Getting Settled

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As Oscar made his way back, Tippy and Zuko were talking to the Mayor about living in Dallo. Zuko discussed about where and what types of buildings were for sale. "So, Mr..." "James Kyler." "Ah, yes. Mr. Kyler. I would like to buy a house. Preferably four bedroom, two bath. The kitchen doesn't have to be too large, but I would like furnishings." James thought for a moment. "Eh. I'll tell you what. When and If Oscar comes back, I'll personally go with you to go house shopping, yeah?" Tippy looked at the mayor funny. "'If'? Trust me. There is no if. Oscar will get it done and be back here soon." James opened his eyes wider and slowly nodded to himself. "Ok. Let's go pick a house now then. If he fails the errand, then I'm afraid what you have told me would have been a lie... And we can't lie to the mayor can we?" "Zuko narrowed his eyes and glanced at Tippy. "Correct. But you will soon witness just what he is capable of when he walks through that door." "I trust he will not disappoint, then." The Mayor, Tippy, and Zuko look through 3 houses until they found a perfect match to all their wants. Its has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a basement, and room for renovation when needed. The only thing lacking was furniture. On the way back to the office, Eleanor jumps out of Zuko and peers into the sky. "Eleanor? What are you doing up there?" Zuko looked at her as she glowed in a certain pattern. The wisp then floated back down to Zuko, appearing very tired. Tippy placed a hand on Zuko's shoulder and he looked back at her. "Something is wrong, Tippy. Eleanor wont tell me what, but it's something capable of mass destruction and rage. Eleanor made a call to someone, but she wont tell me who either. We must be ready." Tippy just nodded. The two of them made it back and in time for the guards to come running to the mayor. "Mayor! We have a problem. There was this earth cracking vibration that nearly destroyed a nearby town. Then this giant creature came out of a hole in that area and is headed our way! What do we do?" James thought for a moment before coming to a conclusion. "Alright. How long before it reaches us?" "Estimated 36 hours?" "Use that time to find out what it wants or who. In the meantime we will set up our defences. You two. You call yourself hero's? Time to prove it. I'll give you that house we looked at for free if you can stop this monster. We may even give you a bonus reward." Zuko looked at Tippy and she looked at him. Just then Oscar burst open the door with a cyborg on his back. He slowly marched in and dropped the seeker on the ground. "About that house. I want a nice one that's got-" Tippy interrupted Oscar to catch him up on the details. "Man, I just want to relax and not have to worry about monsters every week..." While the three caught up on events, they started to move into their new home. They were all given phones and a base of operations computer in the basement so they could gather information of what they needed. It was up to date on all crime reports, has a layout of the entire city spit into sections, and could gather info on whatever they track. It can send uplinks to their phones and vise versa. The mayor was even kind enough to provide a small armory. After several hours of planning and preparing, they called it a night. There were no beds yet, so everyone had to make due with the floor. As Oscar laid down he mumbled to himself. "At least it has air conditioning and a roof..." The next day everyone got up and went out to eat at a local restaurant. Sadly they had to go through the trouble of being outsiders, having the police called, and then immediately let go to enjoy their meal. On their way back, Oscar noticed a flash out of the corner of his eye. Everything begun moving slowly and he couldn't figure out why. When he looked at what caught his attention, he realized immediately that there had been a portal opened. It was strange to look at. Inside the portal, everything looked different compared to the outside. The ring that held the portal open appeared to spin at the same speed no matter what speed it is perceived. Oscar tried his best to run towards the portal, but everything still felt slow. His eyes and brain seemed to be the only thing in this world moving at a normal pace. Oscar made it halfway to the portal before noticing a familiar character walk around a corner towards the portal. It was the strange creature he encountered many times before. With a furry, blue stomach, green paws, and red covering the rest of him. Seeing this character only made Oscar want to move faster, but sadly, everyone and everything was still slowed down. After what felt like an eternity, the mysterious man was inside the portal and it began to close behind him. Luckily, Oscar was already halfway through the portal and on a collision coarse with this persons back. As soon as Oscar made it through, everything sped back up and he fell into a shelf and on the floor with the stranger in his arms. "Who are you? Why do you keep coming near me?" "I don't even know who you are!" The stranger grabbed a nearby wrench and put his hand in the air. In no time at all, Oscar witnessed the wrench shape into a knife. The stranger tried to stab Oscar's leg, but he shoved him away in time. Oscar manifested his pistol and fired a shot at the mans leg. Immediately, the floor lifted to cover his legs. The ground exploded on contact with the bullet, and created a cloud of dust and concrete. "My name Is Zane. I was summoned to your dimension." Zane walked through the cloud and grabbed Oscar by the shoulders as he looked him up and down. "Oh! I know you. You must be Oscar, correct?" "How did you know?" "Eleanor warned me that I may need to find you and you looked very familiar. Although it looks like you found me."  