The Resistance

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Oscar and tippy adventure through the forest for the rest of the day. At night, they set up a camp and rest up for the next walk. they stumble upon an old ruin temple. "Yo, cave lookin thing. I wanna explore it." Oscar says as he begins to walk over the broken stone pieces. "I don't think that's such a good idea. We don't even really have weapons." Tippy said "Well then we can loot the temple for weapons." "And what if we encounter danger before that?" "I can punch them into oblivion" "you barely know how to use your power though..." Tippy stared at a blank Oscar. "I'm goin in the thing" Oscar says as he points to the temple. "Oscar!" Oscar ignored her as he went in. "Fine... I'll just wait out here then." She began walking around, grabbing tree limbs and rocks. As Oscar went deeper into the temple, there was less light. Every now and again Oscar would scrape some flint he found against a wall to light up the area a bit. After the fourth time doing this, Oscar managed to see a torch. He ducked down and tried to light it. It took a few good strikes, but he got the torch to light up. Oscars eyes widened and he couldn't move. Three feet in front of him was a half decomposed, mangled corpse. A boulder lay on top of it's chest. It's arm was broken at the elbow and it's spine, left side of its ribs, and left hip were shattered. Its right leg was completely missing halfway down the thigh. Oscar drew his gun and began walking deeper into the temple. The chanting was coming from a light source around a corner. The chant was in words he didn't understand. Oscar rushed to the end of the hall and peaked around the corner. Oscar was shocked, yet again. There were cyber people, all in dark robes. There had to be at least twelve, all in a circle with a cardinal bird in the middle. But the bird was different. It was an actual bird, not anthropomorphic, yet it was 3 foot tall. It looked scared. One of the cyborgs walked toward the bird and drew out an axe. As it lifted up the axe, Oscar jumped out and fired at its hand. *click click click* Oscar realized too late that there was no ammo. He left the mag at the house. It turned and pointed at Oscar. A male voice sounded, "Organic life form. I'm afraid you must be destroyed." Oscar threw the gun at his head. As it bounced against his head, Oscar rushed forward. Every cyborg threw off their robes and began running toward him. Oscar had to move quickly. He ducked a punch, kicked a knee, shoved someone, got slapped in the face, punched another in the gut, stepped on whoever was on the floor. It was chaos. Eventually, Oscar reached the leader and grabbed the axe. Now Oscar and this man were in a tug-of-war match over the axe. It didn't last long as Oscar leaned back, put one foot over the other and swung real hard. The cyborg was lifted off his feet and flung into the crowd of machinery, still trying to reach Oscar. Oscar reached out a hand for the cardinal, but it looked scared of him. He tilted his hand so his palm was facing the bird. The cardinal examined his hand before it's face lit up with joy. Oscar quickly grabbed him and put it on his back. When the cyborgs realized that the bird was now with Oscar, they froze. Oscar looked at them all with a confused look on his face. The leader popped out of the crowd and yelled at Oscar. "Leave the specimen alone! Organic beings must be purged from-" Oscar interrupted by slamming the axe down. "Don't give a shit. 'Organic beings' can't be held back by machines. You think your doing better, yet all you're really doing is handicapping yourself." "Our group is called the Resistance. You call us machines, yet we are called Seekers." "Boo hoo. I called you a machine. If you don't shut up, you're not gonna have a voice box to keep talking from! I want you all to surrender to... Whatever it is you're fighting against." "We fight for ourselves. There is a city named Dallo. They have banned Seekers from the land because we wanted to upgrade ourselves. Improve the land. They denied our proposal and became afraid of our capabilities." Oscar lifted the axe "Alrighty then" He swept the axe into the leaders neck and it fell over before shutting down. Everyone begins to chatter and panic. Oscar yells out to get their attention again. "SHUT UP! All of you. One death or many. Your choice." A woman with purple hair speaks up "Hey, what's stopping us from killing him here and now, huh?" A green haired man walked up and shoves a mechanical looking gun in Oscars face. "Yeah. Only one bullet wi-" Oscar grabbed the gun and punched him in the face, then kicked his legs out from under him. As the guy hit the floor, Oscar shot the purple haired girl in her left eye. The gun seemed to shoot a lazer because the top corner of her face was vaporized. When she powered down and fell over, light blue blood pooled on the floor as cut wires, and broken screws fell out. The green haired man reached out to Oscar as he lays on the ground. Oscar grabs his hand... And crushes it. While the Seeker screams, Oscar shoots it in the back of it's head. "Anyone ELSE wanna try-" Oscar stops as he hears a foot step behind him. He tries to play it off by continuing. "Really? No one at all? If you surrender, then we can go to this city." A few more steps and they stopped suddenly. Oscar spun to see a bald man with a knife drawn. Oscar grabbed his neck and knocked the knife out of