Never rest

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Oscar took off into the field and didn't look back. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I wiffed, fuck, fuck, he was point blank and I missed, fuck, fuck, fuck. I hurt my wrist on that swing too!" After he felt he was safe, Oscar made a stop and got a look around. It was close to noon, and he has no clue how he is gonna get the wisp. "Ok, ok. Maybe I can go back, sneak around, and get Tippy. If I do that, I need to get back to Artemis. Hm. Only idea I got. Her plan changed so I'll have to give her an update." Oscar takes his time getting back and heads into the plaza near the crafts area. He looks around for a while before checking the armor and weapons area. He manages to find her inside a swordsman's shop, browsing the items. Oscar walks in and approaches Tippy. She turn around and her face changes from anxious to relieved. "Hey. Are you alright? What was that all about? I saw a bit of that fight before leaving." Tippy leaned on Oscar as she gave him a hug. "How much did you see?" "Once I saw him throwing stuff at you and you getting cuts all over, I had to look away. I checked back a while later and both of you were gone." She begins to tear up as she releases Oscar and takes a step back. "I'm a bit scratched up, and I hurt my wrist, but I'm all good for the most part. My legs feel a bit stiff tho. I think using my power too long can be bad on my body." Oscar looks down and pokes at his thighs a few times. "Yeah. I meant to ask you about that. When did you just HAVE powers?" Oscar shushed Tippy as he look around the store. "Not here. Follow me. We're gonna go talk to someone. They can explain further." Oscar takes her hand and walks out the store and heads to the woods. When they walk past Oscars house, he makes sure that nobody is outside or aware of them. Eventually, they make it to the shrine and Oscar lets go of Tippy's hand. She stops as he walks further and drops to his knees and bows his head. After a moment, nothing seems to be happening. "Hey, Oscar. What are you do-" Tippy was cut off when Oscar raised his head and begun talking. "Artemis! The wisp has already fused with another, and even worse, it's someone I'm not to kind with. His name is Zuko and he claimed that he and the wisp are perfect matches." Tippy walks up to Oscar. "Oscar? Who are you talking to?" Oscar turns his head sideways to look at Tippy. "You can't see her? Artemis?" She shakes her head and Oscar furrows his brow to think. Artemis approaches tippy and looks back at Oscar. "May you please ask her if it's alright to touch her head? It is to awaken her." Oscar gets up and heads toward Tippy again. "Hey, is it cool if Artemis touches your face? She's should be able to make you see her." "Well, if it gets me some answers as to what's going on, then sure." Tippy remained still as Artemis poked her in between her eyes. Tippy shut her eyes tightly and slowly opened them again. What she saw standing before her was a large, glowing, beautiful woman. "Wow... You're Artemis? Nice to meet you." Artemis smiled and tilted her head a bit. "It's nice to meet you too, Tippy. You have become friends with such a nice lady Oscar..." Oscars eyes widen as he shoots his head at Artemis. "Hey, it's not like that. We're good friends. *in a whisper* you weren't supposed to say anything!" Tippy lightly laughs and walks toward some fallen trees to take a seat. "So... Artemis. Wanna tell me how Oscar got some powers, and immediately gets attacked? What's going on exactly?" Artemis walks over and sits on the floor in a cris-cross. Oscar sits beside her and leans against her arm. "Well. We don't have much time so I'll be quick and summarize it. Oscar has had a bit of a rough life, but has been devoted to me and worshiped the statue you see beside you. When I thought it was time, I allowed Oscar to witness myself and offered a piece of me in exchange for his loyalty and obedience. After many trials that consisted over the course of a few years, I granted him my power. Speaking of, how has it been treating you?" Oscar looked down at his wrist and legs. "Well, I hurt my wrist when throwing a punch. It didn't hit anything, but I was sort of launched into the air. Also, if I run too fast for a while, it strains my legs." "Hm. Yes. The jacket can only suppress your power. It cannot make it easier to use. That