A memorial

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Oscar lay motionless. Staring at the stars above, he held the wound on his side. He could do nothing but lay there. The magic from the other dimensions Zuko had weakened him so much, that thrive had knife easily entered his skin. He was no stronger than when he was a kid, and he was too tired to stay awake... Maybe if he goes to sleep, he can wake up feeling better... Oscar closed his eyes and didn't open them again. His breathing slowed to a stop, and his heart came to a rest.

Earlier in the day, Zane sent Oscar through the portal. After he calmed down, he reentered the hospital and opened a portal to retrieve Tippy. She was breathing heavily and in a sweat. "Where's Oscar?" Zane grabbed the handles of the wheelchair and moved her further down the hall for help. "I had to send him into another dimension, so he would calm down. It was one I picked at random, but I have it marked so I can get him later." Tippy let out a huff of pain. As she tried to keep calm. "Hmm. He wanted to be here..." "I know, but he is too hostile right now." Zane got the attention of a nurse, who got a few coworkers to help Tippy into a room and set her up for birth. Zane sat in a waiting room for 5 hours until a nurse called his name. When he entered the room Tippy was laying with her child on her chest. Tippy looked over at Zane and smiled. "Ready?" "Yep." Zane created a tape recorder, and inserted a tape he kept in his pocket. "Alright Oscar. You didn't want to miss this, so you wont. It is 10:38 at night. Saturday the 13th, 3244. Tippy has given birth to, surprise! A baby boy." Zane moved toward Tippy and zoomed in on the infant. Tippy smiled lightly for the camera. "Hey Oscar. I know you wont be happy about missing this, but you can thank Zane for this recording. It was his idea. I'm very tired, so im going to take a nap." Zane turned the camera to himself as he walked out the door of the hospital room. "I hope this makes up for some of this, Oscar. The group doesn't want you gone. Believe it or not, but Zuko said that he missed you. I'm coming to get you now, so hopefully you can catch Tippy before she falls asleep." Zane stopped recording and put the tape into his pocket. As he opened the portal to the dimension, he immediately knew something was wrong. He hopped through and looked around at the spilt blood and broken walls. He walked around to see burn marks and footprints slid backwards in two directions. He looked further down the field to see a small pool of blood. Beside it is an imprint in the dirt. "Looks like someone fell over. A blood splatter backwards, and another imprint of a body in the dirt. Someone was kicked while bleeding. Another splatter a few more feet away, yet no impact? Something happened to the body before they hit the ground. Flew upward? No. No blood on the ground. They had to have disappeared somewhere. Maybe a teleport or portal?" Zane looked around a completely empty field, before walking inside the building where he saw more signs of a fight.

Zuko was preparing to go to sleep in his room. As he sat in his bed he placed a book he had read on his nightstand. As he flipped off the switch to his lamp, he felt a pang of worry. "Eleanor... Something bothering you?" Eleanor flew out of Zuko and headed for his door. "I see." He followed her out and down the stairs to the front door of the house. Nexus sat on the living room couch watching TV. "Nexus. I'm heading out. Likely for a while." She waved goodbye while keeping an eye on her show. "Be careful out there. I heard there is a storm coming tonight." As Zuko headed outside, he looked for Tippy's car. "Ah. That's right. She went to the hospital. I suppose we will have to walk, Eleanor." Zuko began following Eleanor into the night.