his hand. "Kill... That bird!" The bald man pointed into the crowd. Two Seekers rush out of the crowd. A woman with a gun, and a woman with a knife. The second girl aimed the knife at Oscar and the first fired at the back of the knife. It disintegrated the handle, but the blade flew towards the bird at blinding speeds. Oscar just managed to rotate his body fast enough for the blade to slide against the arm of Oscar's jacket. He threw the bald man at the first girl and knocked her over. The second girl ran up and began swinging as fast and random as she could. Left hook, right haymaker, left jab, right side strike, left uppercut, right hook. Oscar evaded and blocked as much as he could. While she was swinging, Oscar heard a scream from outside the temple. Oscar began to lose focus as the screams continued. Hits began connecting more often as Oscar began to black out. Oscar's pupils have faded away, his face blank, and he seemed to no longer react to any physical pain. The girl continued beating into Oscar. A left hook, right sucker-punch, left jab, right haymaker. Oscar finally started moving again after the haymaker to his shoulder. While lost in his own mind, he managed to parry an uppercut by catching her hand halfway through the motion, and shoulder checked her backwards. Oscars head turned to face a now empty room besides the three on the floor. Oscar picked up the gun and shot the second girl in the leg, kicked the bald man's knife up into his hand, and threw it at the first girl. She had aimed her gun at Oscar, but fired into the ceiling as the knife went into her forehead. Oscar ran up and spartan kicked the knife deeper into her head. As Oscar ran past the bald man, he was trying to grab the girls gun. Oscar threw his gun at the bald man's head, knocking him out. Oscar ran up the hallway as fast as he could. When he made it to the entrance, he nearly hit his head on the top frame. Oscar began looking around for Tippy. There was one dead Seeker next to where she was. It's head bashed in with a big rock. While the adrenaline still flowed, Oscar began following a blood trail from the seeker. It didn't take long to catch up to the small group. It would be hard to take a hostage and move fast through a forest.
    The seekers are traveling through the forest until they meet an open area. One seeker looked around before sitting down. "Alright, to keep names anonymous, we are gonna go by numbers. I'll be 1, you'll be 2, 3, 4, and 5." Number 1 pointed at each person as he listed off their number. "Hey, wait! Why am I 4? Why can't I be 1?" Number 4 walked up to Number 1 and pointed at himself. Number 1 tilted his head and stared at 4. "Because, I'm the one who came up with the idea. If you don't like it, then too bad." Tippy, who has been tied up by the hands, knees, and legs, rolls her eyes. "What does it matter... Soon, you're all gonna be dead anyway." Number 5 turned and pushed Tippy off of Number 2's shoulder. "I said to shut up! If you hadn't nearly cut my arm off, then you may still have talking privileges!" "You said to stop screaming when you kidnapped me. You said nothing about me talking." Tippy smiled to herself as she did a little hum. "Well now I'm saying shut your trap. Unless you want to lose your tongue in-" Number 5 stopped talking when a tree across the open area had fallen. Number 1 stood back up and walked forward a few feet. "Woah. Was that tree almost broken before? Or... Did something do that." A couple branches were heard snapping off a tree in the distance. Number 2 drew a lazer pistol and walked over to Tippy. "Hey. Little girl" "Not little." "What do you know about that kid with the bird." "He isn't really a kid." "Don't care. Start talking." Tippy thought for a second before replying. "Well, you've seen that he is good at hand to hand combat. I personally have seen him deflect a bullet bare handed, and I believe he is more than willing to die for his cause." "And just what cause is that?" As a loud boom went off, everyone turned to face a tree that now has half of its trunk missing. The bark that flew off the tree was still in the air when they turned, but no culprit. "Protecting me." Overhead, a few tree branches were creaking under weight. Number 5 pulled out his pistol and began firing at the sound. Tippy smiled to herself and looked back down again. "Do you all want to know something else? Your guns won't do a thing to him. And by the way, Number 2, was it? Allow me to make a prediction." She rolled over to look Number 2 right in the eyes. "You'll be the first to go." "Oh yeah? What if I just kill you right here?" Number 2 aimed his gun towards Tippy. As soon as the trigger was squeezed, a blur flew from Number 2's left and back into the woods. When everyone turned to see what happened, Number 2 is laying with his right arm and leg missing. He lay face first on the ground, already powered down. There was a rustle from a nearby bush and the group of seekers all turn with fear in their eyes. Number 4 panics and runs into the open area. Number 1 rushed toward Tippy. Number 3 drops to her knees and puts her hands behind her head. She whispers to herself about her God. Number 5 grabs 2's gun and dual wields the weapons as he looks around for a target. From above, the arm and leg drop in front of Number 1. While in a state of surprise, the cardinal bird swoops up Tippy and carries her off into the forest. Number 5 spins around and opens fire on