Oscar stood up and looked at Zane sorta funny. "How did Eleanor tell you when it was with us the whole time?" "Well. I figure Eleanor knows that she isn't the only Eleanor. Somehow, it can communicate with other versions of itself and give information through different dimensions." Oscar tossed his gun to the side. As soon as it was off of his hand, it dissolved into nothingness. Zane stared in bewilderment. "Woah! You can alter molecular matter too? How did you craft its structure to pair that of a small ignition without tearing void and particle alike? Do you not have a decyprocation device?" Oscar stood there with wide eyes, unknowing what to say. "Uhh. I can only make a gun. I just kinda... Do it. It disappears if I drop it at all." "Fascinating! You have to let me examine that when we get a chance." Zane turned around and began tinkering at his desk. Oscar looked around as he made his way around the room. "So... How do you travel dimensions?" "Science and technology. It was an easy gadget to make, but the difficulty was making it fit in my hand instead of a giant machine. Well, that AND figuring out the coordinates of whatever dimension I am traveling to. Don't wanna accidentally travel to a portal that leads to space, or the middle of the ocean. At the time you fell through my portal many years ago, I had only just started to learn about travel." Oscar looked around the room at all the fancy gadgets and technology. "That was like, 4 and a half years ago. How did you figure it all out in only that much time?" Zane smirked to himself while tinkering on his desk. "Dimensional travel was a side project. If I wanted it to be my main focus, I could have finished sooner." Oscars shocked face had amused Zane slightly. Zane got up and attached a small chip into a ring he wore and flicked his finger. Out of thin air, an apple appeared and fell to the floor. It then shifted into a metal cube. Another moment and it became a lizard but it refused to move. Oscar noticed it began vibrating. As soon as oscar realized what was about to happen, he got infront of Zane and pulled up his hood. The lizard exploded and what was left was only a few chunks of meat. Zane moved to see the aftermath. "It seems that I cant make organic life just yet. Needs a bit more work..." Zane cleaned the mess off Oscar and the floor and shaped it into a solid rock. "Hey, Zane. Not to rush, but we need to get back to my dimension. There is a big monster that will show up in our city within the next couple hours, and I am part of the plan in stopping it." Zane turned to look at Oscar. They locked eyes and Zane pointed at his feet. As soon as Oscar looked down a portal formed beneath them and they fell through, into a building in Dallo. Zane walked forward and formed a telescope on the end of the roof to look through. "The monster is big, no doubt. How do you plan on defeating it?" Oscar walked forward and crouched next to Zane. "Plan on beating its ass. My friends will do what they can to distract it, while I run from the side and take it down by surprise." "You do realize that if you punch that, you hand will go through the flesh? It will be like a small bullet compared to that thing. You need a wider strike if you plan on dealing blunt force. Oh, do you need a telescope?" "Nah. My eyes act as a scope whenever I squint. So, how do you recon I stop this thing?" Zane got up and removed the telescope. "Easy. Do what you planned, but only aim for the face. If you can riddle it with enough holes to the brain, it should fall. Only one problem though. The skin on its body looks thick. I don't know how you can pierce it." "Already got that part."
Oscar and Zane went back down to ground level to find Tippy and Zuko. They all went over the plan and decided that Zane will help Oscar take down the monster while the others distract. Everyone made it to the edge of town and the monster was only a few miles away. Oscar walked forward and got into a sprinting position. "Alright. Lets go Eleanor." Zuko walked forward and summoned her. "Please be careful with her. I can no longer use my magic until she is back with me." "I will be safe Zuko. Don't worry." As soon as Eleanor entered Oscar's mind, visions began flooding him. ///  "This is your last chance. Are you sure this is how you wish to spend it?" "I'm sure. Do it." "Deep breath in..."/ "You guys don't understand why I'm doing this. The sooner you all do, the better. You need to realize that there is always a reason behind the things I do./ "Man. How lucky do I have to be to have a-"/// Oscar quickly shook his head as hard as he could, interrupting the visions. "I don't want to see that future. I wont let that happen to myself, or them." Oscar took off towards the monster. As soon as he got close enough, he jumped as hard as he could and Ohm started gliding. "Hey, Ohm. That gesture was for flying." The bird chirped and quickly took off with Oscar towards the beasts shoulder. Eleanor entered the monsters mind for only a moment, and she was back out with a worried expression in her eyes. "Don't tell me, Eleanor. I don't want you in my mind. Let alone you feeding this things thoughts into me..." Oscar drops off the beasts shoulder in order to not alert it. It didn't react to having a wisp inside it at all. Oscar made it back and returned Eleanor to Zuko. "Hey, Eleanor learned some things. You better be careful when reading what that things thoughts are, because she seemed worried... Hey, Zuko... You ok?" Zuko was staring off into space before he muttered a word. "We wont..."  Zane got closer to try to hear better. "Say again?" Zuko looked at everyone slowly. "We won't win..."

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