being said, as you grow older and overall stronger, you shall control this gift and become more attuned." Oscar stood up and walked toward the statue. "What's the next plan we make? I'm not prepared enough to face Zuko so long as he has the wisp." Tippy and Artemis stand up and join Oscar. "Don't worry Oscar. I'm sure We can think of something. Right Artemis?" Tippy looked up at Artemis. Her face blank and deep in thought. Oscar turned to look at Artemis as well. "Artemis? I can't do much yet, can I? I have to be older in order to do dangerous missions. I'm still a kid." "Yes. When the day comes, you will know. A little prophecy... There will be a man who comes from another reality. One we have yet to witness or understand. He shall bring with him countless gadgets and bewildering power, that you will not comprehend. Befriend him and find me again." Artemis turn away and begins to fade. "Artemis, is there a time? When and where?" Artemis hold up her hand. "Shhhh. Shh. You will know, when the day seems fit." A moment later, Artemis disappears completely leaving Oscar and Tippy alone. Tippy looks over at Oscar and shrugs. "Welp. Let's get training then." They both set for the town but as they passed Oscars house, his father was outside. They approached him, but his father stood up and cocked back a pistol he had in his left hand. As he raised it, Oscar stood in front of Tippy and narrowed his eyes. "What are you doing father?" *BANG* The guns goes off and things seem to move slower for Oscar. He can see see bullet approaching. The bullet spins clockwise as it grows closer to Oscar. He reaches out to touch it, but it drilled into a bit of his finger. Oscar lost focus and everything went back to its normal pace. Luckily the bullets path was changed when he touched the bullet and it went whizzing past his left shoulder. Tippy screamed and ducked into a crouched position. Oscars ear twitched and rushed forward. *click* Oscar grabbed his fathers hand and pushed it to the side. *BANG* The bullet went into a support beam of the porch. Oscar pushed him thought the front door and began walking inside. "Tippy. Get to the town and wait near the food market. I'll see you there." Tippy stood back up and began running away from the house. As Oscar went inside and past the now broken door, he noticed that his father disappeared. Oscar slowly made his way to the kitchen. There was a pool of blood on the floor... He walked around the table to see his mother lying on the floor, holding a wound in her right side. "Oscar. Get out. He... is different. Not himself." Oscar's eyes widened and ducked down in front of her. "Momma. Oh- oh god. Did he do this? W-w... What should I do?" "Just get out... of here. O-scar. . ." Oscar began to cry as he attempted to hold her wound. "No, no, no, no, no, stay with me. I don't wanna lose you, please. Please!" Oscar looked into her eyes... They weren't her natural blue anymore. But like a foggy grey sky. Oscar wept for a while longer until. *click* Oscars head shot up. *BANG* Oscar dived to the left and kicked the table at where the gun sounded. *click* *BANG* A Bullet flew through the table and into the floor a few feet in front of Oscar. He got up and rushed his father just as the table hit the ground. Oscar grabbed the table and shield-bashed him through a thin wall. The table broke on impact, and the gun was launched from his fathers hands. "Oscar. It's me. I warned you... I would get my revenge, Oscar. You should have joined me." Oscar took the gun and cocked it. *click* As he began to walk towards what was his father, Oscar took out the magazine and tossed it away. He stepped on Pollux's chest to prevent him from moving. His face blank and unmoving, Oscar aimed the gun. "Oscar. Would you really be willing to lose both your pare-" *BANG* Oscar turned and began walking away. Pollux turned to see a bullet hole right beside his left ear. He stood up, and pulled a knife from a nightstand. Pollux ran up to Oscar and was about to plunge the knife into his back. Oscar spun around and gave a full power uppercut. Pollux's head explodes and blood splatters the ceiling. Oscar is left standing there with his fist, now broken, in the air. tears streaming down his face, all he can do is watch the aftermath of what has happened in this house. The bodies of both parents lay before him.

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