the bird and Tippy. Oscar comes from the bush and slams Number 5's head into the Earth. His head cracks in multiple places on impact and a splatter of it's blood marks the grass. Oscar spins around and grabs Number 3 from behind. He grabs both hands on her head and her left leg, then hurls her at a horrified Number 1. Oscar spins around again and chases Number 4 into the open area. The seeker turns around to see Oscar approaching terrifyingly fast. Just as Number 4 made it to the other side, Oscar, full tilt, punched strait through their chest and into a tree. As Number 1 and 3 pick themselves up, the bird came back with Tippy, who is now free from her binds. Tippy drops onto number 3's back and begins to punch the back of her head while trying to make her fall. As Oscar runs back to the other side again, the bird lands on his back and begins to flap it's wings, hoping for a little speed. Number 1 throws Tippy off of Number 3 and holds her hostage. "Stop! Get too close and I'll break this bitches neck!" The Cardinal bird jumps off Oscar and disappears into the trees above, while Oscar stands just at the end of the open area. Tippy tries to struggle out of the hold, but Number 3 holds her in place. "Oscar! Don't try anything right now. I can figure something out in a moment." Tippy yelled to Oscar but it was ignored. Number 1 looked down at Tippy and tightened his grip on her neck. "Oooh. So the boy is called Oscar. Come to think of it, that name sounds familiar. I think that was the name of an ex my girlfriend had." Since Oscar was no longer in constant motion, the adrenaline wore off. His pupils became visible again, and all the pain from the current fight began to hit. Oscar put his hands on his knees and tried to catch his breath. Tippy broke free of Number 3's grasp and kicked her in the face. "Ow! You little BITCH!" Number 3 punched Tippy in the gut and held her down again. When she turned to look at Oscar, he was standing strait up. His pupils were gone again, and he remained unmoving. He didn't even look like he was breathing. Number 1 spoke up again. "Listen up, Oscar. I'm willing to be nice, ya know? We will let her go, if you give us the bird and let us walk out of here." There was no response. "I can't make a better deal for ya. It's gonna have to be a take it or leave it." No response. "What are you waiting for?" As soon as Number 1 took his eyes off Oscar, the cardinal bird swooped in and knocked Number 3 a few feet away. Oscar threw off his jacket and began sprinting at Number 1. When the jacket hit the ground, a small crater formed around it, with a boom. Just one kick off the ground and Oscar was already in Number 1's face. Regardless of the risk, Oscar pulled back his arm and put everything into the punch that came flying towards the center of Number 1's chest. When the shot connected, there was a blast of power that had broken or uprooted all the trees within 20 feet in the direction of the punch. Number 1's torso was now nothing but red mist. The sudden force was so strong that his legs and arms flee off. Although, the punishment was brutal for Oscar as well. The power of Artemis was now surging through Oscar so powerfully that it began breaking him. Oscars left ankle was broken from the sprint forwards and his right knuckles were it pieces, along with his wrist being broken and ulna being fractured from the punch. The Power of Artemis began affecting the world around Oscar as well. The dirt around him began to shake and rumble. He got to his feet and began trying to walk towards his jacket. Tippy stood up and rushed over to it. "Hang on. I got it!" She tried to grab it, but it weighes far to much for her to lift. "What? What's this thing made of? Alright, I'll just help you reach your jacket." The closer she got to him, the more her feet began to slide. By the time she had reached and lent out a hand, the force of power kept pushing her away. Tippy couldn't even get near. She couldn't do anything but watch. Number 3 tried to escape, but as Oscar walked passed, he kicked her in the head with his bad leg. A loud crack could be heard and Oscar fell to the ground. He tried to yell but no sound could be heard. Number 3's, now headless body, rolled away from Oscar. He began to army crawl towards the jacket. The force became so strong that there was a low hum radiating off of his body. By the time Oscar made it to his jacket, bits of his flesh were peeling off. Oscar managed to slip his broken arm in the sleeve and finished putting it on. Almost in an instant, everything calmed down. After a moment of nothing happening, Tippy ran up to find an unconscious Oscar. She could do nothing to help Oscar in his current condition. She reached into Oscars pocket and pulled out Artemis' talisman. Tippy got out her knees and bowed her head with her eyes closed. "Artemis. I call to you." After a long silence, a voice whispered through her head. "Yes? Tippy?" "Hey Artemis. We have an issue. Oscar is in bad shape and I can't take him back to you. It took us a whole day and a half to get to where we are." "I see. I'll see if I can help. It will likely take me a while to reach you, so keep the talisman active, and I'll be on my way." Tippy opened her eyes and looked around. "Guess I should find stuff to do." Tippy got up and made a small fire and a few spears from the broken trees. Now she just had to hunt for something...

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