Zane was exploring the broken holes in the building until he heard a soft chirping. He followed the noise until he found Ohm sitting on a pile of rubble. Ohm looked up to see it was Zane and immediately flew onto his shoulder. Ohm began trying to jump up and down to get Zane moving. "How did you get here? I didn't see you enter the portal with Oscar... Alright, alright. Are we going back through the portal home?" Once Zane created the portal, Ohm flew out and started flying toward Oscar. Zane had to sprint to keep up. After a few minutes, Zane had to slow down and catch his breath. "Where are you... Taking me... This late at night?" Ohm flew back to Zane and tried to usher him on when he got an idea. He lifted his left hand and tightened it into a fist."Never tried this before." He flicked his wrist down and the earth beneath his feet shifted. When he flicked his index finger outward, the ground enveloped his feet. He then put out his middle finger and directed his fingers forward. Below his feet, the dirt and grass pushed Zane forward, but he had to spread his legs to maintain balance. In this form, it appeared as if he was surfing on the surface of the ground. As Ohm flew off again, Zane slid his way around trees to follow. He eventually crossed paths with Zuko on his way to Oscar as well. "Zane? Are you here because of Oscar as well?" Zane looked at Ohm and back at Zuko. "I didn't know that's what Ohm was leading me to. Is he alright?" Eleanor flew back into Zuko as he began to talk. "Im not sure. Just that he is in trouble. Eleanor has informed me that his very life is on the line." Zane flicked his hand toward Zuko and created the earth boots on him and took off. Zuko nearly fell over, due to the sudden motion. "That reminds me. How is Tippy?" Zane though for a moment before replying. "She is doing fine. She gave birth to a lovely boy. Last I checked on her, she was planning on taking a rest... I asked what the name of the kid is. Tippy said Oscar will name him. Apparently he has multiple names set out and will know which one when he sees his son." Zuko's eyes darkened. "But if he dies, then he will have passed with regret and hatred toward us. Was he not with her during the birth?" "No. I put him in another portal for him to calm down. I know, I shouldn't have done that, but I can't risk him hurting anyone. He was stressing out Tippy and I." Zuko nodded in response as they continued on in the dead of the night. It began to rain while they traversed the woods. After a moment, Ohm whistled and slowed to a stop in order to look for Oscar. Eleanor flew out of Zuko to light up the area, and Zane created an electric light lantern. Both Zuko and Zane wandered the area. Zuko followed Eleanor and checked around nearby bushed and shrubbery while Zane followed Ohm and checked around trees, until Zuko let out a groan. He stood near the edge of the forest beside a tree with a blood splatter against it. "We were too late, Zane. Oscar appears to have bled out from a knife wound. He pulled it out and it caused the blood to pour faster. An unfortunate mistake." Zane walked up to his body and grabbed the knife that lay beside Oscar. "Hm... This is an ordinary knife. Looks sharp enough to penetrate skin. But there is no way this would have killed him. The metal would have cut knicked skin but bent or broke in the process. Something had to have happened to him. Magic maybe?" Zuko motioned Eleanor to enter Oscars body. She was hesitant at first, but reluctantly followed the order. When she flew back out and entered Zuko, he stood up and looked around. "You were on the dot, my friend. Magic is what weakened Oscars body. Whoever is capable of snuffing out this much power must have been tough. It's seems that magic is his weakness, but the amount Oscar was hit with reduced his resistance and power to when he was a child. Nonetheless, I cannot heal him. He died many hours ago." Zane looked at Oscar and muttered under his breath. "Damn it... I was so sure that the dimension I sent him to wasn't hostile. He should have been safe. Oscar had to of provoked the people in that dimension." Zuko grabbed Oscars legs with his left arm and grabbed under his back with his right. As he tried to lift, Oscar wouldn't budge. "What?" Zane put a shoulder on Zuko and created a sled under Oscar. Ohm flew down and landed on his chest. "You forgot, huh? Organisms can't pick up the jacket." "Ah. It has been a while since we have had to lift him... I just realized something. He has been hurt all the time, but we never see him falter. He always managed to stay on his feet when fighting enemies." Zane gave a solemn grin and began to pull the sled. "He would always target the biggest guy first and leave the rest to us. At least he was a team player... I miss the days when we didn't have to worry about rivalry with the Resistance and whatever is going on with Mayor Kyler. Not to mention that Oscar still had his own thing going on." Zuko nodded "Hopefully, he can find peace." The two headed back to their home and discussed about how they would tell Tippy and Nexus.
"FUUUUUUCK!" Oscar was on his knees, screaming outward to the black abyss above. He dropped his head and waited. The sound of footsteps rang out from every direction before finally settling on a position behind Oscar. "Hello Madam Death. It's been a while, huh? I made it pretty far until now." Madam Death put a hand on Oscar's left shoulder and slowly moved it to his right. "Third time is the charm. Right Oscar? I have missed you. You had been good company last time. When you had brushed by, so close to death, we had a lovely talk. One that I have thought over for years." Oscar stood up and faced Death. "You remember the past, yet have been looking forward to this moment?" "Only reminiscing. You are still much like that boy I talked to." Oscar let out a huff. "Im nothing like myself back then. I've changed for the better. I've made sacrifices I normally wouldn't and-" "You have made sacrifices at the cost of your humanity. Those who brag about having changed, are no better than those who never change. You have forgotten your origin." "I have grown up. Madam, I have to lose a bit of humanity. You can't save everyone. If you don't react to it and be tougher, then you will out-pace yourself and crumple away. The challenges I have faced arent meant to be seen by the innocent." Death turned and began walking around Oscar in a circle. "Yet you have slain the innocent too. Sent them strait into my arms. You are no more guilty than the people you thought were your enemy." "I was blinded by what I thought was the truth. The people I killed chose to fight instead of befriend." Death stopped to think, before continuing to walk. "You wish people wouldn't fight you, yet you have slain cowardly men." Oscar folded his arms and began to walk in a tight circle with Death. "Those of who kneel in a show of cowardice do not deserve to stand when given courage. You have to learn this when you fight a war. If not, then you surely can't survive in this world." "I believe you are still pure of heart. Just misguided and in need of a better future." "What good is a future when I can't live it? The whole reason I'm here is because I'm trying to change my future." "Were you changing your future? Or avoiding it? The choices you made are what define your future. For years, you only followed one path. Running away. You never changed how you see your future, and so you kept following it." Oscar turned away and sat down, whispering to himself. "Yeah. Just wait. I know I'm not gonna stay dead... You'll see."
Zuko and Zane bring Oscar's corpse through the city. Luckily, it's still dark and everyone is asleep. When they reach the front door, Zuko brings out Nexus who begins to tear up and silently mourn his loss. The last thing to do is call Tippy. After gathering enough courage, Zane called and gave her the news. Hours, she wept and when she was released from the hospital, she wept on the way to the house. Tippy laid her head on his chest and cried as Nexus begun to make the funeral arrangements. A body removal technician collected the body and brought it too the funeral home so the embalmer could begin working on suiting Oscar for the funeral.

