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"I heard Satomi-Kun kissed you yesterday when we were out.." Colon mumbled, make (y/n) almost choke magically

"Not fair, when I asked for it you just run away, but when Satomi-Kun do it you let him" he continue while got up from the couch and walk towards (y/n) that standing still in the entrance of the kitchen

"Why are you more obedient to Satomi-Kun than me?" Colon asked when he right in front of (y/n), trapping her by the wall with his hands (kabedon~)

"What is the thing in him that makes you like him more than me?" (y/n) don't know what to answer, keeping her mouth shut which making Colon even more 'aggressive' and go closer to (y/n)

Colon just stare at (y/n) with an intimidating look, of course that make (y/n)'s face even redder and try to push Colon, but sadly she can't, it's just like all her power is gone when Colon trap her

"You look prettier with your hair down" suddenly Colon untie (y/n)'s hair which make her kinda shocked, and again Colon suddenly hug her tight

'Doushyo doushyo?!?'

"I will make you mine" he mumbled right in (y/n)'s ears, make (y/n) shivers and got flustered in the same time

"I will make sure this body, this face, this lips, everything will be mine someday" he continue and looking at (y/n), again with the intimidating look also putting his thumb in (y/n)'s lips and kind of stroking it softly


"Hm, did you just moan? How cute"

Bip bip! Bip bip!

"Ah it's time to go training with the others, guess we'll continue this later, my honey" Colon lick (y/n)'s cheek and then walk towards the exit door, leaving (y/n) there in a messy flustered condition



"(y/n)-Chan tadaima"



"Tadaima (y/n)-Chan!!"


"Okaerinasai minna" (y/n) replied the five people that coming in one by one, and then got a red face when the last one coming in

"Hmh, ta-da-i-ma" Colon said right in (y/n)'s ears, make her shivers again just like this morning

"O-Okaerinasai.." (y/n) mumbled, which make Colon smiles even more and put his hand in (y/n)'s chin, making the others that looking feel something they don't like will happen


A 6 second kiss 'achivement', finally (y/n) got it thanks this one blue prince

(Ahaha, sorry for the kinda disturbing scene in this one...)

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