My Part!

440 19 28

"(y/n)-chan, please prepare their schedule for the next performances in Wakayama after you done with that" (y/n)'s older sibling ordered as the Manager of Strawberry Prince, also known as Sutopuri

"Okay, I'm on it" you answered then continue to prepare kodomo gumi's costume for the next performance since the one that on stage now are the other trio

"Shht, (y/n)-Chan" Root called


"There's a cockroach in your feet" (y/n) immediately look down to know is Root telling the truth or not

And end up, it's true


"Arigatou gozaimashita!!" Nanamori said while waving his hand and start to walk to the back stage, followed by Jel and Satomi


Both Nanamori and Jel just suddenly choked magically when hearing that one loud high pitch scream, while Satomi, he's just stay silence and push both of his friend off the stage

Lucky the light is off so no one really see what happening and the risunas all screaming around so that one kinda covered

⟨ After The Performance ⟩

"(y/n)-Chan it's all okay, the cockroach is gone" Riinu said

"Please calm down" Root added

While Satomi, Colon, and Jel just looking at (y/n), feeling jealous, why?

Cause (y/n) hugging Nanamori really tight and didn't let go her hug for about 10 minutes, and well, secretly Nanamori kinda like being hugged like that

"Naa-Kun you cheating mom!!" Satomi and Colon said, want to at least punch their precious leader but they can't

Nanamori: "Let me have a good moment with her!"

Satomi: "No! You already got your part last week! It's should be my turn!!"

Colon: "Hei!! Both of you have got her attention, it should be my turn!!"

Jel: "If we're talking about sharing her, it SHOULD be my turn"


Jel: "OI!"

Riinu: "Hei! (y/n)-Chan is not a stuff or what, she's a person!! It's impolite to share her like that!"

Root: "Riinu-Kun be honest, you want to hug her too don't you"

Riinu: "Umm, hehe, to be honest i also want to hug her"

Nanamori: "Pass me first y'all helpless children fufufu"

All, except Nanamori: "SINCE WHEN YOU'RE THIS SELFISH!?!!?"

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