Who are you? Why do you want a kid like me?" Oscar says as he struggles to stand back up.
"Because. Your different than the common rabble. You have spirit and discipline. I gave you a chance to become powerful without as much work and you could have studied under me. You said 'no'... And for that... I CAN'T LET ANOTHER USE YOU!" Oscar manages to dive away from the frogs hand and swivel oh his heel to see that the hand has hit the tree. Oscar stares in horror and the tree becomes grey and starts to expand.
"Decay is such a powerful asset. It's pretty painful, but once you break down the inside enough-" just then the tree explodes and pieces of bark fly at Oscar. "It tends to be painless afterwards... My name is Pollux, the god of sailing and horsemanship. Prepare to die." Before Oscar can move, the bark from the tree slams into Oscars chest and stabs his arms and legs.
"Gah! You won't... Win. This is where one of us falls. And I refuse to drop." (Shit... The bark in my arms aren't really an issue, but the ones in my legs are definitely going to slow my movement down. I'm going to have to fight him... Oh god, here we go.)
"Run! RUN IF YOU DARE!" The frog leaps into another attack, but Oscar pulls out pieces of bark from is left and right leg and hurled them into his eyes. While Pollux is blinded, Oscar slid under him and delivered a right uppercut to his stomach, knocking the air out of his lungs.
"ENOUGH!" Just as he was about to fall back from Oscars punch, he grabbed his wrist and turned it tightly. Oscar screams as Pollux continues to turn it until he hears a cracking sound. Oscar tried to kick him away, but missed, as Pollux had pulled his arm to move himself away from the kick. Oscar instead headbutts Pollux before he can recover, and it luckily knocks him back. Irritated, with a broken wrist, Oscar tries running again. Unfortunately, the wounds in both his legs and his heavy breathing are going to keep him from getting away and hiding. It didn't stop him though, as he had began to make a plan...
"Running again? You really are a little shit. You won't escape me, and you will die here Oscar." Pollux gripped a tree and it started to expand. Oscar dives behind a thicker tree as the one Pollux touched exploded. One of the shards goes clean through Oscars tree, creating a hole mere inches from his head.
He noticed something out of the corner of his eye. It was the maze that he was stuck in earlier. He realized that he wasn't far from victory after all... Oscar jumped out and began to run further in the forest. (Come on... Follow me. Do it and you will see just how strong my spirit is!)
"Stop running damn it!" Pollux slams his hand into another tree, then another, and another. Finally Oscar found his perfect spot... Pollux has lost sight of him and is grabbing trees at random, hoping the fragments will hit him. Oscar was ready for that too. He had been laying prone behind a tree until he could find the opening he needed. After a moment he found the moment he has been searching for. Pollux has his back to him and is about to grab another tree. As fast as he can, Oscar ran up and pushed Pollux forward and presses him against the tree. Before he can react, Oscar grabs his wrist and slams his palm into the tree.
"Hey! Just what the hell do you think you're doing?"
"What you thought I could never do. Putting a stop to you!" The tree begins to swell and finally bursts. The bark surprisingly goes right through Pollux and drills Oscar in the legs and torso.
"Heh. Did I forget to mention? I don't get hurt by my own power. They go right through me! Your act was a bit creative, but it will take much more than that to stop someone like me!"
He grabs Oscar by the collar of his shirt and holds his open hand over his head. Pollux then flicks the corner of his ear and it starts to swell. Oscar screams in pain as a small explosion on his ear takes a good chunk out of it.
"Any last words!? I warned you that you would lose this bat-... " Pollux almost felt like his foot slipped an inch or two...
"Heh... Heh heh... T-that wasn't the way... I am going to win... I pushed you on that tree, so I could get you closer to the edge..." Oscar grins slowly as Pollux's eyes widen and look down. The instant he looked away, Oscar spun around and kicked as hard as he could.
Pollux went flying backwards before realizing that he walked right into a trap.
"Is this? No... The same bloody CLIFF?! DAMN YOUUuu!" he yelled until Oscar heard a thud. He managed to get to his feet and look over the edge to see a crumpled looking creature, unmoving. Oscar grinned to himself as he held yet another victory. There was something wrong. He was too weak to move any longer. All of the energy he had left went into that kick. Oscar fell backwards and had passed out from a mixture of pain and exhaustion...

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