A Repetition of Events

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       Welp. As creepy as the day is starting off, Oscar walks around town to grab supplies. When at a local medic cabin, he bought some gauze and a stitching kit. He can never be too careful looking forward into his journey. As he was leaving, he thought he heard a voice call for him, although he brushed it off as the wind. Next stop is clothing... There he looks for better pants and a new shirt. Oscar found a pair of blue jeans that were nice and flexible. Not too baggy, but not riding up anywhere it shouldn't be. He was never one for fashion so he chose a black shirt. A classic combo like this can't go wrong. Lastly he starts heading for the smithy to do some window shopping. It's too expensive to buy anything at the moment. On his way he hears a whisper mere inches from his ear, but doesn't see anything. Although he notices a man in the distance leaning on a wall, although they seem familiar. A red fox... Oscar approaches as the fox stands up strait.
   "Hello, good man! Would you perhaps help me with an issue? I seem to have lost my handkerchief. It's orange with purple dots on it." He smirks at Oscar as he pulls out a card deck. "What's in it for me? I don't even know your name." Oscar furrows his brows. "Ah! Silly me. Zuko. Zuko the Fox. And your's?" He shuffles the deck while kicking his foot back. "Oscar. You need to find your napkin-" Oscar gets cut off. "No, handkerchief, my boy. No one but simpletons carry around napkins, ohohoh!" Zuko stares into Oscars eyes. Some things going up. Then Oscar notices the handkerchief beside his foot. "Yo. You dropped it right beside you. If I didn't know better... I'd say you kicked it away from you when you moved your foot." Oscar bent down to pick it up and handed it back to him. "Ah. My apologies. I never knew! Thanks for being a chap. If you had somewhere else you needed to be, you can hurry to it then. I've got what I need." "Hm. I don't think you really NEED a napkin, but ok..." Oscar starts to walk off, but Zuko stops him. "Listen here kid. It's called a handkerchief. It shows those of which have class and demeanor. You seem to have neither." Oscar smirked to himself... "At least I'm not boasting about a towel napki-" in the blink of an eye, he saw an angry Zuko with a knife to Oscars throat. "People like you get on my nerves the most. You have no decency or respect." Everything went dark in a moments notice.

Suddenly, he was standing near the smithy. Then another whisper. He turned to see Zuko a few meters away waving. He approached Zuko and asked what was wrong. "Oh. Thanks for coming over. Would you perhaps help me with an issue? I seem to have lost my handkerchief. It's orange with purple dots on it." He smirks at Oscar as he pulls out a card deck.
Oscar hears another whisper. This seems all to familiar... He has to play it cool. What's in it for me? I don't even know your name." Oscar lifts one eyebrow. "Ah! Silly me. Zuko. Zuko the Fox. And your's?" He shuffles the deck while kicking his foot back. "Oscar." He has to remember what he said... "You need to find your napkin-" Oscar gets cut off. "No, handkerchief, my boy. No one but simpletons carry around napkins, ohohoh!" Zuko stares into Oscars eyes. "Well. Considering that you just kicked your na-... Handkerchief away from you, I'd say it's to your left." Zuko eyes widen for a split second, then regains his calamity. "Oh, your right! Would you fetch it for me please?" Oscar is hesitant, but bends down to grab it... He hears the cards stop for a moment then continue to be shuffled. As he stands, Oscar looks Zuko up and down. Nothing seems different. "Welp. Here's your napkin back." As Oscar begins to walk away, Zuko stops him. "It's no napkin boy. I told you, it's a handkerchief. You said it yourself." Another whisper sheers by Oscar. "Listen. I don't care. In my eyes, it's a towel napki-" Oscar is cut off and sees an angry looking Zuko, holding a knife. It was plunged into his heart without him even seeing it happen. "People like you get on my nerves the most. You have no decency or respect." Zuko finishes his rant as Oscar only sees black.

Oscar is standing near the smithy, but a few meters away is Zuko... Shit. Another whisper enters Oscars ear. He walks up to Zuko... "Hello, good man! Would you perhaps help me with an issue? I seem to have lost my handkerchief. It's orange with purple dots on it." He smirks at Oscar as he pulls out a card deck. Oscar thinks about how he should go about this. "What's in it for me? I don't even know your name." Oscar furrows his brows. "Ah! Silly me. Zuko. Zuko the Fox. And your's?" He shuffles the deck while kicking his foot back. "Oscar. You need to find your- em. Handkerchief?" Maybe If Oscar can get out of this alive, he could figure out what's going on. "Yes." Oscar acts like he is looking for it then 'finds' the handkerchief. When he bent down, the cards stopped shuffling, then continued. "Here ya go." Zuko grabs it and stuffs it into his pocket. "Oh, thanks for being a chap. If you had somewhere else you needed to be, you can hurry to it then. I've got what I need." Oscar hurried out of there and realized he didn't hear any whispers that time. Maybe he did something right? Doesn't matter anymore. Oscar goes into the smithy to look at the rare ores. There are two ore that have a really cool property to it.
   A purple metal-like element. Dense and heavy, it's resistant to the elements and has to have special tools to be shaped or crafted into anything. Stands against slashing and pummel damage, yet weak against puncture. If skilled enough it could be made into a wire or string.
   The next is an orange element. A rock mineral that when in a cold enough environment (around -50°F) it is as malleable as jelly. The hotter it gets, the more sturdy and hard it is. Many warriors use trace amounts of it to put in their armor. Unlike the purple element, this one can absorb the elements and boost it while ignoring whatever is inside it. If a person gets blasted with electricity, the element will absorb it while leaving the person untouched.
   As nice as these are, they are expensive. And Oscar only has around... Oh. Oscar checked his pockets, only to find them empty. That Zuko character must have taken it when Oscar picked up the handkerchief. Oscar turned around to look for Zuko, but he was nowhere to be seen. Come to think of it, how did Oscar survive? He remembers dying twice. And the whispers... Well, Oscar heads toward the hardware store to find Tippy, as he replays events. As Oscar checks his watch, he realizes that little time has passed since he first met Zuko. How can that be? Where did the whispers go? After a little bit of researching and theories, Oscar comes up with the conclusion that it was in his head and he imagined the first two encounters. Anyway, he finds Tippy entering the hardware shop and follows in.

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