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"Fuwahhh, another 24 Hours Relay is doneee" Colon said while stretching his kinda stiff hands

"Otsukaresama deshita, now you guys should go to sleep for some interview tomorrow morning"

"(y/n)-Chan, i think you should be the one that sleep, your eyes look similar to a panda now" Satomi said while pointing at his own eyes, make (y/n) stay silent for a while and look at him

(y/n): "I'll get some sleep after all your schedules for the next week is done, and Satomi-Kun, no playing game late at night"

Satomi: "Well then for you, no working late at night"

(y/n): "I'll sleep when my work is finished"

Satomi: "Then I'll sleep when my game is finished"

(y/n): "...Satomi-Kun, you have an important interview tomorrow, you have to sleep so you don't get tired and wake up at 12 PM"

Satomi: "How will you know if I am sleeping or I'm playing my games? You wouldn't know right, so it's okay for me to play some rounds"

(y/n): "Satomi-Kun-"

Satomi: "If you don't sleep and still doing those paper works, i will also not sleep playing video games all night"

(y/n): "...."

Satomi: "So it's a deal?"

(y/n): "Whatever, I'll go back to my room, you guys go take a rest for tonight"

Satomi: "Hmm..."

Colon: "What are you planning now hm?"

Satomi: *smiles*

Satomi: "Something"

⟨ In The Middle Of The Night ⟩

'Thirsty..' (y/n) put down the papers in her hand and go out of her room to get some drink downstairs, also check is there are any Sutopuri still hanging around or not

And lucky, she didn't meet anything on her way to the kitchen and on her way back to her room


She froze, how can this pink grandpa already sleeping in her bed, she just left for about 3 minutes

"..Satomi-Kun, please sleep at your own room..."

Suddenly Satomi pulled (y/n)'s hand that shaking him then hugging her, just like hugging a plushie in your sleep


"Now go to sleep" Satomi mumbled, still closing both of his eyes and tighten up his hug on (y/n)

"You're doing this on purpose..?"

"Hum, now sleep"

(y/n) just stay silent, she know she can't escape from this person's hug, plus she's in a weak phase for not resting lately

"I can't sleep.."

Satomi opened his eyes, staring at his weak little co-manager in his hands



"Since when? And why didn't you tell us?" Satomi start to stroke (y/n)'s head softly, the girl in his hands look so weak and sleepy which make him feel bad for her

(y/n) didn't answer that one and just gripping Satomi's pajamas tightly

"..I saw Jel-Kun do this to Naa-Kun in the past, so i hope this works for you" he mumbled and then start to humming some soft tones, try to calming (y/n) down and see if calming her can make her sleep


'Yokatta... This method works for her, have a good sleep (y/n)-Chan' Satomi hugged the girl in his hand even tighter and start to fall asleep himself, it's kinda hard but he finally can sleep too after some minutes

⟨ Tommorow Morning ⟩

"Shhh, don't be noisy, it's rare to see them both sleeping peacefully like this" Colon whispered to Riinu who almost make a lot of noise

"Finally we can see both of them sleep peacefully huh, this making me jealous but it's good for them who haven't have a peaceful sleep lately" Jel mumbled and without himself realizing that he is stroking Satomi's head

"Jel-Kun, your father side is showing ww" Nanamori whispered, make Jel stops and turns all red

"Let's go, we will wake them up if we stay here too long" Root start pushing the others out of the room, letting both (y/n) and Satomi have a longer sleep

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