4 days have passed until Oscar, and everyone else was ready for his funeral. Tippy wore a long black dress with a blue headband. Nexus and Zuko wore a black dress pants and a button up shirt with a blue tie. Zane wore black baggy pants with blue suspenders. Zuko pointed out his outfit. "Still shirtless? Well, that IS your style." Zane patted Tippy on the shoulder as she silently cried while holding her child in her lap. "Too constricting. I cant move freely in a lot of clothes." The group all sat down on stools beside the casket. Oscar's body was drained of blood, and his eyes were sunken. The clothes he wore were loose and his jacket lay on his feet. Tippy only wanted a small funeral for Oscar, so a select few had shown up besides the group. Once everyone walked past and gave their respects, it was time for Zane to go up. "You were a good man who-" As he stood at the casket, he couldn't say another word. All it took was a glance as Oscar's face for him to lose his voice. Zane silently nodded and walked back to his stool. Nexus walked up to Oscar and grabbed the side of the casket. "I never got to truly meet you. I just showed up in your life one day after you woke up from a coma. You had to deal with me, but did it with open arms... You were a good friend. Even after what happened these past few weeks, I would still trust you enough to fight by your side." Nexus turned away and walked back to her seat, trying to clear the lump in her throat. Zuko headed up and paid his respects. "I was, and shall always be your enemy... But I'm glad I was still able to be your friend. Tippy granted me the role of godfather, so don't worry. Your son is in good hands." Zuko headed back to his seat as Tippy walked up. She handed her baby to Zuko to hold while she stood beside Oscar's casket. "Oh, Oscar... Why do you always have to get yourself into trouble? God, what am I supposed to do without you? Who is going to play the role of father?" Tippy sniffled and grabbed Oscars hand. "I don't think I'm ready to say goodbye... Hm. Knowing you, you'd say something like-" Tippy stopped talking as she saw Oscar open his eyes and start to sit up. He rose chest first, higher and higher until he lifted out of the casket. Oscars eyes began to glow as a low humm sounded out.
"Oscar?" Death laid on the floor next to Oscar. "Yes, Madam Death?" "Its been nearly five days, Oscar. Artemis has already passed, and you cannot be revived. I believe it's time to leave now." Oscar let out a sigh and looked over at her hollow eyes. "I know she is gone. Her story is over, but I'm not done yet. I'll find a way back... Just need a little longer." "I have given you lot's of time, Oscar. More than I have given anyone." "That's because you care about me... And I care about you too. But you don't deserve my soul yet." Madam Death grabbed Oscars hand and looked up to the eternal darkness. "I know. I'll give you a little more time." Oscar squeezed her hand. "Thank you..." After a shared moment of silence, Madam Death suddenly stood up. "What?" Oscar opened his right eye to see why she suddenly spoke. "You are being revived by Artemis. How is this possible?" Oscar nodded slowly and rose to his feet. "That, would be the paradox being triggered." Death turned to face Oscar. "How... Did you do it?" He let out a grin and shrugged. "I don't know how it works. It wouldn't be a paradox if I did. It would be solvable."
"When did you do it?" Oscar put his hands in his pockets. "It has no beginning. Something cannot end if it can't begin. So when a dead person revives someone who haven't died, they don't experience death. And when they do, they trigger a reset that has no one to trigger it on." Madam Death got close to Oscar's face to the point, he could see through her sockets and in the back of her skull. "Oscar. You need to know that this isn't how life and death works. You cannot just return after this long. I was teaching you that." Oscar took a step back as Death started spinning her scythe. "You may have gotten lucky this time, but I will not be so generous afterwards." "Thank you, Madam Death. I await our next encounter." She spun the scythe fast and faster until it became a blur. Everything around Oscar became brighter and brighter until-
The glow in Oscar's eyes faded and his pupils filled with color. His body flowed with blood and he filled out into the suit quickly. The color returning to his face and the veins in his hands swelling up. Oscar dropped from the air and landed infront of the casket. Oscar gasped for breath while looking around the room. He fell to his knees as Tippy ran forward to hug him. "Oscaaar! God, what happened? Don't leave me like that!" Oscar weakly raised his arms to hug her back. "Stop crying, Tippy. I'll tell you after I get some food. I... Don't think I can stand at the moment... Everything feels so dry." Zane rushed over and gave Oscar a hug, followed by Nexus. Zuko walked up and crouched beside Oscar. He laid a hand on his shoulder and turned the baby to face Oscar. "Good to have you back hero, but you have some explaining to do. Especially about turning into a zombie."

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